2014/3/8 (Sat) at 3:36 pm

映画|私はゴースト|I Am a Ghost


私はゴースト / I Am a Ghost DVDDVD画像






答え → 生きてない。この娘はオバケだから。


てわけで、この映画は『I Am A Ghost』という題名通り『オバケの視点から見たオバケ映画』だったのでした。声の主、シルヴィア(ジーニー・バロガ)の仕事は、迷えるエミリーオバケの魂を鎮め、あの世に導くことである。エミリーとシルヴィアは互いの姿を見ることはできないが、会話はできる。






This is a house for the living, not the dead!
Seek the light!
Go to where you belong!


I Am a Ghost (2012) trailer







  • 独創的
  • 極めて独創的
  • 撮影も音楽もよい
  • アンナ・イシダのひとりオバケ演技は秀逸
  • 後半13分のアレ!すごい!


  • ない

ジェームズ・ワンがこれを見たら、激しく嫉妬をするのではないか。なんて最上級の賛辞を捧げたい。オバケの側から見たらこんな風なのかなって思える説得力があった。この映画のオバケのセオリに若干のplot holeがあるように思えるんだが、しかしながら、オバケなんて本来は説明不可能なものだし、なにしろ発想がおもしろいから、これくらいは許容である。

死霊館』その他モロモロ、最近のオバケ映画はおもしろいとはいえ、どれもこれもクラシック路線を今風につくりかえたようなヤツが多い。そろそろ新機軸をやってもいいんじゃないの。もっとちがうのをやって。なんて不満を持つ方には、『私はゴースト (2012)』はドンピシャリである。

そしてラストの盛りあがりがすばらしい。映画の大半は、大変に上品な映像で、エミリーオバケがシルヴィアさんの力を借りて自分探しをするお話で、こわいというよりは悲しいオバケの心情を綴る不思議ミステリーという趣だが、最後の最後にドッカーン!ウギャー!とくる。しっかりホラー映画になっている。これをつくったひとはえらい!Five star!!

私はゴースト (2012)』はただいまiTunesUSで公開中。







Memorable Quotes

One need not be a Chamber to be Haunted.
One need not be a House.
The Brain has Corridors surpassing Material Place.

- Emily Dickinson

I'll never leave you alone, my dear.
You needn't be afraid, my dear.
I am the one who protects you, dear.
When they've gone away.
People come and go, my dear.
Babies are born and grow, my dear.
I'll be the one who loves you, dear.
When they've gone away.

Emily: I just saw myself in the hallway!
Sylvia: This happens when you close off. You become tremendously conscious, and now that you have full consciousness, you can see each of your memories as they've been imprinted in time.

Emily: Sylvia, I just saw myself in every room in the house.
Sylvia: Yes, Emily. Those are your impressions on the house.
Emily: My impression?
Sylvia: Yes. Were they illuminating?
Emily: It was frightening. One of them looked right at me. And another one heard me, I think.
Sylvia: That's impossible.
Emily: I'm telling you, it happended. It was pure horror staring at myself.
Sylvia: I can imagine.
Emily: Sylvia, I'm scared. I'm scared to see what happens in this room.
Sylvia: Emily.
Emily: I don't... I was murdered in this room.
Sylvia: Emily.
Emily: I don't know if I can handle seeing that.
Sylvia: You weren't murdered, Emily.
Emily: I beg your pardon?
Sylvia: You weren't murdered.
Emily: I don't understand.
Sylvia: I did more research on you, and it looks like you were not stabbed repeatedly by a man nor a monster.
Emily: Research?
Sylvia: As a child, you were diagnosed with dementia.
Emily: Dementia?
Sylvia: A special kind of dementia, dissociative identity disorder, also known as multiple personality disorder. You were taken by your parents to the doctor who diagnosed you. You would have short spells, in which you were someone else, someone violent and inhumane. But when the spell lasted longer than a day, you were taken back to the doctor, And he diagnosed you with what he called dementia praecox, now known as dissociative identity disorder.
Emily: Also known as multiple personality disorder, yes. I don't see how that means anything.
Sylvia: Emily you weren't killed by a man. You killed yourself. You stabbed yourself repeatedly on that rug in this room.
Emily: No.
Sylvia: Yes, Emily. This changes everything.
Emily: How?
Sylvia: Because you may have closed off with me, but you haven't closed off with yourself if you don't remember committing suicide.
Emily: I was killed by a man in this room.
Sylvia: I know you think that but my research says..
Emily: Your research?! I know what I saw and I know what I felt!
Sylvia: Emily, as you go through your memories in this house, are you able to relive the murder?
Emily: No, but I remember it.
Sylvia: Yet here we are in your mother's room where you died, and you see no other version of yourself dying.
Emily: I'm unclear on what you're implying.
Sylvia: You saw yourself in every room in this house except this one. Why is that?
Emily: I'm not the one with the answers, Sylvia. I'm not the one with the gift.
Sylvia: Emily, my aim is not to insult you.
Emily: You are calling me crazy!
Sylvia: Emily, you're talking to a disembodied voice, and I converse with dead people. I think we both transcended the boundaries of sanity.
Emily: All right. Yes. I can see myself in every room in this house but this one. I don't know why. I don't know why any of this is happening.
Sylvia: Do you remember having another personality?
Emily: Like I said, I would black out, and when I would wake up, I would be in horrible situations.
Sylvia: Like having bloodied hand.
Emily: Right.
Sylvia: Or choking your sister.
Emily: Right.
Sylvia: Emily, you lived your whole life with a demon, a monster inside your body, and when you killed yourself in this room, you released not one soul, but two into this house.
Emily: Well, that's illuminating. Sylvia? Where are you?
Sylvia: I'm sitting at the writing desk.
Emily: So what does this mean?
Sylvia: It means that I've been trying to guide half of a person into the afterlife.
Emily: Half of a person.
Sylvia: Yes. You may have released two souls when you died, but they are still two halves of the person who lived. I can't guide you into the light without your other half. I can't guide you into the light without the monster.
Emily: The very mention of him chills my bones. If I released two souls into this house, why haven't I seen him?
Sylvia: You're only reliving memories, Emily. Remember?
Emily: Yes, I remember, Sylvia, but I closed off with you. I'm cognizant now.
Sylvia: You're not cognizant. You're just connected to me, and you wouldn't be reliving his memories. You can only relive your own. Why do you think you blacked out when you were alive?
Emily: I lived with a man inside me.
Sylvia: Yes. And we need to find him.
Emily: I wouldn't know where to begin.
Sylvia: I don't know either.

Emily: How long has it been since you've with spoken with me?
Sylvia: A day.
Emily: So our times are in sync now. It feels like it's been a day for me.

Sylvia: Why do you think this is of interest?
Emily: Because I have no memory of what may have frightened me here.
Sylvia: But do you remember what the staircase leads to?
Emily: The attic.
Sylvia: Why haven't you gone there?
Emily: I never went there. I'll never go there. That's where my mother threatened to lock me if I was unruly.
Sylvia: Did she ever do so?
Emily: No. Empty Threats.
Sylvia: Maybe you were simply frightened of the attic because of what it represented.
Emily: Possibly.

Emily: Sylvia, I just had a fright. I went to the attic to see what was there and there was nothing. It's just an empty attic, but a wave of emotion came over me. Suddenly, I felt fear and anger and sadness. It hit me like a recovered memory. Sylvia, I don't know what that attic was, but there was no one there. Sylvia?

a demon: You haven't found me. I've come to you. I've lived in your body for my entire life, living your insipid existence, hearing your futile pleas for answers, answers to questions. You could never muster the intelligence to ask, answers that you wouldn't be able to handle, had you receive them. I had to answer to your stupid name as it was called, lashing out whenever I could. I tried to escape you, but you kept me at bay. I've been called a demon and a monster, and yet I'm the victim. I hoped for release when I killed you. I hoped for freedom and light and all I attained was a prison an attic to house me when I was unruly. A place where I could relive all of the worst memories of our life. For this reason, I sought you. For your death, I yearn. For your death, I hunger.

a demon: Your god is dead.

Sylvia: This is a house for the living, not the dead! Seek the light! Go to where you belong!

Emily: Everything will be fine. Everything will be fine. Everything will be fine. I am a ghost! I am a ghost!







画像をもっと見る (44枚)




ホラー映画 :: 洋画』の最近のエントリ

原題: I Am a Ghost
別題: Soy un fantasma
邦題(カタカナ): 『私はゴースト』
制作年: 2012年
制作国: アメリカ
公開日: 2012年10月14日 (アメリカ) (Hawaii Film Festival)
2012年11月2日 (アメリカ) (San Diego Asian Film Festival)
2012年11月17日 (アメリカ) (St. Louis International Film Festival)
2013年6月6日 (スペイン) (Nocturna, Madrid International Fantastic Film Festival)
2013年10月26日 (フランス) (Samain du Cinema Fantastique)
2013年10月29日 (アメリカ) (San Francisco, California)
2013年11月2日 (スペイン) (Festival de Cine de Terror de Molins de Rei)
2014年3月1日 (アメリカ)
imdb.com: imdb.com :: I Am a Ghost

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