2013/12/20 (Fri) at 8:20 am

映画|トード・ロード|Toad Road


トード・ロード / Toad Road DVDDVD画像








Toad Road (2012) trailer


Toad Road (2012)』は各所でスクリーニングされて大変評判がよく、加えて、最近ノリノリのレーベル『Artsploitation Films』からのリリースなので、楽しみに見たんだが、少々期待ハズレであった。しかし、それは映画が悪いせいでなく、私の好みに合わないだけで、この手のヤツを好きな人にはいいと思いますよ。





サラ・アン・ジョーンズ / Sara Anne Jones 画像



Memorable Quotes

Sara: I met a guy once, who told me about a place that contained the seven gates that lead to Hell. I thought that it was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard.

Sara: See that's the thing. I don't have the experiences that you guys do. I've never done like, drugs like that. I mean, I'd like to.
James: You become accustom to the fucking culture itself and you surround yourself with drug people then by the time you realize like wehere you are, waking up in places you've never been before, like it's beyond the point of no return. You know, it's like you cannot... where do you go? It's all you know. It's like, it's like fucking... It's like a walk down Toad Road for Christ's sake. You know, like, you're there. You're fucked already.
Sara: What's Toad Road?
James: Oh yeah! You're a city girl. You don't know about Toad Road. Alright. Well um... Toad Road is uh, like the local high school urban legend. It's only in York. Like, it's this, uh this road that used to be behind this mental ward or mental institution or something, and uh, you walk down this road and like you go through this first gate. And it's this tiny, little red gate like right at the front of this like big woods, wilderness. It's just a little, tiny trail. And then, as you go, you see like your second gate and your third gate, and you keep going through and like things keep getting more and more fucked up. Like you start, like... It's like a bad trip. Which I know doesn't mean anything to you, because, but maybe it will, if you had it your way. You go through you first gate then your second gate and like you start hearing things and seeing things and like people are following you. Things that just aren't there and time changes and...
Sara: Well, have you ever been there?
James: Na, of course not.
Sara: Why wouldn't you go?
James: Because it's a fucking... It's like the, the man in the mirror. The fucking Bloody Mary shit.
Sara: It'd still be fun to go. Like will you go with me?
James: No! It's the opposite of fun. It's getting drunk and going down a trail at night, in the middle of the woods, with a bunch of people who don't know where they're going...
Sara: What if you're tripping?
James: Then it would be even fucking worse. You would never even make it home. You'd get lost in the middle of the woods. If you really want to, this weekend, me and like you know, the gang are going to that cave up off of like, in uh, where ever, it's that little like, landmark cave and we're going to do mushrooms in there. And that'll be scary and spooky. It'd be better than Toad Road, though.
Sara: And I can eat some mushrooms?
James: Yeah, I'm not gonna give you permission. You do what you want to do.
Sara: I don't need your permission but if I'm going to be with you...
James: Whoah! Wow! Look at you!
Sara: See I've already made up my mind about this.
James: Clearly. Oh well, that's fine. That's fine. Do what you gotta do. I'll be there.
Sara: So when is this? This weekend?
James: This weekend.
Sara: Alright.

Sara: Well, from what I've read, at the first gate, you start feeling like things are watching you. At the second gate you start hearing things. At the third gate you actually start seeing things. At the fourth gate, apparently people pass out.
James: Good. That's great.
Sara: The fifth gate is the one that no one has gotten past. Apparently, time starts to warp and change and you lose grip on anything that's happening around you. And no one knows what the sixth and seventh gates are 'cause no one has gotten past the fifth. But that's what I want to find out.
James: So we're the pioneers now. Or the trailblazers. We're gonna find them? Is that the idea?
Sara: Well, I just kind of wanted to drop some acid and see what happened. I know you think it's stupid.
James: No. I just think... I don't think it's stupid, I just think that what's going to happen is you're going to drop acid and then yeah, you probably won't have any trouble finding the gates that makes you see and hear things that aren't there.
Sara: James, after the cave, I haven't even really been talking to anyone about what's been going on; not even Whitleigh becaue..
James: Well, good.
Sara: I feel like something attached itself to me. It's like pulling me along somewhere but I don't know where the fuck it's going. This is just something I feel like I have to do. And it's been pushing me. And I've been letting it. I don't just take acid like all your fucking friends do and hang out and stare at walls. You know, it's not like that for me. This isn't just an urban legend. Everyone thnks the seventh gate is Hell.
James: That's the legend, isn't it?
Sara: I don't think it is. I think it might be something better. Something real.
James: I think it probably sucks.

Sara: There are seven gates that lead to Hell. When you pass through the first gate, a feeling washes over you that you're completely unwanted. Those thing around you that are pulling at you will rip you to shreds, but you can see them. You can only feel them tugging away. It's hopeless. When you pass through the second gate of Hell, you start to hear things. The wind isn't the wind. The leaves aren't leaves. And the ground starts to spit out little voices. The voices are your mother or your father telling you how you've disappointed them. As much as it should hurt to feel that, you already knew it. So there's no reason to run. When you pass through the third gate of Hell, you start to see things, the voices start to become faces. Start to become shadows. They move around you. You close your eyes and they're still there. And in the moment of all this confusion, for just a second, you might see someone you know. Nodding, telling you to turn back. As you pass through the fourth gate of Hell, everything around you begins to die. As you move forward, the leaves start to fall, the clouds blacken, the trees cave in. It gets cold, so cold. But even as everything around you freezes and becomes still, you feel warm, powerful, ready to keep marching through.

Sara: when you pass through the fifth gate, time begins to change. With every step forward... memory falls to the wayside. There's no past, no present, no future. And if you're not focused, if you don't know exactly where you want to be, you can get lost in there. And that for anyone who fails to keep moving forward, is a completely different level of Hell.

Sara: As you pass through the sixth gate of Hell, it begins to take over you. As you move forward slowly, you can feel it start at your feet. It moves upwards, through your limbs, your stomach. Your veins boil. And it penetrates you from the inside out. If you don't sacrifice yourself, it will rip you apart. You have to let it take over you. And leave your old self there on the ground next to you, so you can finally reach the end.

James: Everybody thinks I'm guilty, and I never thought I was until you showed up. Am I?

Sara: When you pass through the seventh gate of Hell, you realize that you are surrounded by absolute nothingless. There's no time, no pain. Just a great, giant, black void. And you are floating there in the ultimate solitude.


画像をもっと見る (83枚)




Artsploitation Filmsの映画

ホラー映画 :: 洋画』の最近のエントリ

原題: Toad Road
制作年: 2012年
制作国: アメリカ
公開日: 2012年7月26日 (カナダ) (Fantasia International Film Festival)
2012年10月23日 (アメリカ) (Los Angeles, California)
2013年1月31日 (フランス) (Gerardmer Fantasy Film Festival)
2013年6月3日 (スペイン) (Nocturna, Madrid International Fantastic Film Festival)
2013年10月25日 (アメリカ)
imdb.com: imdb.com :: Toad Road
視覚効果(Visual Effects)

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