映画|メガ・パイソンVSギガント・ゲイター|Mega Python vs. Gatoroid
したら、巨大ヘビが繁殖し、ワンコが食われたり、ワニが食われたりして事件になる。事態を重く見たパークレンジャー女(『メガ・ピラニア (2010)』にも出ていたティファニー)は「ワニが絶滅してしまうではないか!」と危惧し、ハンターたちに「ヘビをブッ殺すのだ!」と命じたが、ぜんぜんだめ。うだうだやってるうちに、ティファニーさんの恋人男(ケアリー・ヴァン・ダイク)もヘビに食われてしまった。
途中からA・マルティネス演じるオッサンが登場。彼がふたりのビッチのあいだに入ってオタオタしつつ、いつしか3人はチームとなり『ワニワニヘビヘビまとめて殲滅大作戦』を実行する。後半の展開 → 結末は『Syfy + アサイラム』お決まりのパターン。100%。いつもアレ。
Nikki: I think we're alone now.
Terry: There doesn't seem to be anyone around. But I'm pretty sure I heard something.
この台詞は、ティファニーさんのヒット曲『I Think We're Alone Now』のシャレかなと。当時のティファニーさん↓
懐かしい。でもいま聞くとちょっと恥ずかしい。余談ですが、この曲は『The Birthday Massacre』も歌ってて、そっちは私のiPodにも入っています。
Memorable Quotes
Nikki: I think we're alone now.
Terry: There doesn't seem to be anyone around. But I'm pretty sure I heard something.
Terry: Pythons can lay up to 100 eggs per clutch, so, there might be a lot of them...
Nikki: Ranger! Ranger!
Nikki: Please, you have got to stop this. I mean, these are living creatures. They, they can adapt and survive.
Terry: You know what, ma'am, please don't touch me!
Nikki: Ooh, somebody had 'bitch' for breakfast.
Terry: The pythons are decimating the gator population, the ocellated turkey, the wood rat. They can even take out some of the 200 panthers in the area.
Nikki: Nature can balance itself without our interference. Let them live. The pythons are at the top of the food chain. That's just the way it is. That's how it's supposed to be.
Terry: No. That's not how it is. The pythons aren't at the top of the food chain. I am. And I say we're gonna take of this problem, right now.
Nikki: Ooh, you're a monster.
Terry: You know what? If you don't like it, you can just take your little self right out of my Everglades.
Nikki: 'My' Everglades? Did she just say, 'My' Everglades?
Nikki: Would you look at this? People are dying, and it's all that woman's fault. Her ignorance is sending people to their deaths.
Nikki: Hey, snakes are at the top of the food chain. I tried to warn you, and now look what's happening.
Terry: How dare you! You crazy, cold-blooded, snake-loving bitch!
Nikki: Crazy? Me? Look, I'm not the one who's trying to control nature and bend it to her will. No, that would be you. You're responsible for that man's death today. You!
Terry: What the hell are you doing in my VIP tent? I want you out of here now!
Nikki: Oh, it's your VIP tent, is it? In your Everglades, hm? You treat this as if it were your own private little domain like you own it or something, but it's not really your property now, is it?
Terry: Oh, it absolutely is. And to prove it to you, I'm gonna have you thrown out by my deputy!
Nikki: Oh, I'm not going anywhere. No. Not until everybody sees... this.
Terry: What is that?
Nikki: 'That' is footage of you planting steroids in those chickens and feeding them to those gators.
Terry: That proves nothing.
Nikki: Oh bitch, please. You're going down.
Terry: Give it to me!
Nikki: It wasn't enough that you had to kill your own fiance, huh? You had to kill other innocents as well!
Nikki: You are gonna get it, you gator-baiting bitch!
Terry: Only in your dreams!
Diego: And it is fitting that we dedicate it in the names of those heroic women who gave their lives to save this park. To save this city. A city that each of them, in her way, loved so much. So everyone, I, I now dedicate the O'Hara Riley Estuary.
画像をもっと見る (80枚)twitterのご案内
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- アクア・クリーチャーズ (2014)
- ロボ・クロコダイル (2013)
- メガ・シャークVSメカ・シャーク (2014)
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- PIRANHACONDA|ピラニアコンダ - こんどはピラニアとアナコンダが合体するらしい
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- 51 【フィフティ・ワン】 (2011)
- メガ・パイソンVSギガント・ゲイター (2011)
- ザ・フィールド (2010)
- メタル・トランスフォーム (2011)
- モンスター・マウンテン (2011)
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- メガ・ピラニア (2010)
- 蛾人間モスマン (2010)
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- U.M.A 2010 (2009)
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- メガ・ピラニア (2010)
- ディノシャーク (2010)
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- アナコンダ3 (2008)
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Mega Python vs. Gatoroid | |
Mega Python vs. Gatoroid Mega Python vs. Gatoroïd Megapiton kontra óriásaligátor | |
『メガ・パイソンVSギガント・ゲイター』 | |
2011年 | |
アメリカ | |
2011年1月29日 (アメリカ) 2011年10月5日 (日本) | |
imdb.com :: Mega Python vs. Gatoroid |
- Naomi L. Selfman :: ナオミ・セルフマン [imdb] (screenplay)
- Tiffany :: ティファニー [imdb] (Terry O'Hara)
- Deborah Gibson :: デボラ・ギブソン [imdb] (Dr. Nikki Riley)
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- Robert R. Shafer :: ボビー・レイ・シェイファー [imdb] (Zeke)
- Carl Ciarfalio :: カール・チャルファリオ [imdb] (Billy)
- Stephen P. Hart :: スティーヴン・P・ハート [imdb] (Ray)
- Kaiwi Lyman :: カイウィ・ライマン [imdb] (Tom)
- Patrick Hancock :: パトリック・ハンコック [imdb] (Ben)
- Arden Cho :: アーデン・チョー [imdb] (Gia)
- Chris Neville :: クリス・ネヴィル [imdb] (Manny)
- Kristen Wilson :: クリステン・ウィルソン [imdb] (Barbara)
- Jack N. Harding :: ジャック・N・ハーディング [imdb] (Hank)
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- Gregory Paul Smith :: グレゴリー・ポール・スミス [imdb] (Micky Dolenz's Band)
- Glenn Miller :: グレン・ミラー [imdb] (Micky Dolenz's Band)
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- Jay Gillespie :: ジェイ・ギレスピー [imdb] (Protester)
- Bob Merrick :: ボブ・メリック [imdb] (Protestor)
- January Welsh :: ジャニュアリー・ウェルシュ [imdb] (Protester)
- Erin Kolpek :: エリン・コルペク [imdb] (Press Attendee)
- Abbey Lerman :: アビー・ラーマン [imdb] (Press Attendee)
- Nadejda Klein :: ナジェジダ・クライン [imdb] (Press Attendee)
- Eric Cooper :: エリック・クーパー [imdb] (Reporter)
- Michael Gaglio :: マイケル・ギャグリオ [imdb] (Reporter)
- Angela Landis :: アンジェラ・ランディス [imdb] (Reporter)
- Travis Seaborn :: トラヴィス・シーボーン・ウィーヴァー [imdb] (Jackson)
- Christian Villarreal :: クリスチャン・ビジャレアル [imdb] (Pedestrian)
- Marissa Welsh :: マリサ・ウェルシュ [imdb] (Protestor)
- Angelica Acedo [imdb] (Party Goer)
- David Bantly [imdb] (Party Goer)
- Colleen Bosler [imdb] (Party Goer)
- Jay Beyers [imdb] (Party Goer)
- Eddie Caldwell [imdb] (Party Goer)
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- Kate Charceston [imdb] (Party Goer)
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- Taryn Francis [imdb] (Party Goer)
- Myron Fulton [imdb] (Party Goer)
- David Garber [imdb] (Party Goer)
- Enid Garber [imdb] (Party Goer)
- Peter Grimaldo [imdb] (Party Goer)
- Song Hanz [imdb] (Party Goer)
- Jon Henderson [imdb] (Party Goer)
- Kylan James [imdb] (Party Goer)
- Mark Kivisto [imdb] (Party Goer)
- Rachel Lary [imdb] (Party Goer)
- Ryan Latour [imdb] (Party Goer)
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- Armonn Livingston [imdb] (Party Goer)
- Scott Mannschreck [imdb] (Party Goer)
- Lucy Mattos [imdb] (Party Goer)
- Roxanna Medina [imdb] (Party Goer)
- Khin Myint [imdb] (Party Goer)
- Cindy Newland [imdb] (Party Goer)
- Derric J. Nugent [imdb] (Party Goer)
- Cassandra Peca [imdb] (Party Goer)
- Isabel Perez [imdb] (Party Goer)
- Antonio Quinn [imdb] (Party Goer)
- Lauren Rideau [imdb] (Party Goer)
- Renee Riess [imdb] (Party Goer)
- Elma Rogers [imdb] (Party Goer)
- Gabriella Volquartz [imdb] (Party Goer)
- Craig Stansfield [imdb] (Party Goer)
- Archie Tullos [imdb] (Party Goer)
- April Wahlin [imdb] (Party Goer)
- Carlo [imdb] (Party Goer)
- Meredith Zerda [imdb] (Party Goer)
- Sarah Belger [imdb] (Protester)
- Cody Bird [imdb] (Protester)
- Nick Bird [imdb] (Protester)
- Thomas J. Clark [imdb] (Protester)
- Deanna DeLisle [imdb] (Protester)
- Joseph Kintzer [imdb] (Protester)
- Andy Senita [imdb] (Protester)
- Jennifer Skiffington [imdb] (Protester)
- Douglas Smith [imdb] (Protester)
- John Escobedo Jr. [imdb] (Medic)
- Nathan Krosley [imdb] (Medic)
- Gary Colon [imdb] (Press Attendee)
- Kristen Erdogan [imdb] (Press Attendee)
- Roxy Gannon [imdb] (Reporter)
- Joseph Martinez [imdb] (Reporter)
- Ken Anthony II [imdb] (Civilian)
- Cash Flagg Jr. [imdb] (Armed Party Guest)
- Paul Bales :: ポール・ベイルズ [imdb] (co-producer)
- Deborah Gibson :: デボラ・ギブソン [imdb] (co-producer)
- David Michael Latt :: デヴィッド・マイケル・ラット [imdb] (producer)
- Aaron J. Martin :: アーロン・J・マーティン [imdb] (line producer: second unit)
- Karen O'Hara :: カレン・オハラ [imdb] (associate producer)
- Christopher Ray :: クリストファー・レイ [imdb] (line producer)
- Chris Regina :: クリス・レジナ [imdb] (associate producer)
- David Rimawi :: デヴィッド・リマゥイー [imdb] (executive producer)
- Tiffany :: ティファニー [imdb] (co-producer)
- Thomas P. Vitale :: トーマス・P・ヴィターレ [imdb] (executive producer)
- Ray Cannella [imdb] (associate producer)
- David Garber [imdb] (associate producer)
- Mark Kochinski :: マーク・コチンスキー [imdb] (visual effects supervisor)
- Joseph J. Lawson :: ジョセフ・J・ローソン [imdb] (digital compositor / visual effects supervisor)
- Emanuel Rosario :: エマニュエル・ロサリオ [imdb] (visual effects artist)
- Robert Tobin :: ロバート・トビン [imdb] (visual effects artist)
- Adrian Avila [imdb] (data asset manager)
- Sasha Burow [imdb] (visual effects artist)
- Sasha Burrow [imdb] (visual effects artist)
- Hugo Villasenor :: ヒューゴ・ビラセノール [imdb] (assistant makeup artist)
- Hilary Brock [imdb] (key makeup artist)
- Teri Groves [imdb] (key makeup artist: Tiffany)
- Katie Machaiek [imdb] (assistant makeup artist)
- Reneé Parry [imdb] (assistant makeup artist)
- Johny Saade [imdb] (makeup artist: Debbie Gibson)
- J.D. Sobol :: J・D・ソボル [imdb] (special thanks)
- Brooke Watts :: ブルック・ワッツ [imdb] (special thanks)
- Monica Beoto [imdb] (special thanks)
- Breeanna Judy [imdb] (special thanks)
- Rachael Vanderhoff [imdb] (special thanks)