元祖ドラキュラ。ユニバーサルの古典ホラー映画。ベラ・ルゴシ、ヘレン・チャンドラー、ドワイト・フライ、エドワード・ヴァン・スローン。監督トッド・ブラウニング。1931年。Dracula never dies!
なんてことを考えつつ、ニヤニヤして観てたんですが、さて、アルマジロ!といえば、ホラーファンならトビー・フーパーの『悪魔のいけにえ (1974)』を思い出す方が多いでしょう。あの映画の冒頭でアルマジロの死骸がバーンと出てきますから。私、少し気になって『悪魔のいけにえ (1974)』を再び観てみたのですよ。
そしたらですね、『悪魔のいけにえ (1974)』の最初の方で、ドラキュラに関する台詞があり、さらに別のシーンでは、ベラ・ルゴシという名前が台詞の中に出てくるってことに気づきました。という点からして、『悪魔のいけにえ (1974)』の冒頭アルマジロ死骸は、ベラ・ルゴシへのオマージュなのかなあと。
Dracula never dies!
- コウモリまたはオオカミに変身する。
- キバはない。
- 犠牲者の首筋にカミ傷を残す。
- ニンニクは出てこない。その代わりにトリカブト。
- 鏡に映らない。
- 十字架きらい。
- おひさまきらい。
- 故郷の土壌がないと安眠できない。
- 催眠術のワザを使う。でも、ヴァン・ヘルシングには効かなかった。
Dracula (75th Anniversary Edition) (Universal Legacy Series)
- Feature Commentary With Film Historian David J. Skal
- Feature Commentary With Steve Haberman, Screnwriter of "Dracula: Dead And Loving It"
- Score By Philip Glass Performed By The Kronos Quartet
- Lugosi: The Dark Prince (2006) (36 min documentary)
- The Road to Dracula (1999) (35 min documentary)
- Monster Tracks
- Dracula (1931) Spanish Version
- Introduction To The Spanish Version Of Dracula By Lupita Tovar Kohner
- Universal Horror (1998) (95 min documentary)
- Poster Montage
- Theatrical Trailer
『Dracula (1931) Spanish Version』てのは、同時に製作されたスペイン語版です。これは別エントリに書いたのでくわしくはこちらをどぞ↓
『Dracula (75th Anniversary Edition) (Universal Legacy Series)』には、3本のドキュメンタリが収められていますが、ユニバーサル黄金期のファン、ベラ・ルゴシのファンには必見の内容です。3本ぜんぶ観れば、あなたも今日からユニバーサルクラシック博士になれるよ(洗脳されるともいえますが)。
- Lugosi: The Dark Prince (2006) (36 min) [imdb]
- The Road to Dracula (1999) (35 min) [imdb]
- Universal Horror (1998) (95 min) [imdb]
『Lugosi: The Dark Prince』てのは、俳優ベラ・ルゴシの人生を振り返るバイオグラフィ的なもの。Peter Atkins、Ramsey Campbell、ジョー・ダンテ他のみなさんが登場します。『ベラ・ルゴシ = ドラキュラ』という強固なイメージに縛られ続け、常にボリス・カーロフと対比させられ、スターというにはあまりに気の毒な半生を送った怪奇俳優、それでも彼はスターなんだよ!というベラ・ルゴシの半生を綴るドキュメンタリ。
『The Road to Dracula (1999)』てのは、ブラム・ストーカーがつくったドラキュラというキャラクターについての考察で、後半はベラ・ルゴシの話題中心。ホスト役がカーラ・レムリ。David J. Skal、クライヴ・バーカー、ベラ・ルゴシの息子、ドワイト・フライの息子、その他のみなさんが登場します。
『Universal Horror』てのは、ポリス・カーロフ始め多くのホラースターを輩出したユニバーサル黄金期を振り返るドキュメンタリです。
私がいちばん気に入っているのは、『The Road to Dracula (1999)』です。なんべんも観ました。最後の "There're such things!" のところを聞くと本当に感動します。詳しくはこちらをどぞ↓
Carla rocks!
『魔人ドラキュラ』で名を馳せたベラ・ルゴシが『フランケンシュタイン (1931)』出演のオファーを断ったという話がよく出てきます。ウィキペディアにも以下のように載ってるのですが↓
てことらしいです。『The Road To Dracula』の中でそのように説明されていました。以下引用↓
Steve Haberman: Carl Laemmle Jr. was not going to hire Robert Florey to direct Frankenstein. But he did want Bela Lugosi to play the monster. That's when Florey did the screen test on leftover set from Dracula, which was the creation of the monster. And he had Edward Van Sloan as Dr. Waldman, he had Dwight Frye as Fritz, I don't know who he had as Dr. Frankenstein, and he had Bela Lugosi as the monster, who basically just laid on the slab and opened his eyes. When Carl Laemmle Jr. came back and saw that screen test, he didn't like it. As a matter of fact, the story is that when he saw Lugosi in his makeup, he laughed.
Gregory William Mank: This was a great scar for Bela Lugosi. It hurt him. And he spent the rest of his life, really, telling people that he had turned the role down.
Kim Newman: The idea that coming off a big hit, Lugosi would turn down the lead role in a major studio picture, for any reason, uh, is just absurd!
狂人レンフィールドは、ロンドンの名医と誉れ高い、セワード医師の監督下にて保護されることになった。彼はセワード医師の自宅内にある診療所に強制入院されたが、その敷地の隣にはカーファックス修道院(Carfax Abbey)ていう古い建物があったんだが、ドラキュラが借りた不動産てのがまさにコレなのであった。
Memorable Quotes
Young Girl Passenger: [reading from a Transylvanian tourist brochure] "Among the rugged peaks that crown down upon the Borgo Pass are found crumbling castles of a bygone age."
Renfield: No, no, master. I wasn't going to say anything, I told them nothing. I am loyal to you master.
Count Dracula: I am Dracula.
Renfield: Oh, it's really good to see you. I don't know what happened to the driver and my luggage and... Well, and with all this, I thought I was in the wrong place.
Count Dracula: I bid you welcome.
[Dracula goes up the stairs. Renfield starts to follow him. Suddenly, Dracula hears wolves howling]
Count Dracula: Listen to them. Children of the night. What music they make.
[Dracula goes up the steps and waits for Renfield, who, without difficulty, cuts open a hole in a huge spider's web using his walking stick]
Count Dracula: The spider spinning his web for the unwary fly. The blood is the life, Mr. Renfield.
Renfield: Why, er... yes.
Renfield: Rats. Rats. Rats! Thousands! Millions of them! All red blood! All these will I give you if you will obey me.
Renfield: I'm loyal to you, Master, I am your slave, I didn't betray you! Oh, no, don't! Don't kill me! Let me live, please! Punish me, torture me, but let me live! I can't die with all those lives on my conscience! All that blood on my hands!
Innkeeper: Castle Dracula?
Renfield: Yes. That's where I'm going.
Innkeeper: To the castle?
Renfield: Yes.
Innkeeper: No. You musn't go there. We people of the mountains believe in the castle there are vampires. Dracula and his wives - they take the form of wolves and bats. They leave their coffins at night and they feed on the blood of the living.
Count Dracula: Van Helsing. Now that you have learned what you have learned, it would be well for you to return to your own country.
Van Helsing: I prefer to remain and protect those whom you would destroy.
Count Dracula: You are too late. My blood now flows through her veins. She will live through the centuries to come, as I have lived.
Van Helsing: Should you escape us, Dracula. We know how to save Miss Mina's soul if not her life.
Count Dracula: If she dies by day. But I shall see that she dies by night.
Van Helsing: And I will have Carfax Abbey torn down, stone by stone, excavated a mile around. I will find your earth-box and drive that stake through your heart.
Count Dracula: Come here.
Count Dracula: Your will is strong, Van Helsing. More wolfbane?
Van Helsing: More effective than wolfbane, Count.
Count Dracula: Indeed.
Count Dracula: I am Dracula. I bid you welcome.
Count Dracula: Listen to them. Children of the night. What music they make.
Renfield: No, Martin! Martin, don't! Don't throw my spider away from me. Oh, Martin!
Martin: Aren't you ashamed now? Aren't you? Spiders now, is it? Flies ain't good enough!
Renfield: Flies? Flies? Poor puny things! Who wants to eat flies?
Martin: You do, you loony!
Renfield: Not when I can get nice fat spiders!
Martin: All right, have it your own way.
Van Helsing: Gentlemen, we are dealing with the undead.
Scholar: Nosferatu
Van Helsing: Yes, Nosferatu.
Count Dracula: Listen to them. Children of the night. What music *they* make.
Count Dracula: This is very old wine. I hope you will like it.
Renfield: Aren't you drinking?
Count Dracula: I never drink ... wine.
Renfield: I'm loyal to you Master, I 'm your slave, I didn't betray you! Oh no, don't! Don't kill me! Let me live, please! Punish me - torture me - but let me live! I can't die with all those lives on my conscience, all that blood on my hands!
Van Helsing: You'll die in torment if you die with innocent blood on your soul.
Renfield: God will not damn a poor lunatic's soul. He knows that the powers of evil are too great for those with weak minds.
Count Dracula: To die, to be *really* dead, that must be glorious!
Mina Seward: Why, Count Dracula!
Count Dracula: There are far worse things awaiting man than death.
Lucy Weston: Lofty timbers, the walls around are bare, echoing to our laughter as though the dead were there... Quaff a cup to the dead already, hooray for the next to die!
Van Helsing: The strength of the vampire is that people will not believe in him.
Maid: He's crazy!
Martin: They're all crazy. They're all crazy except you and me. Sometimes I have my doubts about you.
Maid: Yes.
Count Dracula: The spider spinning his web for the unwary fly... The blood is the life, Mr. Renfield.
Mina Seward: ...I heard dogs howling. And when the dream came, it seemed the whole room was filled with mist. It was so thick, I could just see the lamp by the bed, a tiny spark in the fog. And then I saw two red eyes glaring at me. And a white livid face came down out of the mist. It came closer and closer. I felt its breath on my face and then its lips... oh!
Renfield: [overhearing Van Helsing discussing vampires] Isn't this a strange conversation, for people who aren't crazy?
Mina Seward:It reminds me of the broken battlements of my own castle in Transylvania.
Mina Seward: Oh, Lucy, you're so romantic!
Lucy Weston: Laugh all you like. I think he's fascinating.
Mina Seward: Oh, I suppose he's all right. But give me someone a little more normal.
Lucy Weston: Like John?
Mina Seward: Yes, dear, like John.
Lucy Weston: [dreamily] Castle... Dracula... Transylvania!
Mina Seward: Well, Countess! I'll leave you to your count and his ruined abbey! Good night, Lucy.
Lucy Weston: Good night, dear.
Renfield: He came and stood below my window in the moonlight. And he promised me things, not in words, but by doing them.
Van Helsing: Doing them?
Renfield: By making them happen. A red mist spread over the lawn, coming on like a flame of fire! And then he parted it, and I could see that there were thousands of rats, with their eyes blazing red,l ike his, only smaller. Then he held up his hand, and they all stopped, and I thought he seemed to be saying: "Rats! Rats! Rats! Thousands! Millions of them! All red-blood! All these will I give you! If you will obey me!"
Van Helsing: What did he want you to do?
Renfield: That which has already been done!
Renfield: You know too much to live, Van Helsing!
Van Helsing: What have you to do with Dracula?
Renfield: DRACULA?... I never even heard the name before...
Count Dracula: For one who has not lived even a single lifetime, you're a wise man, Van Helsing.
画像をもっと見る (50枚)twitterのご案内
- The Road to Dracula (1999)
- 魔人ドラキュラ スペイン語版 (1931)
- 魔人ドラキュラ (1931)
- 血ぬられた墓標 (1960)
- The Perfume of the Lady in Black (1974)
- ドラキュラ'72 (1972)
- バンパイア・ラヴァーズ (1970)
- 血のエクソシズム/ドラキュラの復活 (1970)
- ドラキュラ血の味 (1970)
- 帰って来たドラキュラ (1968)
- 凶人ドラキュラ (1966)
- 吸血鬼ドラキュラの花嫁 (1960)
- 暴行列車 (1975)
- 恐怖 (1961)
- Short Night of Glass Dolls (1971)
- バイオスパン/暗黒の実験 (1976)
- La Rose écorchée (1970)
- 吸血鬼ドラキュラ (1958)
- 悪魔の花嫁 (1968)
- ノスフェラトゥ (1979)
『ホラー映画 :: 洋画』の最近のエントリ
- Bite School (2015)
- 短編映画|Japanese Legends: SLIT
- アトロズ|Atroz (2015)
- Faim De Mort Trilogy (2015)
- 話題の短編ホラー『Night of the Slasher(切り裂き魔の夜)』無料オンラインリリース!
- La Petite Mort 2: The Nasty Tapes (2014)
- ドリー・デッドリー|Dolly Deadly (2016)
- 短編ホラー映画|ピッグスキン|Pigskin (2015)
- Good Tidings
- ザ・リフト|The Rift (2016)
Dracula | |
Dracula Drácula Дракула Dracula - vanha vampyyri Drakoulas O kapetan Vrykolakas Δράκουλας Drakula Majin Dorakyura Dracula de vampier Ksiaze Dracula Mysteriet 'Dracula' | |
『魔人ドラキュラ』 | |
1931年 | |
アメリカ | |
1931年2月12日 (アメリカ) (New York City, New York) 1931年2月14日 (アメリカ) 1931年10月8日 (日本) 1932年1月22日 (フランス) 1947年6月1日 (アメリカ) (再リリース) 1996年11月23日 (日本) (再リリース) 1998年 (スペイン) | |
imdb.com :: Dracula |
- Bram Stoker :: ブラム・ストーカー [imdb] (by)
- Hamilton Deane :: ハミルトン・ディーン [imdb] ([from the play adapted by] &)
- John L. Balderston :: ジョン・L・ボルダーストン [imdb] (from the play adapted by)
- Garrett Fort :: ギャレット・フォート [imdb] (play script)
- Louis Bromfield :: ルイス・ブロムフィールド [imdb] ([contributing writer])
- Tod Browning :: トッド・ブラウニング [imdb] (uncredited)
- Max Cohen :: マックス・コーエン [imdb] ([titles])
- Dudley Murphy :: ダドリー・マーフィ [imdb] ([additional dialogue])
- Louis Stevens :: ルイ・スティーヴンス [imdb] ([contributing writer])
- Bela Lugosi :: ベラ・ルゴシ [imdb] (Count Dracula)
- Helen Chandler :: ヘレン・チャンドラー [imdb] (Mina)
- David Manners :: デヴィッド・マナーズ [imdb] (John Harker)
- Dwight Frye :: ドワイト・フライ [imdb] (Renfield)
- Edward Van Sloan :: エドワード・ヴァン・スローン [imdb] (Van Helsing)
- Herbert Bunston :: ハーバート・ブンストン [imdb] (Doctor Seward)
- Frances Dade :: フランシス・デード [imdb] (Lucy)
- Joan Standing :: ジョーン・スタンディング [imdb] (Maid)
- Charles K. Gerrard :: チャールズ・ジェラード [imdb] (Martin)
- Nicholas Bela :: ニコラス・ベラ [imdb] (Coach Passenger)
- Daisy Belmore :: デイジー・ベルモア [imdb] (Coach Passenger)
- Tod Browning :: トッド・ブラウニング [imdb] (Harbormaster [voice])
- Moon Carroll :: ムーン・キャロル [imdb] (Maid)
- Geraldine Dvorak :: ジェラルディン・ヴォーザーク [imdb] (Dracula's Wife)
- John George :: ジョン・ジョージ [imdb] (Small Scientist)
- Anita Harder :: アニタ・ハーダー [imdb] (Flower Girl)
- Carla Laemmle :: カーラ・レムリ [imdb] (Coach Passenger)
- Donald Murphy :: ドナルド・マーフィ [imdb] (Coach Passenger)
- Wyndham Standing :: ウィンダム・スタンディング [imdb] (Surgeon)
- Cornelia Thaw :: コーネリア・ソウ [imdb] (Dracula's Wife)
- Dorothy Tree :: ドロシー・ツリー [imdb] (Dracula's Wife)
- Josephine Velez :: ジョセフィン・ヴェレス [imdb] (Grace - English Nurse)
- Michael Visaroff :: マイケル・ヴィサロフ [imdb] (Innkeeper)
- Florence Wix :: フローレンス・ウィクス [imdb] (Concertgoer Outside Theatre)
- Anna Bakacs [imdb] (Innkeeper's Daughter)
- Barbara Bozoky [imdb] (Innkeeper's Wife)
- E.M. Asher :: E・M・アーサー [imdb] (associate producer)
- Tod Browning :: トッド・ブラウニング [imdb] (producer)
- Carl Laemmle Jr. :: カール・レムリ・Jr [imdb] (producer)
- Milton Carruth :: ミルトン・カルース [imdb] (film editor)
- Phil M. Friedman :: フィル・M・フリードマン [imdb] (uncredited)
- John Hoffman :: ジョン・ホフマン [imdb] (uncredited)
- Herman Rosse [imdb] (uncredited)
- Russell A. Gausman :: ラッセル・A・ガウスマン [imdb] (uncredited)
- Ed Ware :: エド・ウェア [imdb] (uncredited)
- Vera West :: ヴェラ・ウェスト [imdb] (uncredited)
- Frank H. Booth :: フランク・H・ブース [imdb] (photographic effects)
- William Davidson :: ウィリアム・デヴィッドソン [imdb] (miniatures)
- John P. Fulton :: ジョン・フルトン [imdb] (matte artist)
- Jack P. Pierce :: ジャック・P・ピアース [imdb] (makeup artist)