映画|マーメイド NYMPH|Killer Mermaid
This is my review of KILLER MERMAID directed by Milan Todorovic. It's Japanese written but wait! you can find English part at the bottom, which is our interview with the director. It's interesting to read. So please scroll down and check it.
アメリカ人のカワイコちゃんコンビ(クリスティーナ・クリーブ + ナタリー・バーン)が、バカンスにやってきましたよ。
ふたりを出迎えるのは、大学時代の同級生、ハゲの金持ちイケメン男(Slobodan Stefanovic)と、その美人婚約者(Sofija Rajovic)。少し遅れて、もうひとり別の男が出てくる。こちらは地元のアンちゃん(ドラガン・ミカノヴィッチ)。
きれいなきれいなスーパーモデル人魚(Zorana Kostic Obradovic)がいて、魔法の歌をうたって、男を幻惑させる、フラフラーと近づいていくとガオー!ウギャー!たいへんだたいへんだ!
Niko: True places never are.
Killer Mermaid (2014) trailer
@tokiwood Look what I got! This copy is waiting for being autographed! :D pic.twitter.com/qlLOalKNNb
— Hiro Fujii (@horrorshox) January 16, 2015
「カワイコちゃんコンビ」と書いたが、クリスティーナ・クリーブはあいかわらず個性的な顔をしている。愛嬌あるブス顔ていうのかね。余談だが、彼女は『Proxy (2013)』ていうのにも出ていて、こちらもおすすめです。おそろしくゲスい話です。日本版出たのかね。あと彼女は『Bela Kiss: Prologue (2013)』にも出ていた。こちらは気合いの入った絶叫アクションを見れます。
ミラン・トドロヴィッチ監督は『ゾーン・オブ・ザ・デッド (2009)』以来、私に色々とよくしてくれます。今回は彼にインタビューをすることができました。この記事の一番下にあります。私の感想はその中で触れているので、詳しくはそっちを読んでくださいと思うが、簡単にいうと、これは一般的な低予算ホラーですが、人魚ってのは珍しいし、VFXもがんばっているので、そこそこ楽しめる内容になっています。
邦題『マーメイド NYMPH』
この映画は邦題『マーメイド NYMPH』にて、2015年3月4日に国内版がリリース予定だそうです↓

発売日: 2015-03-04
発売元: アメイジングD.C.
時間: 94 minutes
リージョン: Region 2
ディスク枚数: 1
売り上げランキング: 216,266
ミラン・トドロヴィッチ 監督
"This movie is actually from fans to fans."
Zorana Kostic Obradovic
- Behind the Scenes Featurette
- Making of the Killer Mermaid
- Bonus Crowdfunding Promo
- Killer Mermaid Trailer
- Additional Trailers from Epic Pictures

Release Date: 2014-09-09
Studio: Epic Pictures
Run Time: 90 minutes
Language: English
Region: Region 1
Rated: Unrated
Number of discs: 1
Best Sellers Rank: 16,003
Memorable Quotes
There is, one knows not what sweet mystery about this sea, whose gently awful stirring seems to speak of some hidden soul beneath...
Niko: From hell's heart, I stabbed thee. For hate's sake, I speak my last breath at thee.
Niko: You know, the sirens still have more fatal weapons than their song. Namely, their silience. And though admittedly, such a thing never happens, it is considerable that someone might possibly have escaped from their singing. But from the silence, certainly never.
Niko: Starting with you!
Here's our interview with the director Milan Todorovic who reveals how he created KILLER MERMAID for you. And his message for Japanese fans. Hope you enjoy. Here we go!
Hiro: The location, the fortress island, was perfect, isn't it? I believe the beautiful landscape scene was not CG. I've checked Wikipedia and learned Mamula acutally exists in Montenegro. You are from Serbia. I guess you are familiar with the place. Were there any difficulties to get there? Presumably, you are gonna need a lot of paper work or occasionaly, you even need to bribe someone to get the permission to shoot the movie in this place. Any fun story to share with fans about that?
Milan Todorovic: I always loved this island. Since Montegero and Serbia were the same country until recently, I was in that area every summer vacation. The island Mamula was always so mysterious and beautiful. It is at the entrance of an amazing bay - Boka Kotorska. It’s the most beautiful part of Montenegro.
Every time I go to summer vacation and I see the island I was imagining some movie stories that could take place there. I even started writing one action thriller once, but I dropped the idea at some point. The story was not integrated with the place well enough.
So when a friend of mine said that he has an idea about a mermaid that lives beneath the island, I just had a picture of that film in my head instantly and I knew that would be the movie I want to make. My producing partner, Marko Jocic, has a summer house in that small town Rose, which is very near Mamula island, so he also loved the idea and he knew how to pull it off production vise.
The main difficulty was actualy how to get there with the crew and equipment. Although it is close to Rose, there is no proper pier at the island, so it was very complicated to get on and off the island. No electricity there, no toilets... When wind blows and waves are high you just cannot leave the island. One night we had to stay there in complete dark for a few hours, just waiting for the possibility to leave the island.
The City of Herceg Novi, which is in charge of the island, gave us permission with no problem, because they felt it will be a good worldwide promotion of their natural beauties and promotion of the tourism. Although it’s a horror movie, you know it’s a fantasy tale, and the landscape is real.
I am so sorry to hear that the City will sell the island to a hotel chain. They will make a fancy hotel there. And the place of such a long history and beauty, that was also a memorial ground as it was a concentration camp, will be closed for ordinary people and it will be resort for rich.
あの島は最高です。モンテネグロとセルビアは以前は同じ国だったので、夏にはよく海水浴に行きました。MAMULAは神秘的で美しい。Boka Kotorskaの入り江は、モンテネグロのいちばん美しい場所です。
だから、友達から人魚の映画をつくらないかといわれたときには、すぐにこの島を使おうと思いつきました。プロデューサーのMarko Jocicは、MAMULAの近くのRoseという町に別荘を持っているから、彼もよく知っていて、映画の企画にノリノリになってくれました。
Herceg Novi市が島を管理していますが、彼らはすぐに撮影の許可を出してくれました。観光のよい宣伝になると思ったのでしょう。これはホラー映画だけど、ファンタジー物語でもあるから。この映画の島の風景は本物です。
Hiro: Hmmm.. I was expecting such stories like, "They forced me to do a lot of paper work and even tried to make me to do blowjob twice! But thanks to Kristina! She punched his face and we could make our film!" But apparently something like this never happened. Sounds Serbian bureaucrat is very kind to filmmakers. It is good. BTW all actresses are super gorgeous. Kristina Klebe, Natalie Burn, Sofija Rajovic and the evil and beautiful mermaid, Zorana Kostic Obradovic whom I don't know at all, I believe she is so popular face among Serbia, she is so talented and her acting got the great atmosphere. Please tell us about them. How do you feel that you gather 4 top-notch beautiful girls in the beautiful island and shoot the film? I even can't imagine that.
そうですか。こんな話を期待したのですが →「ヤツラは僕に山ほど書類を出させたばかりでなく、僕に2度もフェラチオをさせようとしましたが、クリスティーナが顔面パンチで救ってくれました」なんていうかなと思いましたが、何事もなくてなによりでした。セルビアの官僚は映画製作者に優しいのですね。ところで、4人の女優さんはみんなきれいでした。クリスティーナ・クリーブ、ナタリー・バーン、Sofija Rajovic、そして、人魚を演じたZorana Kostic Obradovicさん。私はこの方をぜんぜん知りませんけど、きっとセルビアでは有名なんでしょう。とても雰囲気がある。彼女たちのことをしゃべってください。あんなきれいな4人のセレブを、きれいな島に集めて、映画を撮るってのはいったいどんな気分なのでありますか。わたしゃ想像することもできません。
Milan Todorovic: Although it looks like it was a dream shooting on a beautiful island with pretty women, it was actually a really really hard job to do. We had ONLY 16 days to shoot this film, it was the end of September, so water was cold and the weather was changing all the time. The storm at the end is actual storm. But having such a beautiful and dedicated actresses on the set made it much easier.
Kristina Klebe was lead actress in my first film - ZONE OF THE DEAD - and we stayed friends over the years and I always wanted to work with her again and again, as I think that, not only that she’s pretty, but she’s an excellent actress. So she was the first one that I called for this movie. We didn’t even had a script. I called her and said that I want to make a movie this summer about a mermaid, I showed her pictures of location and she said “Fantastic. Send me the script!” and I didn’t have it. But she said she’ll do it anyway. How often do you get to do a Serbian film with mermaids on such a nice location?
I met Natalie Burn just a few weeks before I come up with the project, we met in Cannes, and I went to her birthday party... I was without a gift, so I wrote a “contract” on a piece of paper that she will be in my next film. And she laughed. But a month later I called her said it is time that we activate the birthday gift!
Zorana Kostic Obradovic is one of the most popular and acclaimed top models in Serbia. She’s a fashion star. And she was the only one I wanted to be the mermaid. So we approached her and she thought it could be much fun - to be a first ever Serbian mermaid. And she was fantastic in her first film role, and even though she doesn’t have any lines, she gave such an impressive performance.
Sofija Rajovic was the only part of the cast that got the role on the audition. And I think we made a great choice. She was very charming in the role and have such a pretty face. She became a big TV star after the film, because she became a host of popular TV quiz show.
Also don’t forget the fifth beautiful girl - talented young actress Jelena Rakocevic, that played blonde at the beginning of the film.
クリスティーナ・クリーブとは、初監督作品『ゾーン・オブ・ザ・デッド (2009)』以来の交流で、僕たちはまたいっしょにやりたいと考え続けてきました。彼女は美人であるばかりでなく、女優としても最高です。この映画をやろうとして、一番最初に連絡したのが彼女です。電話して、アイデアを話して、ロケーションの写真を見せたら「すばらしい!はやく脚本を送って!」といわれて、「まだ書いてない」っていったら、「とにかくわたしはやる!セルビアで、こんなすばらしい場所で、人魚の映画を撮るなんて滅多にない話だ!」といってくれました。
Zorana Kostic Obradovicは、セルビアではとても有名なファッションモデルです。最初から人魚の役は彼女にお願いしようと思っていました。我々がお願いしたら、「おもしろそうだ」って引き受けてくれました。彼女はセルビア初の人魚を演じました。彼女には台詞がないけど、じつに印象的な演技で役をこなしてくれました。
Sofija Rajovicだけはオーディションを通じてキャスティングしました。彼女を選んでよかったと思う。美人だし魅力的だから。彼女はこの映画に出演した後、テレビ番組の司会に選ばれてノリノリです。
あと、映画の冒頭に出てきたJelena Rakocevicさんも忘れないでくださいよ。
Hiro: And Franco Nero! He was strong. Literally. He made the character bigger I think. The line from Moby Dick was really cool. His acting was like a magic. Please tell us about him.
Milan Todorovic: Franco Nero is one of my favorite actors. He is a living legend. One of the most prolific actors in the history of world cinema. He is a movie star, in a real sense of the word. And he was the perfect choice. I met him at Grossmann film festival in Slovenia, and I told him I have a role especially written for him (which was true). As soon as I started explaining the character and how would I direct it, he liked it. Because it was a character made with him in mind, and also with the most popular characters he has played in mind. So it was a Franco Nero character from the very beginning. He’s archetype of a hero. He’s name is Niko in the movie. Which means “Nobody!”
I must say that the entire cast was amazing, both Serbian and international cast, But Franco was the most impressive. He helped me a lot and gave a bunch of very good advices. He was very dedicated and I believe he made a really great role.
I am very happy with the story, and the connections we made with the myths, legends, with “Moby Dick” and with fallout of Yugoslavia. Also, having Franco Nero in the movie gave full speed to our imagination, so we have his character in the core of everything that happens in the movie. Franco doesn’t have much of a screen time in the movie, but when movie ends you have a feeling that he is the main character.
Hiro: I thought KILLER MERMAID got the biggest budget among your past films. The fighting scenes in climax toward the ending was really exciting. It looked way better than Syfy's TV movie. Oh, don't get me wrong. SHARKTOPUS is my hero. I mean.. in technical part, it looked so real. Someone once taught me that shooting in the water is one of the most difficult things to do so a lot of low-budget filmmakers reluctantly avoid it. I believe you used a lot of techniques to make what you want to make. And it was successfully done. Was it so hard to create these vfx scenes?
『マーメイド NYMPH (2014)』はあなたの過去作品の中でいちばん予算が潤沢であるように思えました。クライマックスの格闘場面は、Syfyのテレビ映画よりもよかったです。いや、間違えないでほしいんですが、私は『シャークトパス (2010)』を大好きなんですよ。そういう意味じゃなくて、技術的にすごくリアルに見えたという意味です。以前、誰かに教わったんですが、水中撮影ってのは苦労が多いので、低予算ホラーの監督はあまり手を出したがらない、と聞いたことがあります。やっぱりそんなに大変なのでありますか。
Milan Todorovic: Well, you won’t believe it, but it was really a low budget film. The smaller budget! But we had so very dedicated crew and cast, and everybody gave their maximum and it looks really great and expensive. But you are right - shooting in the water is the most difficult thing in the world. You never know what can happen, and the smaller wave can move your shot....
When we started shooting the final sequence, it was beautiful night and calm sea. But it was so hard to make proper shots. But we were managing to do it somehow. Then, suddenly a strom started. Huge waves were hitting the set. Boat was all over the place. It was impossible. And dangerous. Somebody could die. But Franco Nero came to me and said, “This is perfect. It will look great on film, because you need huge studio to make effect like this, and you have it here naturally. It will add more dramatic feel.” So he jumped to the boat and started doing the scene. And huge waves were in the background and it looked amazing.
So there were no effects in these scenes. It was all natural. (except mermaid effects, but during shooting it was a girl in mermaid makeup that was swimming in the dark cold water)
Hiro: The mermaid's face changes into ugly monster when she's upset. It was fun. It was funny that I found a little similarity with Japanese folklore monster called KAPPA which is very common in my country. How did you come up with the monster design? It was scary!
Milan Todorovic: I am sorry to say but I didn’t know about Kappa before. Looks very interesting. As for the monster - we had many ideas how to portray the mermaid. We even had ideas where she could transform her tail to legs and walk.
But then we decided to have two phases of her look - one is beautiful enchanting woman, that can hypnotise you not only with her look, but also with the song she makes. And the other version is when she wants to eat you - she becomes the monster. The monster version cannot make the song, but she is deadly, like piranha. And I also wanted to make her a little more “realistic”, so I didn’t want her to have fish tail and human upper part of the body, I wanted her to be of the same skin - like a dolphin.
The mermaid was made half prosthetics make up, half was CGI. The tail was always CGI. It was very hard to make it, and both Zorana Kostic Obradovic, who played “pretty mermaid”, and Mina Sablic, who was body double for “monster mermaid”, did amazing job and made an impressive character out of it.
人魚には特殊メイクとCGIの両方の技術が使われています。尾の部分はぜんぶCGI。これをつくるのは本当にたいへんでした。人魚を演じたZorana Kostic Obradovicと、怪物に変化したときのボディダブルを演じたMina Sablicはよくがんばってくれました。
Hiro: I've heard that KILLER MERMAID was screened in Frightfest and other film festivals around the globe including Korean festival last year. How people reacted? How did you feel to stand in front of the audience at Frightfest which is the biggest festival every horror director dreams of.
『マーメイド NYMPH (2014)』はFrightfestを始め、いろんな国で上映された(珍しく韓国でも)と聞いております。評判はどうだったですか。Frightfestで上映されるというのはすべてのホラー監督の夢であります。あそこの舞台に立って、ファンを目の前にして、どんなきもちだったですか。
Milan Todorovic: Yes. The movie had really nice festival life. Screened on more than 30 festivals worldwide, including some of the greatest festivals such as Frightfest, Sitges, Pifan and others.... Won several awards...
It was really exciting to show my film to different audiences and different cultures... It was never the same. Even on Frightfest. We had three screenings, and each screening had different reactions. But in general people really liked it, because it is an entertaining flick made for the audience.
It is funny - in Serbia it was screened at local festivals of domestic films. And audience here is used to comedies and dramas. So they were so scared watching killer mermaid attacking people. A lot of people were running outside of theaters. They were not expecting something with so much blood, and gore and with monster!
Hiro: Please tell us about your upcoming project. WRATH OF THE DEAD, the sequel of ZONE OF THE DEAD, is coming next? Any updates about that? Any other projects?
今後の予定を教えてください。『ゾーン・オブ・ザ・デッド (2009)』の続編の『WRATH OF THE DEAD』はぼちぼちきますか。何か他のプロジェクトもありますか。
Milan Todorovic: Well, I would love to say that WRATH OF THE DEAD is next, but, again, it is not. It is a big project and I want to do it properly, and it takes more time to raise enough money for it. But the script is ready, Ken Foree is ready... zombies are almost ready... so we are getting closer with that. We already made the prologue teaser scene. I hope we will be able to start by the end of the year.
In the meantime - we are shooting another film next month. I cannot reveal too much, but it will be a science fiction horror, with some space terror coming to rural part of Serbia. It is something like Lovecraft meets Event Horizon. I won’t be directing it, only producing. The director is Dejan Zecevic, famous Serbian director (The Enemy).
It is the concept my producing partner and I wish to continue every year with at least one film per year. Smaller movies but great potential.
As for my directorial next film - apart from WRATH OF THE DEAD, which I will co-direct with ZONE OF THE DEAD’s co-director Milan Konjevic - I am developing a few more projects. One of them is also NYMPH 2, for which Franco Nero himself wrote the storyline. Also, I have an idea for one more crime action film with Franco Nero. And there is one more project - a slasher movie with supermodels.
次はいよいよ『WRATH OF THE DEAD』がきますよ。といいたいけれど、これはまだ時間がかかりそうです。大企画だからきちっとやりたい。そのためにはお金と時間がもう少し必要です。脚本はできています。ケン・フォリーの出演も決まっている。ゾンビたちもだいたい準備できた。もう少し待っててくださいよ。いまプロローグ的なティーザーをつくったところです。今年の後半あたりから本格的に始めたいと思っています。
来月、別の映画の撮影が始まります。詳細はまだナイショですが、これはSFホラーで、セルビアの田舎に宇宙からなにかがやってくるという内容です。ラブクラフト・ミーツ・イベント・ホライゾンみたいなかんじ。僕はこれの制作をやっています。監督をやるのは、『The Enemy (2011)』をつくったセルビアのDejan Zecevicです。
『WRATH OF THE DEAD』以外に、いくつかの企画が進行中です。その中には、本作『マーメイド NYMPH (2014)』の続編PART2もあります。これはフランコ・ネロが物語を書きました。フランコといっしょに犯罪アクションものをつくるアイデアもあります。最後にもうひとつ。こちらはスーパーモデルが出てくるスラッシャー映画です。
Hiro: Japanese DVD of KILLER MERMAID will be out in March, 2015. Japanese fans are looking forward to seeing it. Could you please give your words to them?
日本では『マーメイド NYMPH (2014)』のDVDが2015年3月に出ます。みんなは楽しみにしているでしょう。日本のファンに向けてなんかしゃべってください。
Milan Todorovic: It is a film made from a film fan to film fans. Since I am a small town boy from Serbia, it was like a dream come true to me - I had beautiful girls, fantastic locations, sea monster and Franco Nero! Hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I did making it. It is a first ever Serbian creature feature and I hope it is not the last one! Thanks!
Thanks so much, Milan! You are awesome!
画像をもっと見る (50枚)twitterのご案内
『ホラー映画 :: 洋画』の最近のエントリ
- Bite School (2015)
- 短編映画|Japanese Legends: SLIT
- アトロズ|Atroz (2015)
- Faim De Mort Trilogy (2015)
- 話題の短編ホラー『Night of the Slasher(切り裂き魔の夜)』無料オンラインリリース!
- La Petite Mort 2: The Nasty Tapes (2014)
- ドリー・デッドリー|Dolly Deadly (2016)
- 短編ホラー映画|ピッグスキン|Pigskin (2015)
- Good Tidings
- ザ・リフト|The Rift (2016)

原題: | Mamula |
別題: | Dark Sea A Sereia Assassina Nymph - Mysteriös. Verführerisch. Tödlich. Killer Mermaids Sirena ubojica Nymph Nimfa Mamula Мамула |
邦題(カタカナ): | 『マーメイド NYMPH』 |
制作年: | 2014年 |
制作国: | セルビア/モンテネグロ |
公開日: | 2014年3月8日 (セルビア) (Belgrade Film Festival) 2014年5月1日 (セルビア) 2014年6月25日 (セルビア) (Cinema City International Film Festival) 2014年8月26日 (アメリカ) (digital premiere) 2014年8月29日 (ドイツ) (Blu-ray and DVD premiere) 2014年9月9日 (アメリカ) (DVD) |
imdb.com: | imdb.com :: Mamula |
- Milan Konjevic :: ミラン・コニェヴィッチ [imdb] (screenplay)
- Marko Backovic [imdb] (story)
- Barry Keating [imdb] (screenplay)
- Kristina Klebe :: クリスティーナ・クリーブ [imdb] (Kelly)
- Franco Nero :: フランコ・ネロ [imdb] (Niko)
- Natalie Burn :: ナタリー・バーン [imdb] (Lucy)
- Dragan Micanovic :: ドラガン・ミカノヴィッチ [imdb] (Boban)
- Miodrag Krstovic :: ミオドラグ・クロストヴィッチ [imdb] (The Guardian)
- Slobodan Stefanovic [imdb] (Alex)
- Sofija Rajovic [imdb] (Yasmin)
- Zorana Kostic Obradovic [imdb] (Scylla the Nymph)
- Jelena Rakocevic [imdb] (Ana)
- Janko Cekic [imdb] (Sergej)
- Miki Peric [imdb] (Mickey Backpacker)
- Milena Predic [imdb] (Bar Owner)
- Mina Sablic [imdb] (The Creature)
- Zarko Dudic [imdb] (Rose Local)
- Slobodan Jocic [imdb] (Rose Local)
- Zoran Culibrk [imdb] (Rose Local)
- Kristina Klebe :: クリスティーナ・クリーブ [imdb] (associate producer)
- Milan Todorovic :: ミラン・トドロヴィッチ [imdb] (executive producer)
- Petar Arbajter [imdb] (executive producer)
- Goran Djikic [imdb] (executive producer)
- Marko Jocic [imdb] (line producer / producer)
- Slobodan Jocic [imdb] (executive producer)
- Ivan Pribicevic [imdb] (executive producer)
- Lada Vukotic Stamatov [imdb] (co-producer)
- Ivan Arsic [imdb] (Lead VFX artist/supervisor / Lead compositor / Lighting/look developement / Modeling/rigging / lead compositor / lead visual effects artist)
- Branko Brkovic [imdb] (Animator)
- Aleksandar Djordjevic [imdb] (Compositor)
- Djordje Ilic [imdb] (Compositor / Lighting/look developement)
- Marko Kraguljac [imdb] (Compositor)
- Ivan Milanovic [imdb] (Compositor)
- Marko Milasinovic [imdb] (Compositor / Fluid simulation / Lighting/look developement)
- Djordje Nagulov [imdb] (Modeling/rigging)
- Milan Nikolic [imdb] (concept design)
- Sasa Nikolic [imdb] (compositing artist / digital compositor: DIGITALKRAFT)
- Ana Pakljanac [imdb] (Art direction/digital matte paint/concept / Lighting/look developement / art direction and look development / digital matte painter)
- Milorad Petkovic [imdb] (Fluid simulation / TD)
- Ivan Pribicevic [imdb] (VFX supervisor/executive producer: DIGITALKRAFT)
- Predrag Sanader [imdb] (Modeling/rigging)
- Ada Sokolovic [imdb] (Post-production coordinator / post-production coordinator)
- Nemanja Djuric [imdb] (special effects assistant)
- Danilo Dudic [imdb] (special effects coordinator)
- Zarko Dudic [imdb] (pyrotechnician)
- Miroslav Lakobrija [imdb] (creature creator / special effects makeup)
- Tijana Draguljevic [imdb] (key makeup artist)
- Miroslav Lakobrija [imdb] (special makeup effects artist)
- Loris Curci :: ロリス・クルチ [imdb] (special thanks)
- Aleksandar Adzic [imdb] (special thanks)
- Ivo Barizon [imdb] (thanks)
- Darija Bogdanovic [imdb] (special thanks)
- Davor Bogdanovic [imdb] (special thanks)
- Josko Bogdanovic [imdb] (special thanks)
- Lazar Bogdanovic [imdb] (special thanks)
- Nada Bogdanovic [imdb] (special thanks)
- Jasmina Corovic [imdb] (special thanks)
- Feti Dautovic [imdb] (special thanks)