ですが、怪物を演じたボリス・カーロフはやはり一見の価値があるなとおもいました。ただならぬ雰囲気といい、「ンゴンゴー!」という台詞といい、やることなすことクレイジーなんだけど、どこか憎めない悲しげなモンスターは観る者の同情を誘います。彼が少女をドボンしちゃうところもよかったです(ビクトル・エリセの『ミツバチのささやき (1973)』で引用されたアレ)。
Memorable Quotes
How do you do? Mr Carl Laemmle feels it would be a little unkind to present this picture without just a word of friendly warning. We are about to unfold the story of Frankenstein. A man of science, who sought to create a man after his own image, without reckoning upon God. It is one of the strangest tales ever told. It deals with the two great mysteries of creation: life and death. I think it will thrill you. It may shock you. It might even horrify you. So if any of you feel that you do not care to subject your nerves to such a strain, now is your chance to, ... Well, we've warned you.
Henry Frankenstein: The neck's broken. The brain is useless. We must find another brain.
Elizabeth: "You must have faith in me, Elizabeth. Wait. My work must come first, even before you. At night, the winds howl in the mountains. There's not one here. Prying eyes can't peer into my secret."
Henry Frankenstein: This storm will be magnificent. All the electrical secrets of heaven!
Henry Frankenstein: The brain you stole, Fritz. Think of it. The brain of a dead man waiting to live again in a body I made with my own hands!
Henry Frankenstein: You're quite sure you want to come in?... Very well.
Henry Frankenstein: Forgive me, but I'm forced to take unusual precautions.
Henry Frankenstein: Come and sit down, Doctor. You must be patient. Do you expect perfection at once?
Doctor Waldman: This creature of yours should be kept under guard. Mark my words, he will prove dangerous.
Henry Frankenstein: Dangerous? Poor old Waldman. Have you never wanted to do anything that was dangerous? Where should we be if nobody tried to find out what lies beyond? Have you never wanted to look beyond the clouds and the stars? Or to know what causes the trees to bud? And what changes the darkness into light? But if you talk like that, people call you crazy. Well, if I could discover just one of these things, what eternity is, for example, I wouldn't care if they did think I was crazy.
Doctor Waldman: You're young, my friend. Your success has intoxicated you. Wake up and look facts in the face! Here we have a fiend whose brain...
Henry Frankenstein: Whose brain must be given time to develop. It's a perfectly good brain, Doctor. Well, you ought to know. It came from your own laboratory.
Doctor Waldman: The brain that was stolen from my laboratory was a criminal brain.
Henry Frankenstein: Oh, well. After all, it's only a piece of dead tissue.
Doctor Waldman: Only evil can come of it. Your health will be ruined if you persist in this madness.
Henry Frankenstein: I'm astonishingly sane, Doctor.
Doctor Waldman: You have created a monster and it will destroy you!
Henry Frankenstein: Patience, patience. I believe in this monster, as you call it. And if you don't, well, you must leave me alone.
Doctor Waldman: But think of Elizabeth. Your father.
Henry Frankenstein: Elizabeth believes in me. My father? He never believes in anyone. I've got to experiment further. He's only a few days old, remember. So far, he's been kept in complete darkness. Wait till I bring him into the light.
Henry Frankenstein: Here he comes. Let's turn out the light.
Henry Frankenstein: Look! It's moving. It's alive. It's alive... It's alive, it's moving, it's alive, it's alive, it's alive, it's alive, IT'S ALIVE!
Victor Moritz: Henry - In the name of God!
Henry Frankenstein: Oh, in the name of God! Now I know what it feels like to be God!
Maria: Who are you? I'm Maria. Will you play with me?
Maria: See how mine floats.
Maria: No, you're hurting me! No!
Henry Frankenstein: Help! Help!
Villager #1: Listen, it's Frankenstein.
Villager #2: That way.
Baron Frankenstein: Well, as I said before, here I say again, Here's... Here's to a son... to the House of Frankenstein.
Maid: Indeed, Sir. You too, Sir.
画像をもっと見る (32枚)twitterのご案内
『ホラー映画 :: 洋画』の最近のエントリ
- Bite School (2015)
- 短編映画|Japanese Legends: SLIT
- アトロズ|Atroz (2015)
- Faim De Mort Trilogy (2015)
- 話題の短編ホラー『Night of the Slasher(切り裂き魔の夜)』無料オンラインリリース!
- La Petite Mort 2: The Nasty Tapes (2014)
- ドリー・デッドリー|Dolly Deadly (2016)
- 短編ホラー映画|ピッグスキン|Pigskin (2015)
- Good Tidings
- ザ・リフト|The Rift (2016)

原題: | Frankenstein |
別題: | Frankenstein Франкенщайн El doctor Frankenstein Frankenstein, l'homme qui créa un monstre Φρανκενστάιν Furankenshutain Frankenstein, o homem que criou o monstro Frankenštajn Франкенштейн Frankenstayn Frankenstein, el autor del monstruo |
邦題(カタカナ): | 『フランケンシュタイン』 |
制作年: | 1931年 |
制作国: | アメリカ |
公開日: | 1931年11月21日 (アメリカ) 1931年12月4日 (アメリカ) (New York City, New York) 1932年3月6日 (スペイン) 1932年3月17日 (フランス) 1932年4月15日 (日本) 1932年5月18日 (ドイツ) 1932年8月 (イタリア) (Venice Film Festival) 1932年9月16日 (イタリア) 1933年6月15日 (香港) 1947年6月1日 (アメリカ) (再リリース) 2013年2月15日 (アメリカ) (New York Film Forum) |
imdb.com: | imdb.com :: Frankenstein |
- John L. Balderston :: ジョン・L・ボルダーストン [imdb] (based upon the composition by)
- Mary Shelley :: メアリー・シェリー [imdb] (from the novel by)
- Peggy Webling :: ペギー・ウェブリング [imdb] (adapted from the play by)
- Garrett Fort :: ギャレット・フォート [imdb] ([screen play] &)
- Francis Edward Faragoh :: フランシス・エドワード・ファラゴー [imdb] (screen play)
- Richard Schayer :: リチャード・シェイヤー [imdb] (scenario editor)
- Robert Florey :: ロバート・フローリー [imdb] ([contributor to treatment])
- John Russell :: ジョン・ラッセル [imdb] ([contributor to screenplay construction])
- Colin Clive :: コリン・クライヴ [imdb] (Henry Frankenstein)
- Mae Clarke :: メエ・クラーク [imdb] (Elizabeth)
- Boris Karloff :: ボリス・カーロフ [imdb] (The Monster)
- John Boles :: ジョン・ボールズ [imdb] (Victor Moritz)
- Edward Van Sloan :: エドワード・ヴァン・スローン [imdb] (Doctor Waldman)
- Frederick Kerr :: フレデリック・カー [imdb] (Baron Frankenstein)
- Dwight Frye :: ドワイト・フライ [imdb] (Fritz)
- Lionel Belmore :: ライオネル・ベルモア [imdb] (The Burgomaster)
- Marilyn Harris :: マリリン・ハリス [imdb] (Little Maria)
- Ted Billings :: テッド・ビリングス [imdb] (Villager)
- Mae Bruce :: メイ・ブルース [imdb] (Screaming Maid)
- Jack Curtis :: ジャック・カーティス [imdb] (Extra)
- Arletta Duncan :: アーレッタ・ダンカン [imdb] (Bridesmaid)
- William Dyer :: ウィリアム・ダイア [imdb] (Gravedigger)
- Francis Ford :: フランシス・フォード [imdb] (Hans)
- Soledad Jiménez :: ソレダッド・ジメネス [imdb] (Mourner)
- Margaret Mann :: マーガレット・マン [imdb] (Mourner)
- Michael Mark :: マイケル・マーク [imdb] (Ludwig)
- Pauline Moore :: ポーリン・ムーア [imdb] (Bridesmaid)
- Paul Panzer :: ポール・パンツァー [imdb] (Mourner at Gravesite)
- Cecilia Parker :: セシリア・パーカー [imdb] (Maid)
- Rose Plumer :: ローズ・プラマー [imdb] (Villager)
- Cecil Reynolds :: セシル・レイノルズ [imdb] (Waldman's Secretary)
- Carmencita Johnson [imdb] (Little Girl)
- Seessel Anne Johnson [imdb] (Little Girl)
- Inez Palange [imdb] (Villager)
- Ellinor Vanderveer [imdb] (Medical Student)
- E.M. Asher :: E・M・アーサー [imdb] (associate producer)
- Carl Laemmle Jr. :: カール・レムリ・Jr [imdb] (producer)
- Arthur Edeson :: アーサー・エディソン [imdb]
- Paul Ivano :: ポール・アイヴァノ [imdb] (uncredited)
- Clarence Kolster :: クラレンス・コルスター [imdb] (film editor)
- Brian J. McNamara [imdb] (digital restoration artist)
- John P. Fulton :: ジョン・フルトン [imdb] (special effects)
- Franz Dallons [imdb] (props)
- Oscar Dallons [imdb] (props)
- Paul Dallons [imdb] (props)
- Ken Strickfaden [imdb] (special electrical properties)
- Jack P. Pierce :: ジャック・P・ピアース [imdb] (makeup artist / makeup designer)
- Pauline Eells [imdb] (wig maker)