映画|ホーボー・ウィズ・ショットガン|Hobo with a Shotgun
映画の題名にあるHoboというのは彼の名前でなく『hobo = 浮浪者/ルンペン』という意味で、だから、彼は名無しのホームレスなんだが、このエントリでは『ホボさん』と呼ぶことにします。英語の発音では「ホゥボォー」てかんじですが。
Delivering justice, one shell at a time!
みなさんご存知の通り『Hobo with a Shotgun (2011)』は、タランティーノ + ロドリゲスの『グラインドハウス (2007)』のフェイク・トレイラー・コンテスト受賞を経て、『マチェーテ (2010)』に続き、映画化されました。そのときの作品がコレ↓
制作費150ドルだからといって安易なものではなく、ジェイソン・アイズナー監督はずいぶん前からこの案を温めていたそうです。このトレイラーでホボさんを演じたのはDave Bruntという素人さんで、監督の友達だそうな。撮影の経緯など、詳しくは以下のリンク先に詳しく書かれてある↓
- Entertainment Weekly - 'Hobo With a Shotgun': How a $150 fake trailer became the year's maddest movie
- Cardboard Robots, Supercreeps, and Killer Trees: An Interview w/ 'Hobo with a Shotgun' Director Jason Eisener
Cardboard Robots, Supercreeps, and Killer Trees
てわけで、ジェイソン・アイズナー監督は見事にチャンスをゲットしたんだが、さらに、こんどは『Hobo with a Shotgun (2011)』のトレイラー・コンテストもある。『Van Gore』という作品が受賞決定しました(2011年4月)。コレ↓
受賞作品は『Hobo with a Shotgun (2011)』のDVD / Blu-Rayに収録された。映画化されるかどうかは未定。監督はKeith Hodder。彼のインタビューがあった↓
こんなかんじで『グラインドハウス (2007)』の系図が拡がりつつある。文化ですなあ。
さて、『Hobo with a Shotgun (2011)』の感想ですが、期待以上のおもしろさであった。私的には『マチェーテ (2010)』より上です。あれの惜しかったトコを清々しく凌駕し、場外ホームランをカッ飛ばしてくれたなあっておもいました。
満点ブラボー。BLOW YOUR MIND!!!!
- チンピラ兄弟がスクールバスを襲撃するところのBGM。
- カワイコちゃん売女のアビーが病院に担ぎ込まれるときの看護婦の台詞。
スクールバスのシーンはとても悪趣味ですが、そこでThe TrammpsのDisco Infernoが流れます。あの選曲センスはすごい。
nurse: Live! Live, you fucking whore!
『The Plague』ていう謎の悪魔兵士が出てきました。ホボさんの逆襲に腹を立てたドレイクが「The Plagueを召還するのだ!」と命じる。すると鉄づくめのヨロイ姿の兵士が出てきて、そいつは悪魔みたいなもんで、ドレイクの手先として働くんだが、これについても説明ナシ。The Plagueはエンディング近くでアビーさんにへんなことをいう(この台詞に関連するシーンが、Special FeaturesのAlternate Endingに入っているよ)。
だからさ、この映画の舞台装置は、天国と地獄の境い目の場所(煉獄みたいな)ではないかなあ。Glorious Holeてのは地獄に堕ちるピットなんだ。
私、映画をすごく気に入ると、空想が空想を呼ぶというかですね、いろんなことが頭に浮かぶんですね。自分的『Deleted Scenes』を想像して遊ぶのです。ひとりっこだからそういう癖がついたのかな。こんな空想をさせてくれるっていうのは、私とすごく波長が合ってるからなんだろうなあとおもいました。
私が持ってるのは『2-Disc Collector's Edition』てヤツで、オマケがたくさんある↓
- Commentary With Jason Eisener And Rutger Hauer
- Commentary With Jason Eisener, John Davies, Rob Cotterill And David Brunt
- More Blood, More Heart: The Making Of Hobo With A Shotgun (45:19)
- Deleted Scenes (05:57)
- A Stroll Through Hope Town
- This Landlord
- Montage
- Alternate Ending (00:33)
- Video Blogs
- Live From Dartmouth
- The Goods
- Day 4 Wrap
- Interview With Niv
- Rookie Cop
- Breaking News: Chaos In The City
- Blood Truck
- Budget Cuts
- Waves Of Blood
- Camera Test Reel (03:25)
- Fangoria Interviews
- Rutger Hauer (11:20)
- Jason Eisener (33:07)
- HDNet: A Look At Hobo With A Shotgun (05:13)
- Grindhouse Trailer Contest Winner: Hobo With A Shotgun (02:00)
- Hobo With A Shotgun Faux Trailer Contest Winner: Van Gore (02:00)
- Redband US Theatrical Trailers (04:07)
- Canadian TV Spots (00:45)
- Also From Magnolia Home Entertainment
メイキングはすばらしいドキュメンタリです。監督以下関係者のみなさんがコンテスト受賞して夢を叶えた喜びを語る。監督さんの横にいるひとたちが、もうね、親戚の優しいおじさんみたいな顔になってるのがほほえましいです。フェイクトレイラーでホボさんを演じたDave Bruntのちょっと泣ける話から始まって、撮影のようすが見れます。
クルーたちはなんでもやりますスタイルで、例えば、音声担当のアンちゃん(Zan Rosborough)は本業以外にスリックのボディダブルやら覆面チンピラ脇役やらをやってて、さらに彼は自分の車を撮影小道具に提供した。スリックとイヴァンが乗り回してた白いスポーツカーです。撮影したフッテージの長さは、映画本編の長さの65倍だった。この種の映画としては、異例に長いそうです。
Video Blogsてのがおもしろいよ。短いお笑いコント集。プロデューサーがしゃべってるトコにわるもん兄弟が現れ、Fucking Producer!つってボコボコにしちゃうヤツとか。
映画本編は英語字幕ついてないんだが、CC(Closed Caption)がついてました。オマケは字幕ナシ。
- amazon.com - Hobo with a Shotgun (Collector's Edition + Digital Copy) [Blu-ray]
- amazon.com - Hobo With a Shotgun (2-Disc Collector's Edition + Digital Copy) [DVD]
- amazon.com - Hobo With a Shotgun [DVD]
Memorable Quotes
Drake: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Drake Show. Tonight's special episode is gonna be filled with thrills and chills and my own personal favorite... lots and lots of that red shit that flows inside all our bodies!
Drake: You know, ever since our mother brought Logan home from the hospital, I knew he was a fucking coward.
Logan: I'll leave town! You'll never fucking see me again. Just please. I can't feel my legs, Drake.
Drake: He wants mercy from the Drake. From the Drake?! And he should know better than anybody! Mercy ain't my style.
Logan: What do you want from me?
Drake: Logan is no longer my brother. Our relationship has been severed. And now he's all alone in the world, with nothing but a barbed-wire noose around his neck.
Logan: You can't let him do this! It's not just my life he's ruining. Please! Help me! Please!
Drake: You should have started begging a long time ago. I have never enjoyed listening to you as much as I do right now.
Logan: You're a fucking animal, Drake! You're a shitty fucking weird little animal.
Drake: The way I see it, I'm a fucking miracle worker, because I am going to make it rain! Gun it, Slick! Well, can you feel your legs now? Can you, huh? A little something else you wanted to say to me? Hmm? Well, thanks for tuning in, ladies and gentlemen. Who knows, maybe next time one of you will be our lucky contestant.
Slick: Enjoy the ride, my favorite fucking uncle.
Ivan: Go the fuck home, everybody! And don't forget to wash your dicks!
Slick: The only thing I'm gonna let slide is my dick in your pussy.
Hobo: Let the girl go, punk! I'm making a citizen's arrest.
Slick: Huh. And who the fuck are you?
Hobo: Put the knife away, kid. Or I'll use it to cut welfare checks from your rotten skin.
Slick: Well, you better cut one to Mother Teresa so you can give it to her while she's finger-banging you in hell.
Hobo: Shut your filthy mouth! Mother Teresa is a goddamn saint! Serves you right. What did you think? He was gonna put a ring on your finger?
Hobo: Lock him up with the sodomites and get me the goddamned chief of police now.
Chief of Police: Welcome to Fucktown!
Ivan: Hold still, you slimy maggot!
Hobo: Get off me!
Chief of Police: These two are the princes of Fucktown!
Ivan: Any idea what we should do to him, Slick?
Slick: Yeah, hold him still.
Hobo: You're a damn kid.
Slick: I'm gonna carve a billboard into his chest.
Hobo: You better get that knife away from me!
Ivan: Easy, Slick. I think you might be hurting him.
Chief of Police: Jesus. God, boys, whatever happened to delicacy and finesse?
Slick: This is so you'll never forget what you are.
Hobo: I thought this was a police station. Not a fucking circus. I just wanted to help.
Chief of Police: Ahahaha. And don't forget, you fucking piece of shit, that everyday is garbage day for street trash like you.
Hobo: I just, tell my brain when I know I'm hurting, I just say, "I got nothing for you, buddy. Nothing to make it go away, so just go to hell." And he goes. He's like a brother to me now and brothers fight sometimes.
Abby: I think it's time to put you and your brother to bed.
Hobo: The bear is a solitary animal. They like their space. They live in a magic circle. They don't mind if you're like a mile away, but if you get inside their circle, they will maul you. If a bear's claw would ever strike your face, it would take your whole face right off your skull... your eyes, your nose, your lips, everything. And you would die from it.
Abby: Wow. I didn't know bears could be so vicious.
Hobo: They are wild animals. There's something else about bears not many people know. If a bear gets hooked on the taste of human blood, he becomes a man killer. He'll go on a rampage and has to be destroyed. And that's... why you should never hug a bear.
Hobo: I'm gonna sleep in your bloody carcasses tonight! Jesus Christ! You vultures... circle this city tearing off the flesh from everything that is innocent.
robber: Please don't shoot me. I didn't even hurt her.
Hobo: I want you out of this city... you and your grave-robbing friends. Spread the word.
robber: No!
Hobo: Pay guns! Keep the change.
store guy: Oh fuck!
Hobo: Hallelujah.
Hobo: Jerk on this, you child-molesting shitlicker.
Drake: Fuck! A shotgun?! This town is impressed by a homeless man with a fucking shotgun?! Oh! Where's the creativity in that?
Drake: So what happened to you? School bully get your lunch money?
Slick: I don't want to talk about it.
Drake: Look, Slick, don't make me mad. Tell me who did this to you.
Slick: I don't know. Some bum.
Drake: Some bum!Have you been watching the fucking news lately? Huh?
Ivan: Don't worry, Dad, we carved that fucker up.
Drake: You carved him up. Somebody does this to your brother and you treat him like a jack-o'-lantern. Put your head on the table. Head down now! Don't worry, son. Everybody gets knocked out once in a while.
Slick: Really? Have you ever been knocked out?
Drake: Fuck no. I'm the Drake. Who's gonna fuck with me?
Slick: I'm Slick! No one's supposed to fuck with me either!
Drake: Listen, you've got a lot of potential... way more than your brother. Head down. Maybe even more potential than me eventually, but first you've got to learn to think bigger.
Slick: Bigger? I'll crucify him to a homeless shelter.
Drake: That's revenge. Don't look for revenge. Look for people's fear.
Slick: Okay, fear. I'll cut a hole in his body. I'll make them watch as I spread his intestines out all over the street.
Drake: Well, you be ugly, you be hateful when you do that, some will fear you... Slick, I wanna fear you, but I don't. You've got to show me that you can scare the shit out of everybody! So why don't you unlock that imagination of yours and give them a show that is so fierce that everybody in this town will remember your name forever.
Slick: What should I do?
Drake: Well, you need to figure that out for yourself, but I can give you one sweet morsel of advice. When life gives you razor blades, you make a baseball bat covered in razor blades. Hyah!
Chief of Police: We're all dirty cops!
Hobo: She is a teacher!
Ivan: It's a beautiful day for a skate rape!
Slick: Do you fucking see me?! Do you fucking hear me?! Do you fucking... feel me? Do you fucking fear me?
Ivan: Turn that whore into a baby factory!
Slick: Hey Dad... you were a pretty rad father.
nurse: Live! Live, you fucking whore!
Hobo: A long time ago, I was one of you. You're all brand new and perfect, no mistakes, no regret. People look at you and think of how wonderful your future will be. They want you to be something special, like a doctor or a lawyer. I hate to tell you this, but if you grow up here, you're more likely to wind up selling your bodies on the streets or shooting dope from dirty needles in a bus stop. And if you're successful, you'll make money selling junk to crackheads. And you won't think twice about killing someone's wife because you won't even know what was wrong in the first place. Or maybe... you'll end up like me... a hobo with a shotgun. I hope you can do better. You are the future.
Ivan: Ah, the Plague. You guys fucking rock!
(monstrous voice): Do you want to see him?
Ivan: No, I trust you guys. I can fucking smell him from here. Take him to the truck.
Hobo: You know, I almost feel sad for you. You're in the shadow of your brother. And you're just a little tiny thug.
Ivan: A thug?! Listen, you homeless piece of shit, I'm the only son Drake has left! And you know what that means? That means I run the fucking show! I'm gonna show everybody. They're gonna fear the fuck out of me! In fact, they're gonna make comic books out of my hate crimes!
Hobo: I promise you when I get out of here, I'm gonna bite your face off.
Ivan: That's funny 'cause I promised myself I would bash your fucking teeth in and make a chainsaw out of them. Fucker!
Abby: Some people got a bed to sleep on where they can crawl under the covers and have a good night's rest. But other people, they don't got beds at all. Instead, they gotta find an alleyway or a park bench where some fucker's not gonna stab them. Just 'cause they don't got beds doesn't mean they're homeless. 'Cause guess what, they've got the biggest home of any of us. it's called "the streets"! And right now we're all standing in their home, so maybe we should show them some goddamn respect. If this is their home, they've got a right to keep it clean, don't they? Sometimes on the streetsa broom just ain't gonna fucking cut it. That's when you gotta get a shotgun! So if you want to kill me, go ahead. But I'll warn you, from where I'm standing, things are looking real fucking filthy!
Drake: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the Drake Show!
Ivan: Yeah! That's how you cheer, you fucking creatures. Whoo!
Drake: Thank you, thank you. Thank you, everybody. Tonight I have a special treat for you all, the culmination of one of the bloodiest spectacles we have ever witnessed. Everybody, please a round of applause for the team that made this possible, the Plague! Now I wa nt you all to meet our special guest, a man I'm sure you've all heard about. Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, let's bring on the man of the hour, the one responsible for the death of my favorite son.And here he is, a worthless homeless piece of shit.
Hobo: Get your hands off me, demons! You're crushing my smokes.
Drake: When God lost His son, He knew He'd get him back in a few days. He didn't have to mourn, not for a single second. But I know I can't get my son back. So what does that make me, when I know more about pain than the most powerful being in the universe?
Hobo: You're a fool and a shitty father.
Drake: Take him to the glory hole.
Drake: No one upstages the Drake! Do you see what I mean, folks? I provide you with nothing but the highest-quality, adrenaline-filled family entertainment!
Drake: Let's start with a nose job, huh?
Hobo: Bears don't belong to the zoo.
Hobo: Show's over.
Drake: You know, except for killing my son, you made my town a lot more interesting. You're so fucking crazy. I would have been your biggest fan, you worthless street rat.
Hobo: You and me are going on a car ride to hell.
Drake: You're gonna miss me.
Hobo: You're riding shotgun.
Abby: Nooooo!
画像をもっと見る (96枚)twitterのご案内
- Zombie Isle (2014)
- Los Super bonaerenses (2014)
- Zombie A-Hole (2012)
- ファーザーズ・デイ 野獣のはらわた (2011)
- El monstro del mar! (2010)
- Dear God No! (2011)
- ホーボー・ウィズ・ショットガン (2011)
- The Disco Exorcist (2010)
- マシンガン・シスター (2010)
- Dead Hooker in a Trunk (2009)
- Nun of That (2009)
- Black Dynamite (2009)
『ホラー映画 :: 洋画』の最近のエントリ
- Bite School (2015)
- 短編映画|Japanese Legends: SLIT
- アトロズ|Atroz (2015)
- Faim De Mort Trilogy (2015)
- 話題の短編ホラー『Night of the Slasher(切り裂き魔の夜)』無料オンラインリリース!
- La Petite Mort 2: The Nasty Tapes (2014)
- ドリー・デッドリー|Dolly Deadly (2016)
- 短編ホラー映画|ピッグスキン|Pigskin (2015)
- Good Tidings
- ザ・リフト|The Rift (2016)
Hobo with a Shotgun | |
Бездомник с двуцевка O Mendigo com uma Escopeta O Vingador Koldus puskával Włóczęga ze strzelbą Skitnica sa sačmarom Бомж с дробовиком | |
『ホーボー・ウィズ・ショットガン』 | |
2011年 | |
カナダ | |
2011年1月21日 (アメリカ) (Sundance Film Festival premiere) 2011年2月26日 (イギリス) (Frightfest) 2011年3月25日 (カナダ) (limited) 2011年5月6日 (アメリカ) (limited) 2011年7月15日 (イギリス) (limited) 2011年9月3日 (フランス) (L'Étrange Festival) 2011年9月17日 (フランス) (Strasbourg European Fantastic Film Festival) 2011年10月5日 (フランス) (DVD) 2011年11月26日 (日本) (Tokyo) 2012年3月9日 (スペイン) (Madrid 9º Syfy Festival) 2012年3月22日 (ロシア) 2012年10月4日 (ドイツ) (DVD) | |
imdb.com :: Hobo with a Shotgun |
- Rutger Hauer :: ルトガー・ハウアー [imdb] (Hobo)
- Pasha Ebrahimi :: パシャ・エブラヒミ [imdb] (Bumfight Filmmaker)
- Robb Wells :: ロブ・ウェルズ [imdb] (Logan)
- Brian Downey :: ブライアン・ダウニー [imdb] (Drake)
- Gregory Smith :: グレゴリー・エドワード・スミス [imdb] (Slick)
- Nick Bateman :: ニック・ベイトマン [imdb] (Ivan / Rip)
- Drew O'Hara :: ドリュー・オハラ [imdb] (Otis)
- Molly Dunsworth :: モリー・ダンスワース [imdb] (Abby)
- Jeremy Akerman :: ジェレミー・エイクマン [imdb] (Chief of Police)
- André Haines :: アンドレ・ヘインズ [imdb] (Large Man)
- Duane Patterson :: デュエイン・パターソン [imdb] (Pimp)
- Brian Jamieson :: ブライアン・ジェイミソン [imdb] (Santa)
- Glen Matthews :: グレン・マシューズ [imdb] (Gang Leader)
- Mark A. Owen :: マーク・A・オーウェン [imdb] (Coke Lord)
- Scott Vrooman :: スコット・ヴルーマン [imdb] (Rookie Cop)
- Juanita Peters :: ジュアニータ・ピータース [imdb] (Doctor #1)
- Peter Simas :: ピーター・シマス [imdb] (Grinder)
- Scott Owen :: スコット・オーウェン [imdb] (Civilian)
- Rhys Bevan-John :: リス・ベヴァン=ジョン [imdb] (Thug #1)
- Maddi Clarke :: マディ・クラーク [imdb] (Mob member 2)
- Jason Eisener :: ジェイソン・アイズナー [imdb] (Victim)
- Michael Ray Fox :: マイケル・フォックス [imdb] (Doctor)
- Larry Goldstein :: ラリー・ゴールドシュテイン [imdb] (Mob Member)
- Colin David MacDonald :: コリン・デヴィッド・マクドナルド [imdb] (Mob member)
- Gregory Richardson :: グレゴリー・リチャードソン [imdb] (Angry Citizen)
- Sam Tarasco :: サム・タラスコ [imdb] (uncredited)
- Carolyn Thomas :: キャロリン・トーマス [imdb] (Western Pigtailed Sharpshooter)
- Agnes M. Laan [imdb] (Prostitute)
- Tim Dunn [imdb] (Store Clerk)
- Zach Tovey [imdb] (Gang Member #2)
- Alexander Rosborough [imdb] (Gang Member #3)
- George Stroumboulopoulos [imdb] (TV Host)
- David Brunt [imdb] (Dirty Cop)
- John Awoods [imdb] (Doctor with Gun)
- Robert Cotterill [imdb] (uncredited)
- Shayna Fried [imdb] (uncredited)
- Eliese MacKinnon [imdb] (Arcade Punk)
- Cadence MacMichael [imdb] (Drake's Prostitute)
- Lauren Messervey [imdb] (Dancing Prostitute)
- Keith Daniel Morrison [imdb] (Bum Fighter)
- Chris Bell :: クリス・ベル [imdb] (associate producer)
- Niv Fichman :: ニヴ・フィッチマン [imdb] (producer)
- Victor Loewy :: ヴィクター・ロウイ [imdb] (executive producer)
- Frank Siracusa :: フランク・シラキューサ [imdb] (producer)
- Mark Slone :: マーク・スローン [imdb] (executive producer)
- Robert Cotterill [imdb] (producer)
- Kevin Krikst [imdb] (associate producer)
- Andrea Raffaghello [imdb] (line producer)
- Kyle Boylen :: カイル・ボイレン [imdb] (digital compositor)
- Noel Hooper :: ノエル・フーパー [imdb] (visual effects supervisor)
- Haydn Masuda :: ヘイドン・マスダ [imdb] (digital compositor)
- Christa Tazzeo [imdb] (visual effects producer)
- Graham Chivers :: グラハム・シバース [imdb] (sculptor/mold maker)
- Paul Jones :: ポール・ジョーンズ [imdb] (prosthetic body parts)
- Nadine Beed [imdb] (daily makeup assistant)
- Mallory Glenn [imdb] (assistant hair stylist)
- Barbi Jollota [imdb] (key hair stylist)
- Zane Knisely [imdb] (key special makeup effects)
- Amanda O'Leary [imdb] (key makeup artist)
- Lindsay Thorne [imdb] (makeup special effects artist)
- Henry Townsend [imdb] (special makeup effects artist)
- Paul Gross :: ポール・グロス [imdb] (special thanks)
- Robert Harmon :: ロバート・ハーモン [imdb] (special thanks)
- Harry Jay Knowles :: ハリー・ジェイ・ノウルズ [imdb] (special thanks)
- Mark MacAulay :: マーク・マコーレー [imdb] (special thanks)
- Josh MacDonald :: ジョシュ・マクドナルド [imdb] (special thanks)
- Bruce McDonald :: ブルース・マクドナルド [imdb] (special thanks)
- David Brunt [imdb] (special thanks)
ホーボー・ウィズ・ショットガン 『HOBO with A SHOTGUN』 (2011年 米) - 徒然妄言日記
公式HP ストーリー 列車に無賃乗車して町から町へとさすらう初老のホーボー(=流れ者)(ルトガー・ハウアー)。仕事を求めて新たな町ホープタウンに降り立った彼を待っていたのは、暴力と混沌に支配され...
2011/11/29, 12:52 AM