映画|フランケンシュタインの花嫁|Bride of Frankenstein
『フランケンシュタイン (1931)』に続くシリーズ第2作。怪物におよめさんができるよ。コリン・クライヴ、ボリス・カーロフ、アーネスト・セシジャー、エルザ・ランチェスター、ヴァレリー・ホブソン。監督ジェームズ・ホエール。1935年。モノクロ。ユニバーサルの古典ホラー映画。
この映画では、ミニチュアサイズの人間という特撮シーンがあるんだけど、1935年の映画とは思えないできばえでびっくりしました。モノクロだからアラが目立たないということもあるんでしょうが、それにしてもこの時代でこれはすごくないですか。はっきりいって、この映画の50年後のチャールズ・バンドの映画(『Bad Channels (1992)』とか)と比べても遜色ないのではないか、とさえ思われました。
Memorable Quotes
Mary Shelley: It's a perfect night for mystery and horror. The air itself is filled with monsters.
Lord Byron: How beautifully dramatic! The cruelest savage exhibition of nature at her worst without.
Lord Byron: And we three. We elegant three within. I should like to think that an irate Jehovah was pointing those arrows of lightning directly at my head. The unbowed head of George Gordon, Lord Byron. England's greatest sinner. But I cannot flatter myself to that extent. Possibly those thunders are for our dear Shelley. Heavens applause for England's greatest poet.
Percy Shelley: What of my Mary?
Lord Byron: She's an angel.
Mary Shelley: You think so?
Villager: Well, I must say, that's the best fire I ever saw in all me life.
Dr. Pretorius: To a new world of gods and monsters!
Dr. Pretorius: We shall drink to our partnership. Do you like gin? It is my only weakness.
Dr. Pretorius: My experiments did not turn out quite like yours, Henry. But science, like love, has her little surprises, as you shall see.
Henry Frankenstein: Good heavens, Doctor. What are these?
Dr. Pretorius: There is a pleasing variety about my exhibits. My first experiment was so lovely that we made her a queen. Charming, don't you think? Then, of course, we had to have a king. Now he's so madly in love with her that we have to segregate them. Now now. I have to be very careful with the king. Now, behave. My next production looked so disapprovingly at the other two that they made him an archbishop. He seems to be asleep. I must wake him up. The next one is the very devil. Very bizarre, this little chap. There's a certain resemblance to me, don't you think? Or do I flatter myself? I took a great deal of pains with him. Sometimes I have wondered whether life wouldn't be much more amusing if we were all devils, and no nonsense about angels and being good. Oh, there's the king out again. Even royal amours are a nuisance. Poor Archbishop. He has his hands full. There. That'll keep you quiet. My little ballerina is charming, but such a bore. She'll only dance to Mendelssohn's "Spring Song", and it gets so monotonous. My next is very conventional, I'm afraid. But you can never tell how these things will turn out. It was an experiment with seaweed. Normal size has been my difficulty.
Henry Frankenstein: You did achieve size.
Dr. Pretorius: I need to work that out with you.
Henry Frankenstein: But this isn't science. It's more like black magic.
Dr. Pretorius: You think I'm mad. Perhaps I am. But listen, Henry Frankenstein, while you were digging in your graves piecing together dead tissues, I, my dear pupil, went for my material to the source of life. I grew my creatures, like cultures. Grew them as nature does, from seed. But, still, you did achieve results that I have missed. Now, think. What a world-astounding collaboration we should be, you and I, together.
Henry Frankenstein: No. No, no, no.
Dr. Pretorius: Leave the charnel house and follow the lead of nature, or of God, if you like your Bible stories. Male and female, created He them. Be fruitful and multiply. Create a race, a man-made race upon the face of the earth. Why not?
Henry Frankenstein: I daren't. I daren't even think of such a thing.
Dr. Pretorius: Our mad dream is only half realised. Alone you have created a man. Now together we will create his mate.
Henry Frankenstein: You mean?
Dr. Pretorius: Yes, a woman. That should be really interesting.
The Monster: I cannot see and you cannot speak. Is that it?
The Monster: Alone, bad. Friend, good!
The Monster: We belong dead!
Dr. Pretorius: Do you know who Henry Frankenstein is, and who you are?
The Monster: Yes, I know. Made me from dead. I love dead... hate living.
Dr. Pretorius: You are wise in your generation. We must have a long talk, and then I have an important call to make.
Henry Frankenstein: I've been cursed for delving into the mysteries of life!
The Monster: I want friend like me.
Dr. Pretorius: I hope her bones are firm.
Dr. Pretorius: Here, have a cigar... they're my only weakness!
The Monster: Do you know who Henry Frankenstein is? And who you are?
Dr. Pretorius: Yes. I know. Made me from dead. I love dead. Hate living.
The Monster: You're wise in your generation. We must have a long talk, and then I have an important call to make.
Dr. Pretorius: Woman... Friend... Wife...
Henry Frankenstein: She's alive! Alive!
Villager: He isn't human. Frankenstein made him out of dead bodies.
Dr. Pretorius: The Bride of Frankenstein!
The Monster: Friend, friend.
The Monster: She hates me. Like others.
Elizabeth: Henry! Open the door! Henry!
Henry Frankenstein: Get back! Get back!
Elizabeth: I won't unless you come!
Henry Frankenstein: But I can't leave them! I can't!
The Monster: Yes, go! You live! Go! You stay. We belong dead.
Henry Frankenstein: Darling, darling.
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原題: | Bride of Frankenstein |
別題: | La Novia de Frankenstein Frankensteins Rückkehr La Fiancee de Frankenstein A Noiva de Frankenstein Frankensteins Braut La novia de Frankenstein Frankensteinin morsian Frankensteins brud La fiancée de Frankenstein I mnisti tou Frankenstein I nyfi tou Frankenstein Frankenstein menyasszonya La moglie di Frankenstein De bruid van Frankenstein Narzeczona Frankensteina Frankenštajnova nevesta Невеста Франкенштейна Frankenstayn'in nisanlisi Frankenstein Lives Again! The Bride of Frankenstein The Return of Frankenstein |
邦題(カタカナ): | 『フランケンシュタインの花嫁』 |
制作年: | 1935年 |
制作国: | アメリカ |
公開日: | 1935年 (日本) 1935年4月22日 (アメリカ) 1935年6月7日 (フランス) 1935年10月7日 (スペイン) (Madrid) 1998年 (スペイン) 2010年4月24日 (アメリカ) (TCM Classic Film Festival) |
imdb.com: | imdb.com :: Bride of Frankenstein |
- Mary Shelley :: メアリー・シェリー [imdb] (suggested by: the original story written in 1816 by)
- William Hurlbut :: ウィリアム・ハールバット [imdb] (adapted by)
- John L. Balderston :: ジョン・L・ボルダーストン [imdb] (adapted by)
- William Hurlbut :: ウィリアム・ハールバット [imdb] (screenplay)
- Josef Berne :: ジョセフ・バーン [imdb] ([adaptation])
- Lawrence G. Blochman :: ローレンス・G・ブロックマン [imdb] ([adaptation])
- Robert Florey :: ロバート・フローリー [imdb] ([story])
- Philip MacDonald :: フィリップ・マクドナルド [imdb] ([adaptation])
- Tom Reed :: トーマス・リード [imdb] ([contributing writer])
- R.C. Sherriff :: R・C・シェリフ [imdb] ([adaptation])
- Edmund Pearson :: エドマンド・ピアソン [imdb] ([screenplay])
- Morton Covan :: モートン・コヴァン [imdb] ([adaptation])
- Boris Karloff :: ボリス・カーロフ [imdb] (The Monster)
- Elsa Lanchester :: エルザ・ランチェスター [imdb] (Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley / The Monster's Mate)
- Colin Clive :: コリン・クライヴ [imdb] (Henry Frankenstein)
- Valerie Hobson :: ヴァレリー・ホブソン [imdb] (Elizabeth)
- Ernest Thesiger :: アーネスト・セシジャー [imdb] (Dr. Pretorius)
- Gavin Gordon :: ギャヴィン・ゴードン [imdb] (Lord Byron)
- Douglas Walton :: ダグラス・ウォルトン [imdb] (Percy Bysshe Shelley)
- Una O'Connor :: ウナ・オコナー [imdb] (Minnie)
- E.E. Clive :: E・E・クライヴ [imdb] (Burgomaster)
- Lucien Prival :: ルシアン・プリヴァル [imdb] (Butler)
- O.P. Heggie :: O・P・ヘギー [imdb] (Hermit)
- Dwight Frye :: ドワイト・フライ [imdb] (Karl)
- Reginald Barlow :: レジナルド・バーロウ [imdb] (Hans)
- Mary Gordon :: メアリー・ゴードン [imdb] (Hans' Wife)
- Anne Darling :: アン・ダーリング [imdb] (Shepherdess)
- Ted Billings :: テッド・ビリングス [imdb] (Ludwig)
- Robert Adair :: ロバート・アデア [imdb] (Hunter in Woods)
- Norman Ainsley :: ノーマン・アインスレー [imdb] (Archbishop)
- Billy Barty :: ビリー・バーティ [imdb] (Baby)
- Frank Benson :: フランク・ベンソン [imdb] (Villager)
- Maurice Black :: モーリス・ブラック [imdb] (Gypsy)
- Walter Brennan :: ウォルター・ブレナン [imdb] (Neighbor)
- Mae Bruce :: メイ・ブルース [imdb] (Villager)
- A.S. 'Pop' Byron :: A・S・'ポップ'・バイロン [imdb] (King)
- John Carradine :: ジョン・キャラダイン [imdb] (Hunter at Hermit's Cottage)
- D'Arcy Corrigan :: ダーシー・コリガン [imdb] (Procession Leader)
- Grace Cunard :: グレイス・キューナード [imdb] (Villager)
- Jack Curtis :: ジャック・カーティス [imdb] (Hunter)
- J. Gunnis Davis :: ジェームズ・デイヴィス [imdb] (Uncle Glutz)
- Helen Jerome Eddy :: ヘレン・ジェローム・エディ [imdb] (Gypsy's Wife)
- Neil Fitzgerald :: ニール・フィッツジェラルド [imdb] (Rudy)
- Brenda Fowler :: ブレンダ・ファウラー [imdb] (Mother)
- John George :: ジョン・ジョージ [imdb] (Villager)
- Helen Gibson :: ヘレン・ギブソン [imdb] (Villager)
- Marilyn Harris :: マリリン・ハリス [imdb] (Girl)
- Rollo Lloyd :: ロッロ・ロイド [imdb] (Neighbor)
- Josephine McKim :: ジョセフィン・マッキム [imdb] (Little Mermaid)
- Torben Meyer :: トーベン・マイヤー [imdb] (Victim in Flashback)
- Edward Peil Sr. :: エドワード・ピール・シニア [imdb] (Villager)
- Tempe Pigott :: テンプ・ピゴット [imdb] (Auntie Glutz)
- Sarah Schwartz :: サラ・シュワルツ [imdb] (Marta)
- Mary Stewart :: メアリー・スチュワート [imdb] (Neighbor)
- Frank Terry :: フランク・テリー [imdb] (Hunter at Hermit's Cottage)
- Anders Van Haden :: アンダース・ヴァン・ヘイデン [imdb] (Villager)
- Dorothy Vernon :: ドロシー・ヴァーノン [imdb] (Maid)
- Lucio Villegas :: ルチオ・ヴィレガス [imdb] (Priest)
- Joan Woodbury :: ジョーン・ウッドベリ [imdb] (Queen)
- Kansas DeForrest [imdb] (Ballerina)
- Elspeth Dudgeon [imdb] (Gypsy's Mother)
- Edwin Mordant [imdb] (Coroner)
- Peter Shaw [imdb] (Devil)
- Carl Laemmle Jr. :: カール・レムリ・Jr [imdb] (producer)
- John J. Mescall :: ジョン・F・メスコール [imdb] (photographer)
- Ted J. Kent :: テッド・J・ケント [imdb] (film editor)
- Vera West :: ヴェラ・ウェスト [imdb] (uncredited)
- John P. Fulton :: ジョン・フルトン [imdb] (photographic effects)
- Cleo E. Baker :: チャールズ・ベイカー [imdb] (miniatures)
- Jack Cosgrove :: ジャック・コスグローヴ [imdb] (matte paintings)
- David S. Horsley :: デヴィッド・ホースレー [imdb] (optical effects)
- Russell Lawson :: ラッセル・ローソン [imdb] (matte paintings)
- David S. Horsley :: デヴィッド・ホースレー [imdb] (special effects assistant)
- Ken Strickfaden [imdb] (special electrical properties)
- Otto Lederer :: オットー・レデラー [imdb] (makeup associate)
- Jack P. Pierce :: ジャック・P・ピアース [imdb] (makeup artist)
- Irma Kusely [imdb] (hair stylist)