映画|チェーンソー・サリー・ショー|The Chainsaw Sally Show
チェーンソー女がジャンジャカブッ殺す、お笑いスプラッター・ショー by トロマ。エイプリル・モニク・ブリル、アズマン・トイ、リリー・ブリル。監督ジミーオー・ブリル。製作ハーシェル・ゴードン・ルイス。2010年。
『Chainsaw Sally (2004)』のその後のお話。前作は中途半端な駄作であったが、こちらでは清々しくもカッ飛んだお笑いショーに生まれ変わっています。
ルビーは『Chainsaw Sally (2004)』のときとは俳優さんが変わりました。あちらでは、場末オカマバー風のデブ(アレック・ジョセフ)だったですが、新作のこちらでは、わりと男前の、ナルシストっぽいアンちゃんになった(アズマン・トイ)。
ポーを演じているのは、監督ジミーオー・ブリルと、サリーさんを演じるエイプリル・モニク・ブリルの実の娘で、リリー・ブリルという。という状況から想像がつく通り、この映画はインディーズ家族によるインディーズ映画なんですね。ロイド・カウフマンはこんな風変わりな一家に仕事を与えて、食わしてあげるなんて、えらいですね。Troma rules!
リリーちゃんは『Chainsaw Sally (2004)』では、フラッシュバックのシーンで登場し、子供時代のサリーさんを演じましたが、当時はちょっと愛嬌のある子役だったですが、こちらではもう大人になって、普通のデブのネーチャンになってしまいました。あー。
と思ったら、女店員(ニコレット・ル・フェイ)だけはちがっていました。彼女はブッ殺されたように見えたけど、シーズン途中でしれーと再登場します。Busy Beeという名前を与えられ、サリーさんの愛玩ペットとして飼われる運命になったと明かされる。このネーチャンのこわがり演技はスゲーおもしろかったんで、準レギュラー扱いに昇格したようです。
カウボーイ(ビル・プライス)という探偵男と、グレタ(Jordan Wyandt)という化粧品販売員女が出てくる。ふたりともデブです。このふたりは、過去にこの町で起きた殺人事件/失踪事件のことを調べており、ついにサリーさんの秘密を嗅ぎつける。シーズンフィナーレでは、サリーさんはこのふたりに追いつめられてピンチになります。
『Chainsaw Sally (2004)』では、ガンナー・ハンセンとハーシェル・ゴードン・ルイスがカメオ出演してましたが、こちらでは出てこない。ハーシェル・ゴードン・ルイスはプロデューサーなのでちょっとくらいは出るのかなと思ってたんだが、彼の出演はありませんでした。
Chainsaw Sally Show オープニング動画
"Shattered And Blue" performed by Brian Huddell
「やぁ、みんな。ロイドのおじさんだよ。あのね、じつはね、このChainsaw Sally ShowはNBCでオンエアされるはずだったんだよ。でも、ジェイ・レノが戻ってきやがったもんで、お蔵入りになってしまったんだ。くっそぉおおおおお。Chainsaw Sally Showはジェイ・レノなんかより、ずっとおもしろいんだよ。おもしろすぎるからオンエアできなかったんだ。でも、そのお陰で、こうしてDVDが出ることになったんだから、うれしいよね!ジェイ・レノさんに感謝!みんなも見ような!イエーイ!」
ポーちゃんには仲良しの友達がいて、全員デブです。こいつらは毎日うだうだやってるんだが、「なにして遊ぶ?」「コックリさんやる?」「えー!」「今日は金曜日で、わたしら、デートする相手もいないし、ここはひとつコックリさんやるしかないんじゃないの?だろだろ?」とかいうの。「デートする相手もいないし」のところでは、強アクセントで "AS USUAL" がくっつきます。ははははははははは。あー、文章だとおもしろみが伝わらないかもしれないですが、まぁ、こんな調子のコントが連続ヒットします。
タマーに出てくる電動車イスのオバチャン(ステイシー・ベアード)がおもしろかった。Lark Ladyていうの。タバコをスバスパ吸いながら、そこらへんを車イスで流す彼女は、だれかれなしに文句をいってケンカをフッかける。いぢわるばあさんです。子供の風船を割ってイヒヒと喜んだり、サリーさんを「スージー!」と呼んで「ひき殺すぞ」とかいうの。これにはサリーさんもお手上げのようでした。
- Lloyd Kaufman Introduction
- Episode #1: Dewey
- Episode #2: Pinata
- Episode #3: Carrie Me Away
- Episode #4: What Ever Bugs Ya
- Episode #5: Of Course You Realize, This Means War
- Episode #6: Boobie Trap
- Special Features
- 21 Weekends In Porterville (18:42)
- Anatomy Of A Kill (04:08)
- Sexy Slideshow (04:37)
- Theme Sing Music Video (03:40)
- Can You Hear Me Now? (04:50)
- Episode #7: Tell Tale Heart
- Episode #8: Kill Jill
- Episode #9: Sweet Tooth
- Episode #10: Blood
- Episode #11: Cowboys and Engines
- It's Groundhog Day Chainsaw Sally
- Tromatic Extras
『It's Groundhog Day Chainsaw Sally』てのは番外編的なエピソードなんだが、オマケのくせに長い。50分。内容は、
「ポーターヴィルの森に、よそから大学生のみなさんがキャンプにやってくる。彼らは失踪事件のことを知ってて、森にカメラを設置して謎解きしてやろうという目的なんだが、サリーとルビーが出てきて、ガガーとブッ殺される」というもんです。トロマ映画の定番女優、デビー・ロションがタロット占い師の役で登場する。『Chainsaw Sally (2004)』に出てきたゴードンさんの金物屋の看板がチラと出てくるんだが、ハーシェル・ゴードン・ルイスは出てこなかった。Memorable Quotes
以下はおもしろかった台詞の抜粋ですが、一部ネタバレがあるんでご注意ください。特に、Episode #10: Bloodのカウボーイとグレタの会話では、サリーさんと○○の意外な関係が明かされています。
Episode #1: Dewey
Ruby: Fuck monkey.
Sally: Monkey fucking is not funny.
Sally: Rules are rules are rules are rules!
Episode #2: Pinata
Sally: Why did you get me peanut butter when I clearly ordered mint thins!
Girl: I know, I'm sorry, Please, I'm so sorry. Oh, God. Please don't hurt me. The peanut butter bomb shells are just as good as the Mint Thins. Really, what's the difference?
Sally: No, you're wrong. They're not as nealy as good. What's the difference? One is mint! One is peanut butter! That's the matter of fucking difference. Frog Shit! Now I'm not even in the mood for cookies.
Sally: Ha. Schwarzenegger elected Governor!
Poe: That's what we need. The Terminator running Porterville. Anyone gets out of line... and it's Hasta la vista, baby!
Ruby: I love candy in my tummy, it tastes so very yummy, it makes my sweet heart race. I love my bright and pretty candy, it says so very yummy, it brings a sweet smile to your face.
Sally: Okay, Willy Wonka... how much longer?
Sally: Remember, candy is dandy as a now and then treat, but if you eat too much, they'll have to cut off your feet.
Ruby: What's my feet have to do with it?
Sally: If you become diabetic your feet get fucked up, and they gotta come off.
Sally: So... did it burn?
Poe: No.
Sally: See... it could be worse.
Sally: Give a hoot, don't pollute!
Episode #3: Carrie Me Away
Sally: I'm going to cut off your pert little titties and mount them on my wall.
Tiff: Freak!
Greta: Hundreds. I've been doing this a long time, cowboy. I know things that would make your hat spin.
Poe: My dad is a big horror fan. So, that kinda makes me one. Family tradition I guess.
Episode #4: What Ever Bugs Ya
Sally: Just focus on your work, and let me worry about this messy mess, like my Dad used to say; Flush em like so much shit.
Sally: Don't be a bragger, Ruby. Braggers are ass monkeys, and God hates an ass monkey.
Ruby: I know.
Sally: Ok then... let's eat. Hmm... This looks delicious!
Ruby: Thank you. It was that lady at the super market. The one who didn't understand that the express line was for ten items or less.
Sally: Well, no one can say the bitch didn't have it coming.
Ruby: hmmmm! She's yummy.
Sally: It's time.. to use the thing!
Sally: Shut the holy fuck up! Wow, I can't believe your parents didn't kill you at birth!
Episode #5: Of Course You Realize, This Means War
Sally: Well I'll just fuck a Shetland pony. Of course, you realize... this means war!
Poe: So, did you talk to them?
Sally: No, actually I've never had chance to talk to them yet.
Poe: Hm. Good. As long as they're not bothering me... Do you think..?
Sally: You want me just to let sleeping dogs lie?
Poe: I think that would be best.
Sally: Honey, I was only going to talk to them for your benefit. If everything is peach keen, then I'll mind my own bees wax.
Poe: Haha.
Sally: What's so funny?
Poe: Oh, I'm not laughing at you... you just have the most colorful way of putting things. I love it.
Sally: Well baby, why be black and white when you can be in tecnicolor?
Episode #6: Boobie Trap
Sally: Can you imagine my brother here running his hands inside you, coating you with delicious maple syrup, and then having fire ants funneled into every orifice of your body?
Ruby: When did you think of the fire ants thing. Can we do that?
Sally: I read it in a book about Countess Bathory. She was really a pioneer of pain.
Ruby: Yeah, but can we really do that?
Sally: Where the fuck are we gonna get the ants?
Ruby: Good point.
Sally: Besides... do you really want to wrangle fire ants?
Ruby: No.
Sally: Well, there you go then.
Poe: I am your Poe... see.
Sally: Oh... so that's what you look like when you smile. I like it. A little scary, but still... I like it.
Poe: Well, more days like this and I will be smiling much more.
Sally: Oh really? And what is so special about today?
Poe: I'm in a fantastic mood.
Sally: I can see that. Make honor roll again?
Poe: Better.
Sally: They are having a sale at Goth Topic?
Poe: Better.
Sally: The cheerleaders bus was struck by an eighteen wheeler and the only survivors are horribly disfigured?
Poe: Not as good.
Sally: Oh, I'm no good at this game, you're gonna have to tell me.
Poe: Ok, today, not only was Lindsey out of school, but Tiff was too.
Sally: Excellent. Where were they?
Poe: That's the best part. Nobody knows.
Episode #7: Tell Tale Heart
Sally: So, my quiet, shy, little Poe is becoming a social Butterfly.
Poe: Well I wouldn't go that far. And for the record.. I'm taller than you.
Sally: We're gonna play a little game of hide and seek. Ruby would be the referee. Okay, now this is your the chance to get away. So I'm being extremely nice, you could really get away from here. What I'm gonna do is.. I'm gonna count, you run into woods ahead of me. Simple, Fun, and traditional!
Ruby: It's like a slice of American fucking pie!
Sally: Thank you, Ruby.
Episode #8: Kill Jill
Poe: Sally, this is my best friend.
Vicki: Only friend.
Poe: Only best friend, Vicki.
Sally: You see, there's this jogging bitch who has the balls to park daily... daily mind you, in a handicapped parking spot. She obviously doesn't understand what it's like to be handicapped, so... I'm going to show her.
Ruby: Cool, can I come?
Sally: No.
Ruby: Is she pretty?
Sally: Yeah, I guess she could say so.
Ruby: Would she be fun to play with?
Sally: No.
Ruby: How do you know?
Sally: She parks in a handicapped parking spot to go jogging. How much fun could she possibily be?
Episode #9: Sweet Tooth
Lark Lady: What the hell are you doing taking up the whole damn sidewalk.... Walking a long with one finger in your eye and one in your ass, I guess.
Sally: I beg your pardon?
Lark Lady: You heard me Suzi. One in the eye and one in the ass.
Sally: You tired to run me down.
Lark Lady: If I had tried, you would be flatter than a flap jack, Suzi, instead of up and whore tramping around town.
Sally: Okay, first of all, my name is Sally... not Suzi.
Lark Lady: Well, well, call it whatever you want tootsie, now if you'll excuse me, I got shit to do, Gain way! Haha!
Ben: Miss Sally, how you doin today?
Sally: Fine and dandy Mr. B, Fine and Dandy.
Ben: The usual?
Sally: You bettcha!
Sally: Surely not from Zeke and Earl.
Episode #10: Blood
Sally: Oh Miss Busy Bee, you look like a cat. Just sit around and be fed and petted all day. You really should thank me. No bills, no day to worries. Just be a good pet and don't shit on the floor. You've had it pretty good. Admit it... Admit it!
Busy Bee: Yes. Yes Mam... I have it good.
Sally: See.
Busy Bee: Thank you so much for all you do for me.
Sally: Good Girl! Alright. Time for you to go to bed. Wait... let me look at you. You look healthy. Go clean yourself up and go to your cage.
Sally: Ear not Rear... you potato head.
Ruby: Do I get to help? I've got my new Indian headdress ready.
Greta: You're gonna want to see this.
Cowboy: So, if I take your records along with mine, a pattern shows up. It seems like everything revolves around the property where, my subject, Benton, was killed, and believe it or not, your town library.
Greta: The Kellerman place and the library?
Cowboy: Ahh. But it's not the just the Kellerman place. You have to go back about thirty years. Before it was Kellerman's, it belonged to a family named Lantham.
Greta: Why do I know that name?
Cowboy: Well, the Lantams also met with misfortune when there house was broken into, and the entire family was murdered by escaped convicts.
Greta: How did the convicts get into their house?
Cowboy: Some sort of police fuck up, the officials needs these three killers were out and about. The town tried to covered it up.
Greta: Now I remember. Everyone was killed but the kids bodies were never found.
Cowboy: Very good. So, I did some more digging, and came up with this.
Greta: The mothers maiden name was Diamon. Sally Diamon, the Librarian Really? I always knew there was something off with that girl. She never buys any of my cosmetics.
Cowboy: Well, aside from her choice in make up, if this is the little girl who saw her entire family slaughtered, just imagine how unhinged she must be?
Cowboy: Now, the sad part is, that we have no real proof. I mean solid proof that no only ties Sally Diamon to the family, but also ties her to the murder of Harvey Benton, and the numerous other missing persons reported in Porterville.
Greta: Well, just where in the hell could she be hiding the bodies?
Cowboy: Where do you think?
Greta: Wait... you don't think she has been...
Cowboy: Meat's meat, a girl's gotta eat.
Greta: Oh my god, I'm going to be sick.
Cowboy: There's more.
Greta: More? I don't know if I can take anymore.
Cowboy: Well this isn't quite as.. Distasteful, if you excuse the pun. Here, read this.
Greta: Arthur Lantham.... Two sons... Ezra and Edward.
Cowboy: Ezra owned the farm. That would be the Liberian's Daddy.
Greta: So, Ezra was left the farm after his father, Arthur, passed away, and Edward was left nothing? Why is that?
Cowboy: Edward wasn't a good boy, it seems. He ran off when he was 17.
Greta: Leaving everything to Ezra. Ok. So, Ezra gets married to Katie Diamon when he's 22. They have two kids, kinda late in life, and then..
Cowboy: It all comes to a bloody end. Now, Follow this trail left by Eddie.
Greta: Edward Lantham... trouble with the law. He was in a bike gang? Leaves town.. Yadda yadda.. Is he still alive?
Cowboy: Who knows... read on.
Greta: He is on the birth certificate as father of Debbie Valentine. Who the hell is Debbie Valentine?
Cowboy: Well Debbie Valentine was the womans name before she got married. Her married name is Debbie Polino.
Greta: Polino... that's the last name of.
Cowboy: Yup. The Librarian's little helper... Poe.
Greta: Wait, wait, wait. So let me put this together. Robin Polino is the granddaughter of Edward Lantham... who is the brother of Ezra Lantham... who is the father of Sally Lantham, who is now known as Sally Diamon, the Librarian.
Cowboy: The same Sally Diamon who may possibly be one of the most notorious serial killers in American History. And she's living right here in the quaint little town of Porterville Maryland.
Greta: So that makes Poe...
Cowboy: ...more than an employee, more than a friend. That makes Poe Sally's Blood.
Episode #11: Cowboys and Engines
Vicki: look it's Friday night. None of us have a date, as usual, so, what the fuck? Got anything better to do?
Sally: Be a good girl while mama's gone, and I'll bring you a treat.
Ruby: Don't laugh, this is my scaring clothes.
Sally: Well.. They are scary!
Ruby: Sally!
Sally: Very scary. That's all I'm saying! Okay, please don't cry. Come on, let's go. And Ruby...
Ruby: I know!
画像をもっと見る (116枚)twitterのご案内
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- ヘヴィメタル・ミュージカル (2011)
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- アストロン6コレクション
- ハチェット レジェンド・ネバー・ダイ (2013)
- マニアック、ボカシの件。ロイド・カウフマンが私の問いかけに答え、RTしてくれました!
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- ロイド・カウフマンのカメオについて監督さんに聞いてみた
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- Rise of the Evil Pancakesのトレイラー - 人間を襲うパンケーキ by トロマ!
- The Chainsaw Sally Show (2010)
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- The Seduction of Dr. Fugazzi (2009)
『ホラー映画 :: 洋画』の最近のエントリ
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The Chainsaw Sally Show | |
2010年 | |
アメリカ | |
2010年9月28日 (アメリカ) | |
imdb.com :: The Chainsaw Sally Show |
- Jimmyo Burril :: ジミーオー・ブリル [imdb] (series written by)
- April Monique Burril :: エイプリル・モニク・ブリル [imdb] (Sally Diamon)
- Azman Toy :: アズマン・トイ [imdb] (Ruby Diamon)
- Lilly Burril :: リリー・ブリル [imdb] (Poe)
- Debbie Rochon :: デビー・ロション [imdb] (Blondie)
- Nicolette le Faye :: ニコレット・ル・フェイ [imdb] (Busy Bee)
- Bill Price :: ビル・プライス [imdb] (Cowboy)
- Stacie Beard :: ステイシー・ベアード [imdb] (The Lark Lady)
- Nicola Fiore :: ニコラ・フィオーレ [imdb] (Jill Monroe)
- Jordan Wyandt [imdb] (Gretta Morehead)
- Sam Wiitala [imdb] (Tiff)
- Brad Smoley [imdb] (Earl Nylund)
- Aaron Martinek [imdb] (Zeke Patrillo)
- April Monique Burril :: エイプリル・モニク・ブリル [imdb] (co-producer)
- Jimmyo Burril :: ジミーオー・ブリル [imdb] (producer)
- Shawn Jones :: ショーン・ジョーンズ [imdb] (associate producer)
- Herschell Gordon Lewis :: ハーシェル・ゴードン・ルイス [imdb] (executive producer)
- Jeffrey K. Meek :: ジェフリー・K・ミーク [imdb] (executive producer)
- Debbie Rochon :: デビー・ロション [imdb] (consulting producer)
- Nurse Hatchet :: ナース・ハチェット [imdb] (special effects crew)
- Dday Madcox [imdb] (special effects crew)