映画|ウェス・クレイヴンズ ザ・リッパー|My Soul to Take
- バグくん(マックス・シエリオット) ... バグというのはあだ名です。彼はいぢめられっこの気弱キャラ。ブリタニーちゃんに片想い中。
- アレクスくん(ジョン・マガロ) ... バグくんの親友男。
- ブランドンくん(ニック・ラシャウェイ) ... いぢめっこ。コイツもブリタニーちゃんに惚れている。
- ブリタニーちゃん(ポーリーナ・オルシンスキー) ... ふたりの男に惚れられるカワイコちゃんだが、本人は誰も好きじゃないみたい。
- ペネロペちゃん(ジーナ・グレイ) ... 信心深いまじめなカワイコちゃん。こちらはバグくんに惚れてるみたいだが、相手にされてない。
- ジェロームくん(デンゼル・ウィッテカー) ... バグくんの親友男。
- ジェイくん(ジェレミー・チュ) ... アジア顔のアンちゃん。彼もバグくんと仲良し。
DVDのExtraには、削除シーンやらAlternate OpeningやらAlternate Endingやらがたくさん入っている。それらを観ると、いくつかの謎が解けると同時に、新たな疑問が生じてますます混乱する。
My Money To Take
- Alternate Opening
- Alternate Endings
- Deleted And Extended Scenes
- Old Puppet Ceremony
- Jay's House
- Brandon On Phone In Woods
- Fang Plays Guitar
- Revelations
- Feature Commentary With Director Wes Craven and Cast Members Max Thieriot, John Magaro and Emily Meade.
『Deleted And Extended Scenes』の最後のヤツ『Revelations』はかなり長い(14分程度)。LeahがBugに過去の真相を語る場面とか、PenelopeがBugに送ったメモ手紙の内容が明かされる。この中には新情報がたくさんあって「そうだったのか!」と思うと同時に、新たな疑問が出てくる。これについて書き出すとえらく長文になりそうで、ちょっと書く気がしないので、詳しくはDVDを見てください。
Alternate Openingはひとつ、Alternate Endingsはふたつ入っています。
Alternate Endingのひとつは、みんなをブッ殺した○○さんが、次の台詞をいって終わるというものでした↓
Sooner or later every teenager has to ask the question, "How did I end up here?" I ended up with the Devil as a roommate, but I won't be fighting him alone. He might try and get out 24-7, but we'll be watching him 25-8.
もうひとつはこういうやつ↓Bug, Alex, Jeromeの3人が山道を歩いている。「友達なら助け合わなくっちゃ」「だよネ」とかいってたら、後ろから車がくる。車はスピードを落とさず、そのままAlexとJeromeを突き抜けて走っていく。そこに死んだはずのJayも出てくる。んで次の台詞↓
Bug: Just remember what Oscar Wilde said...
Alex: What and who the fuck is Oscar Wilde Said?
Bug: "Friends stab you in the front."
Bug以外のみんながひとりづつすぅーと消えていく。彼らはオバケになったらしい。Bugを好きだったPenelopeも「See ya, Bug」といって消えていく。おしまい。というオチでした。
Memorable Quotes
girl: Get away from me.
Riverton Ripper: I'll get them all next time.
Frank Paterson: He said he'd get them all next time. What do you think he meant?
paramedic: Maybe he was talking about his other personalities. My family is from Haiti. And down there they don't say that someone like him has multiple personalities.
Frank Paterson: What do they say he has?
paramedic: Multiple souls.
Frank Paterson: What's the difference?
paramedic: Personalities die when the patient dies. Souls live on. It's all just superstition, I suppose.
Brandon: A blowjob would do.
Brittany: How about I have my dog bite it off and bury it in my backyard?
Brandon: How big is your backyard?
Alex: Bug, that was amazing. Oh, my God, that suit was genius. I felt like Mothra.
Fang: Maybe Penelope needs a 10.
Bug, Alex: A ten?
Fang: What's her story, anyway?
Brittany: She's obsessed with Bug. Girls find him attractive.
Fang: Do you?
Brittany: What?
Fang: Find Bug attractive?
Brittany: No, of course not.
Alex: Sorry.
Fang: He's a lunatic, Brittany. A brain-bomb waiting to go off. His only real friend is Dunkelman, and Dunkelman just uses him as his monkey. He's been in and out institutions half his life. Bug has killed people.
Alex: Killed people?
Bug: Monkey?
Fang: Wake up and smell the Starbucks.
Brittany: You're right. He's pathetic.
Fang: Brandon's the one for you, Brit. He's a diamond. In the rough, I'll admit but a diamond just the same. By comparison, Bug is lump of coal. Trust me on this. Okay?
Brittany: Okay, Fang.
Fang: Good girl.
Alex: You're a condor. You eat death for breakfast. Remember that.
Penelope: If things get too hot, just turn on the prayer-conditioning.
Killer: Think hotter.
Brandon: Miami?
Killer: Try hell!
Killer: Fuck your fucking unborn child. Now, where did I leave your bitch?
Leah (Fang): I don't give gifts just to give them, May.
Bug: Why?!
Leah (Fang): Why? I will tell you why, maggot. From the moment you were born everything went to shit for me! You were the miracle baby, and I was the painful reminder! You got to live in this dream and I got stuck in a fucking nightmare! I am sick to death of your innocence! It is an insult to me!
Bug: Why am I innocent?
Leah (Fang): You're so clueless, it's stunning!
Bug: Tell me.
Leah (Fang): Do you know who your father was?
Bug: May said that he loved us very much.
Leah (Fang): But who was he?
Bug: I don't know. He died in a car crash.
Leah (Fang): On the way to the hospital to be with May when she was having you, right?
Bug: Yeah.
What a sad, yet beautiful story. Have you ever asked yourself why May doesn't ever talk about him? Or why there isn't a single fucking picture of him around the house?
Bug: Maybe it's too painful.
Leah (Fang): Do you know who Abel Plenkov was?
Bug: The Riverton Ripper?
Leah (Fang): Besides that?
Bug: No.
Leah (Fang): Take a look in the mirror, Bug.
Bug: I'm going to give that fucker a 10.
Leah (Fang): Make it a 20.
Alex: You've watched one too many Law and Order reruns.
Alex: Condor?
Bug: Crow.
Alex: It's alright, Bug. It feels great. Feels fucking great.
Bug: Fly now. I know you're up there. And I know we're down here.
Bug: I'm the condor. The keeper of the souls. I eat death for breakfast. I live in a house of blood, and I accept that. That's all a man can do.
Bug: I was ready to be arrested that night. I wasn't ready for what happened instead. Leah had told them everything, and I was celebrated as a hero. Alex Dunkelman killed his stepfather, a cop, a mother and five of the Riverton Seven. And I alone had stopped him from killing more. I didn't feel like a hero at all. But if it makes Riverton feel safe at night, I'll fake that I'm their hero. And I'll fake it good. Alex wouldn't have it any other way.
画像をもっと見る (34枚)twitterのご案内
『ホラー映画 :: 洋画』の最近のエントリ
- Bite School (2015)
- 短編映画|Japanese Legends: SLIT
- アトロズ|Atroz (2015)
- Faim De Mort Trilogy (2015)
- 話題の短編ホラー『Night of the Slasher(切り裂き魔の夜)』無料オンラインリリース!
- La Petite Mort 2: The Nasty Tapes (2014)
- ドリー・デッドリー|Dolly Deadly (2016)
- 短編ホラー映画|ピッグスキン|Pigskin (2015)
- Good Tidings
- ザ・リフト|The Rift (2016)

原題: | My Soul to Take |
別題: | 25/8 A Sétima Alma Забери мою душу Almas condenadas Bug Espíritus Kleftis psyhon Mentes diabólicas My Soul to Take My Soul to Take - Il cacciatore di anime My Soul to Take 3D Satilik ruh Tomaré tu alma Untitled Wes Craven Project Uzmi moju dušu Vedd a lelkem! Vem si mou dusi Wes Craven's The Ripper Zbaw mnie ode zlego |
邦題(カタカナ): | 『ウェス・クレイヴンズ ザ・リッパー』 |
制作年: | 2010年 |
制作国: | アメリカ |
公開日: | 2010年10月7日 (ロシア) 2010年10月8日 (カナダ) 2010年10月8日 (アメリカ) 2011年2月3日 (ドイツ) 2011年5月25日 (イタリア) (DVD) 2011年6月10日 (スペイン) 2011年8月3日 (日本) (DVD) 2012年6月7日 (フランス) (Champs-Elysées Film Festival) 2012年8月1日 (フランス) |
imdb.com: | imdb.com :: My Soul to Take |
- Max Thieriot :: マックス・シエリオット [imdb] (Bug)
- John Magaro :: ジョン・マガロ [imdb] (Alex)
- Denzel Whitaker :: デンゼル・ウィッテカー [imdb] (Jerome)
- Zena Grey :: ジーナ・グレイ [imdb] (Penelope)
- Nick Lashaway :: ニック・ラシャウェイ [imdb] (Brandon)
- Paulina Olszynski :: ポーリーナ・オルシンスキー [imdb] (Brittany)
- Jeremy Chu :: ジェレミー・チュ [imdb] (Jay)
- Emily Meade :: エミリー・ミード [imdb] (Fang)
- Raúl Esparza :: ラウル・エスパーザ [imdb] (Abel)
- Jessica Hecht :: ジェシカ・ヘクト [imdb] (May)
- Frank Grillo :: フランク・グリロ [imdb] (Paterson)
- Danai Gurira :: ダナイ・グリラ [imdb] (Jeanne-Baptiste)
- Harris Yulin :: ハリス・ユーリン [imdb] (Dr. Blake)
- Shareeka Epps :: シャリーカ・エップス [imdb] (Chandelle)
- Elena Hurst :: エレナ・ハースト [imdb] (Maria)
- Dennis Boutsikaris :: デニス・ボウトシカリス [imdb] (Principal Pratt)
- Felix Solis :: フェリックス・ソリス [imdb] (Mr. Kaiser)
- Trevor St. John :: トレヴァー・セント・ジョン [imdb] (Lake)
- Shannon Maree Walsh :: シャノン・マレー・ウォルシュ [imdb] (Melanie Pratt)
- Alexandra Wilson :: アレクサンドラ・ウィルソン [imdb] (Sarah)
- Eric Zuckerman :: エリック・ザッカーマン [imdb] (Gus)
- Alberto Vazquez :: アルベルト・ヴァスケス [imdb] (Officer Ramirez)
- Michael Bell :: マイケル・ベル [imdb] (Podcast Guest)
- Richard Rutkowski :: リチャード・ルトコウスキー [imdb] (News Anchor)
- Robert Clotworthy :: ロバート・クロットワーシー [imdb] (News Anchor)
- Terri Douglas :: テリ・ダグラス [imdb] (Riverton Radio Host)
- Hannah Hodson :: ハンナ・ホドソン [imdb] (Girl in Hallway #1)
- Nicole Patrick :: ニコル・パトリック [imdb] (Girl in Hallway #2)
- Christopher Place :: クリストファー・プレイス [imdb] (The Ripper)
- Melody Garcia :: メロディ・ウェイス [imdb] (Reporter)
- Beth Marie Jansen :: ベス・マリー・ジャンセン [imdb] (Teacher on Street)
- Cristian Nicolae :: クリスチャン・ニコラエ [imdb] (Teen on Street)
- Lou Sumrall [imdb] (Quint)
- Lynnanne Zager [imdb] (Podcast Host / Betty O'Neil)
- Courtney Stow [imdb] (Young Leah)
- Amber Efé [imdb] (Other Nurse)
- Enrique Chicas [imdb] (News Reporter Cameraman)
- Sean Leser [imdb] (Tall Student)
- Amanda Lupacchino [imdb] (Extra)
- Timothy Snopkowski [imdb] (Student)
- Wes Craven :: ウェス・クレイヴン [imdb] (producer)
- Anthony Katagas :: アンソニー・カタガス [imdb] (producer)
- Ryan Kavanaugh :: ライアン・カヴァナー [imdb] (executive producer)
- Iya Labunka :: イヤ・ラブンカ [imdb] (producer)
- Andrew Rona :: アンドリュー・ローナ [imdb] (executive producer)
- Tucker Tooley :: タッカー・トゥーリー [imdb] (executive producer)
- Anthony Katagas :: アンソニー・カタガス [imdb] (line producer)
- Carly Feingold [imdb] (associate producer)
- Petra Korner :: ペトラ・コーナー [imdb] (director of photography)
- Jack Ballance :: ジャック・バランス [imdb] (supervising art director)
- Brianne Zulauf [imdb]
- Keith Acheson :: キース・アシェソン [imdb] (visual effects artist)
- Renee Aldridge :: レニー・オルドリッジ [imdb] (digital restoration artist)
- Mathieu Archambault :: マチュー・アーチャムボルト [imdb] (digital compositor)
- Anthony Barcelo :: アンソニー・バーセロ [imdb] (stereoscopic & vfx compositor)
- Barb Benoit :: バーブ・ブノワ [imdb] (digital compositor)
- Mathew Borrett :: マシュー・ボレット [imdb] (matte painter)
- Kyle Boylen :: カイル・ボイレン [imdb] (digital compositor)
- Wayne Brinton :: ウェイン・ブリントン [imdb] (digital compositor: Mr. X Inc.)
- Zac Campbell :: ザック・キャンベル [imdb] (digital compositor)
- Ritesh Aggarwal [imdb] (stereoscopic conversion artist)
- Yogesh Badhe [imdb] (rotoscope artist: Anibrain Digital Tech)
- Ido Banai [imdb] (stereoscopic lead artist)
- Sourajit Bhattacharya [imdb] (stereo compositor)
- Florin Boieriu [imdb] (stereoscopic compositor)
- Thomas Calandrillo [imdb] (technocrane)
- Doug Coleman :: ダグ・コールマン [imdb] (special effects technician)
- Mark Gale :: マーク・ゲイル [imdb] (puppeteer)
- Mark Gale :: マーク・ゲイル [imdb] (special effects)
- Drew Jiritano :: ドリュー・ジリターノ [imdb] (special effects coordinator)
- Andrew Mortelliti :: アンドリュー・モーテリティ [imdb] (special effects foreman)
- Jason Rosen :: ジェイソン・ローゼン [imdb] (puppeteer)
- Stephen Powers [imdb] (special effects)
- Craig Lindberg :: クレイグ・リンドバーグ [imdb] (key makeup artist)
- Vincent Schicchi :: ヴィンセント・スキッキ [imdb] (special makeup effects artist)
- Josh Turi :: ジョシュ・テューリ [imdb] (additional special effects makeup)
- Robin Day [imdb] (hair department head)
- Dierdre Harris [imdb] (hair stylist)
- Michelle Johnson [imdb] (hair designer)
- Tarsha Marshall [imdb] (assistant hair stylist)
- Christopher Milone [imdb] (additional makeup artist)
- Keith R. Palmer [imdb] (additional makeup artist)
- Mark Schmidt [imdb] (key hair stylist)