2010/3/19 (Fri) at 12:00 pm

映画|ゾーン・オブ・ザ・デッド|Zone of the Dead

B級色ぷんぷんおもしろゾンビ映画 from セルビア。ケン・フォリークリスティーナ・クリーブ。監督ミラン・コニェヴィッチ。2009年。

ゾーン・オブ・ザ・デッド / Zone of the Dead DVDDVD画像




ジャケの『Apocalypse Of The Dead』てのはUK版DVDのタイトルです。



Zone Of The Dead trailer
Zone Of The Dead trailer #2






警察署から脱出したところ。「さてどうする?」と聞かれたケン・フォリーが「川に逃げるのだ!」といったら、横にいたアンちゃんが「ショッピングモールとかにたてこもるほうがよくね?」と質問する。ケン・フォリーは(おめーはわかってねえなあ)顔になり「アホか。モールなんてぜったいだめ。すぐにブチ破ってくるわい」ていうの。ははは。さらに、それを聞いた新米おねーちゃんは「あたしも川にいくほうがいいと思うワ」と自信満々に断定するので、やっぱり彼女は『Dawn of the Dead (1978)』を観てたんだなと思いました。

また『Dawn of the Dead (1978)』から引用したと思われるケン・フォリーの台詞がありましたが、言葉が変わっていました↓

Reyes: Hell is going to overflow, and the dead will rise forever.

『Dawn of the Dead (1978)』のピーターの台詞はこうでした↓

Peter: When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth.




Zone Of The Dead - extra guy
referred from this page


Photo galleries:


Hey, arminio!
You're a definitely fortunate guy. I surely identified/recognized you in that movie. You were doing great zombie performance in green T-shirt standing in next to the crazy poison-gas-masked zombie, huh? Thank you very much for your photo report. I linked to your pages just because I thought people in Japan would enjoy to see them as well as I did. Hope you don't mind.



arminioさんと他のみなさんがつくったBehind The Sceneのビデオです。英語字幕つき。画質がいいですし、おもしろいですよ。セルビアで発売予定のDVDにこれの一部が収録されるそうです↓




このアンちゃんが着ているTシャツは元々黄色だった。"Zuti titl"はクロアチア語で『黄色い字幕』の意味で、VHSビデオ時代のB級映画の字幕が黄色だったことから彼はそれをサイト名に採用し、黄色いTシャツにそのロゴをつけたのである。この点は事前にディレクターと打ち合わせ済みだったにもかかわらず、撮影のドタンバで衣装のスタッフから「黄色の服はだめだといったでしょ!」と物言いがついた。手違いが生じたということで、こういうのは撮影現場ではよくある話である。話し合った末、「Tシャツを緑にペイントする」という妥協案で落ち着いた。映画を撮影した時点でまだTシャツは乾いておらず、彼はベタベタのソレを着てゾンビ演技をした。その後、2日のあいだ、彼は緑の体で過ごさなければならなかった。体を洗っても緑の染料は容易には落ちなかったからである。そのTシャツはいま、ケン・フォリーのサインつきで彼の部屋の壁に飾られています。


Memorable Quotes

Mortimer Reyes: So, first time in the field?
Mina Milius: It shows that much, huh?
Mortimer Reyes: Not quite. I read your file, too. You come highly recommended by the Academy.
Mina Milius: With a lap-top in my hands I'm unstoppable. But, with a gun... we'll see.
Mortimer Reyes: Mina, you wanna to know something, I've been on this job for over 20 years. In all that time, I've only had to take my gun out of the holster twice. Just twice.
Dragan Belic: And both of those times on assignments with me.. I'm your jinx, Mortimer...
Mortimer Reyes: Dre, if you say third time's the charm, you will have eaten your lsat bowl of sarma!

Prisoner: So what's to stop me shooting you right in the back and get the hell out of here?
Mortimer Reyes: You're not stupid. You know that together we got better chances of lasting through the night.
Prisoner: In situations like this one, you're just slowing me down.
Mortimer Reyes: Okay, then. If you try anything, I'll kill you and not by a bullet to the brain, but straight through your heart, so you can come back like one of these things outside.
Prisoner: The man is an artist.
Mortimer Reyes: Art has nothing to do with it. I just don't like you!

Armageddon: C'mon old man, how hard can it be? Lucifer invented those demonic machines so that everyone can use them! Brothers and sisters, woe to the earth and to the sea, because the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath! And in those days, men shall seek death and shall not find it. And they shall desire to die and death shall fly from them. And I saw a city chained in concrete and iron, and I saw a city lapped by dark waters. And I saw a way to repent ourselves! A way to destroy the old serpent. To redeem our sins against a planet that we have turned into our plaything! to pay for the filth and toxic stench with which we have filled our seas and oceans, the jungles and forests we have slain through our haughty carelessness and gross neglect. You kill the serpent in the head! Fire at their heads! Blow apart their heads! It's the only way!

girl: What a bad trip!

Mortimer Reyes: Professor?
Professor: You go.
Mortimer Reyes: Professor, if you stay...
Professor: I know, but you heard the man. The end of the world is coming. Our civilisation. We've been watching its decline for decades and now the end is upon us and it's all our own fault, our own fault.
Mortimer Reyes: Your wife. She's still waiting for you.
Professor: My wife? But she's dead. She died ten days ago. I somehow forgot.
Mortimer Reyes: Once again, professor. Are you coming with us?
Professor: There're far more horrifying things than what's happening to us now. To die, and come back. This loathsome wandering without ever having known what it is to love and be loved.

Mina Milius: It looks safe here. So, what's the plan?
Mortimer Reyes: I think the only smart thing is to try to reach the river, steal a boat and reach Belgrade.
Jan: Wait, people. Maybe we should find some shopping mall or something?
Mortimer Reyes: It would be too hard to secure, and belive me, they would get in anyway!
Mina Milius: I think the river is a better plan.
Mortimer Reyes: Yeah.
Prisoner: Beats a shopping mall, definitely.

Prisoner: Okay. We have enough time to get out of the city before the authorities contain the outbreak.
Mortimer Reyes: How do you mean?
Prisoner: I mean Chernobyl. The nuclear catastrophe was a conscious decision. It was the only way to stop the contagion.
Mina Milius: What do you mean? you were there?
Prisoner: My father used to work at the plant. The primary victims killed by the gas come back to life. Secondary victims, slain by the primary ones, also spread the infection further...
Mina Milius: What about your father?
Prisoner: Died. Twice.

Mina Milius: Wow, look at them. That's so weird. As if they're all sleeping.
Mortimer Reyes: You're the expert. What gives?
Prisoner: No idea. This never happened at Chernobyl. They didn't let it go for long enough.
Jan: Maybe they're trying to get warm. Maybe it's too cold when you're dead.
Mortimer Reyes: Whatever it is, that river is our only ticket out of here.
Prisoner: So what now, sheriff?
Mortimer Reyes: Quiet, quiet, quiet. I'm thinking... Okay, this is what we do. I'm going down there. If they stay still, perfect. If they rise, I'll try to lure them to the wagon. Mina, as soon as the infected come after me, run to the river. Run as if hell itself is chasing you. Clear?
Mina Milius: I don't think I'm gonna like this plan...
Prisoner: You don't want me along?
Mortimer Reyes: This is agent Milius's first field case. It would be a shame if she were not to complete it successfully, wouldn't it? Okay, here goes.. When I was a little boy, there used to be this crazy man that use to run through the neighbourhood and rat and rave. He would say weird things. One of the things he used to say, this ticks in my mind every time I look at this. He would say, hell is going to overflow and the dead will rise forever! Crazy old man, huh? Here goes...

Armageddon: Smells like the End of Days!

Armageddon: Come to me, children of darkness, the time of redemption is nigh!

Mortimer Reyes: Die you zombie bastard!

Mortimer Reyes: This guy is mighty quick.
Prisoner: Primary victim.

Mortimer Reyes: You disobeyed a direct order?
Mina Milius: I found the instructions unclear.
Mortimer Reyes: Which part of run and don't stop did you find lacking in clarity?
Mina Milius: All of it!
Mortimer Reyes: The prisoner. Finish your mission.
Mina Milius: Yes, sir.

Prisoner: So, you've got two guns, I have a sword. Who's got better fighting chances?
Mina Milius: Well, I've got two empty guns. And I doubt you're gonna come with me willingly.
Prisoner: You know, I keep saying, what a shame that we meet under these circumstances.
Mina Milius: What a shame I'm out of ammo.
Prisoner: Looks like the first field assignment has to remain uncompleted. Maybe one day we'll meet again.
Mina Milius: I doubt it.


またまたメールを頂いたのでもうひとつ追加情報です。arminioさんが監督から直接聞いた内容によれば、sequelの制作が予定されており、現在脚本を執筆中だそうです。Sequelは『Wrath of the Dead』というらしい。製作中なのでタイトルは変わるかもしれませんが。ケン・フォリーも引き続き出演予定。詳しくはココ↓




画像をもっと見る (21枚)






ホラー映画 :: 洋画』の最近のエントリ

原題: Zone of the Dead
別題: Apocalypse of the Living Dead
Zone of the Dead: Apocalypse of the Living Dead...
La zona muerta
Apocalypse of the Dead
Zone of the Dead
Zona mrtvih
2012: Apocalypse of the Dead
邦題(カタカナ): 『ゾーン・オブ・ザ・デッド』
制作年: 2009年
制作国: セルビア/イタリア/スペイン
公開日: 2009年2月22日 (セルビア) (Belgrade Film Festival)
2010年2月5日 (日本)
2010年3月1日 (イギリス) (DVD)
2010年3月5日 (フランス)
2010年3月5日 (イギリス)
2010年10月1日 (アメリカ) (internet)
2010年12月2日 (ドイツ) (DVD)
2011年5月14日 (アメリカ) (Full Moon Independent Horror Film Festival)
2012年8月28日 (アメリカ) (DVD)
imdb.com: imdb.com :: Zone of the Dead
視覚効果(Visual Effects)
特殊効果(Special Effects)

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