5人の男女が山でカニバリストに襲われてびっくりするファウンドフッテージのホラー映画。低予算インディーズ。ミッチタ・バーバー、Aslam Husain。監督ブレントン・スペンサー。2012年。
Crowsnest (2012) trailer
この映画はIMDbでもamazon.comでも、やたらめったら評判が悪いです。アマチュア臭いだの、boringだの、時間のムダだの、ウンコ扱いされてケチョンケチョン。そういわれると見たくなるのが人情であります。Give it a try!
English Review
I had seen a lot of blames and haters' comments before I watched it. From what I watched, this film is not that bad! It's a low budget indie movie. There're a lot of flaws, the effects are cheap, the pacing drops some time, I understand that people's question, how would they keep the video camera running all the time in this extreme situation? That's ridiculous! Yeah, these are all correct. I do agree. But it is still worth to watch to spend your time if you love low budget flicks. There were some scary moments. The actors were very well suited to their roles and they did nice job. I actually have seen a lot of worse than this. I enjoyed it.
- Commentary With Director/Producer Brenton Spencer & Writer/Producer John Sheppard
- Commentary With Actors Mittita Barber and Victor Zinck
- Behind the Scenes
- Trailer
画像をもっと見る (40枚)twitterのご案内
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- Crowsnest (2012)
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原題: | Crowsnest |
制作年: | 2012年 |
制作国: | カナダ |
公開日: | 2012年5月6日 (カナダ) (University of British Columbia premiere) 2012年9月7日 (アメリカ) (Video On Demand) 2012年9月7日 (アメリカ) (limited) 2013年1月22日 (アメリカ) (DVD release) |
imdb.com: | imdb.com :: Crowsnest |
- Mittita Barber :: ミッチタ・バーバー [imdb] (Brooke)
- Christie Burke :: クリスティ・バーク [imdb] (Danielle)
- C. Ernst Harth :: C・エルンスト・ハース [imdb] (Suspect #1)
- Ian Carter :: イアン・カーター [imdb] (Suspect #2)
- John Sheppard :: ジョン・シェパード [imdb] (Preacher)
- Aslam Husain [imdb] (Kirk)
- Victor Zinck Jr. [imdb] (Justin)
- Chelsey Reist [imdb] (Amanda)
- Olivia Steele-Falconer [imdb] (Child)
- Matthew Chipera :: マシュー・チペラ [imdb] (executive producer)
- Greg Coote :: グレッグ・クート [imdb] (executive producer)
- Christopher Dalton :: クリストファー・ダルトン [imdb] (executive producer)
- John Fiedler :: ジョン・フィードラー [imdb] (executive producer)
- John Sheppard :: ジョン・シェパード [imdb] (producer)
- Brenton Spencer :: ブレントン・スペンサー [imdb] (producer)
- Lukia Czernin [imdb] (executive producer)
- Robert Lundberg [imdb] (executive producer)
- Pamala Sheppard [imdb] (executive producer)
- Ken Stewart [imdb] (executive producer)
- Brenton Spencer :: ブレントン・スペンサー [imdb] (cinematography)
- Chris Buffet [imdb] (visual effects supervisor)
- Robin Buffet [imdb] (visual effects assistant)
- Don Besse :: ドン・ベス [imdb] (special effects)
- Darren Marcoux :: ダレン・マルクー [imdb] (special effects)
- Kai Hirvonen [imdb] (special effects)
- Mac Hillier [imdb] (assistant special effects makeup)
- Amber Kemper [imdb] (hair designer / makeup designer)
- Carmen Tse [imdb] (assistant hair stylist / assistant makeup artist)
- Mary Eilts :: マリー・エイルツ [imdb] (the producers would like to thank)
- Sharon McGowan :: シャロン・マクガワン [imdb] (the producers would like to thank)
- Ionut Aron [imdb] (the producers would like to thank: Research Coordinator, UBC Malcolm Knapp Research Forest)
- Arlene Chan [imdb] (the producers would like to thank: Marketing Manager, Treasury UBC)
- Zanna Downes [imdb] (the producers would like to thank)
- Michael D. George [imdb] (the producers would like to thank)
- Elena Gregusova [imdb] (the producers would like to thank)
- Zaneta Iwanek [imdb] (the producers would like to thank: UBCP)
- Martin Kinch [imdb] (the producers would like to thank)
- Earnest Mathis [imdb] (the producers would like to thank)