2015/10/23 (Fri) at 10:48 am

祝『東京スクリーム・クイーン映画祭2015』ジジ・サウル・ゲレロ、インタビュー!My Interview with Gigi Saul Guerrero!

今週末!東京スクリーム・クイーン映画祭2015 at アップリンク!My interview with Gigi Saul Guerrero. English/Japanese bilingual.



今週末から開催される『東京スクリーム・クイーン映画祭2015』において、ジジ・サウル・ゲレロの『El Gigante』が『ルチャリブレ』なる邦題で公開されます。ジャパンプレミアです。


El Gigante 家族

El Gigante』について詳しくは、以前書いたレビューをお読みください↓


El Gigante Trailer


Behind The Scenes - "El Gigante"

Behind The Scenes - "El Gigante" from LuchaGore Productions on Vimeo.


Hiro “Congrats for screening your El Gigante at upcoming The Scream Queen Filmfest Tokyo. I reviewed El Gigante and love it. People in my country should be excited. Please say hello to Japanese fans!”

「『El Gigante (2015)』が『東京スクリーム・クイーン映画祭2015』でジャパンプレミアです。おめでとうございます。私も大好きな作品です。みんな喜んでいるでしょう。日本のファンに向けてなんかしゃべってください」

Gigi “So excited too!! Japan premiere sounds absolutely incredible! I can't wait to hear what people from Japan thought of the movie!”


El Gigante!
El Gigante screen

El Gigante イラスト

“Bloody guts and gore! That's what people expect in your film. I assume so. You managed to combine fun gory stuff and the character developing in a smart way. The editting was awesome. Do you edit films by yourself? How did you learn your skill?”


“Yes I am always the editor in our films. I Love editing too!! I never realized I would enjoy it so much until near the end of film school. My film partner, Luke Bramley, and I have a really sweet system on editing our projects. I always start out by editing everything I want to be in the film. Luke then takes the hard drive from me and does the changes on his own without me there. He basically trims down what is not needed or what needs some tightening. Then lastly I take it back to do the final polish. We have been doing this system in every single project we have made!

Learning editing just took a lot of trial and error. If it wasn't for Film School where you literally had to learn on your own I wouldn't be as good as I am now. It's true when they say PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE!”

「はい。私はいつも自分で編集をします。編集、大好き。でも映画学校に行っていた頃には、卒業間近になるまで、ぜんぜん好きではありませんでした。私は常にLuke Bramleyとコンビで編集をしますが、私たちだけのルールがあるんですよ。まずは私が編集する。入れたいものをどんどん入れちゃう。その後、Lukeがハードディスクを引っこ抜いていって、私の見えないところでいぢくります。彼はどんどん削ります。削って削って仕上げます。いつもこの方式でやります。編集はトライ&エラーの連続です。映画学校で学ぶことだけがすべてではありません。練習!練習!練習!練習!これに尽きます」

gigi directing

“Thanks to Viscera Film Festival and others like The Scream Queen Filmfest Tokyo, in recent years, women filmmakers in horrors are being enlightened/spotted/welcomed by a lot of medias and fans. Many people are talking about female horror directors on twitter or blog. Some say it is kind of a new era or something. I welcome it and enjoy it but you know, it sounds a bit strange to me. Horror is horror. As a dedicated horror fan, I don't care if it is made by male or female. So why is it so important or make it special as a feamle filmmaker? What's all about this blast?!”

Viscera Film Festival以来、他にも、この『東京スクリームクイーン映画祭』等があって、近年、『女性のホラー監督』というのがメディアからもファンからも注目されています。たくさんの人たちがブログやtwitterでそのことについて触れ、新しい潮流なのだと語る人もいます。私はこの動向を楽しく見物していますが、少し奇異に感じます。ホラー映画はホラー映画じゃないですか。私はホラーファンですが、制作者の性別を気にしません。どうして『女性のホラー監督』ってのがこんなに盛り上がるんですか。この大騒ぎはなんなのですか」

“You know it's funny you ask... I actually don't care at all if a film was made by a female or male. To me this new wave of female filmmakers is just because in the past the recognition wasn't there. What I never agree with is when female filmmaker's/artist use their gender as an excuse to get something or to complain about something. I have personally been hated for speaking this way... but it's true some people just need to forget their sex type and do what they do best - ART.Now as for these female festival I think they are great because they do show the exposure that some female filmmakers don't have as often. Let's be honest... females in the industry to have it a little harder, but that's no excuse to not keep trying!

At the end of the day my goal is to be know as "A GREAT FILMMAKER" not "Great female horror director" or "Mexican female Filmmaker" or something shit like that haha!! A great filmmaker period!”



“Thank you so much for making clear! Yeah, I definitely love your way! Please tell us your future project. Is feature-length El Gigante coming? I'm pretty much looking forward to seeing Madre de Dios (Mother of God). Please tell us about Tristan!”

「うまく説明してもらって、頭がすっきりしました。どうしてオンナオンナってそんなに強調するんだろうと前から不思議だったから。さて、他の映画のことも聞かせてください。『El Gigante (2015)』の長編バージョンの制作は進んでいますか。私は『Madre de Dios (Mother of God)』がすごく気になっています。トリスタンさんのことをしゃべってほしい!」

“HELL YEAH!! The script for the feature is done and I freaking love it!! The script is so damn gory and brutal it's exactly what my team LUCHAGORE PRODUCTIONS wants!

As for our new short "MADRE DE DIOS" it is by far our most twisted short yet. We play with new themes such as mexican Witchcraft "Brujeria" and with religion. I know this short is going to traumatize a few people ;)

Working with Tristan Risk was so much fun, her and I have been wanting to wok together for a couple of years now and we finally had the perfect project for her. Without spoiling too much this short is a NEW ROLE FOR HER! We have never seen her play anything like this before.”


Madre de Dios - Teaser Trailer from LuchaGore Productions on Vimeo.

「はい、待ってました!長編バージョン『El Gigante (2015)』は既に脚本は完成しています。むっちゃくちゃにゴアゴアですよ。これこそが私らのチーム、LUCHAGORE PRODUCTIONSのなすべきことです!

Madre de Dios (Mother of God)』はかつてなくtwistedな短編です。この作品で初めてメキシコのウィッチクラフト『Brujeria』や宗教的なテーマを取り上げました。この映画を見てトラウマになる人たちがきっといるでしょう。


“Can't wait to see! BTW you are from Mexico and currently lives in Canada. Right? A lot of fun indie filmmakers are from Canada. Astron-6, Tristan, Jen and Sylvia, and more. Are there anything special in Canada? I have heard a lot of indie film festivals are active there not only Toronto Film Festival from my friend Darryl Shaw who is also an indie filmmaker from Toronto.”

「はやくみたいですなあ。ところで、あなたはメキシコ出身でいまはカナダに住んでいるんですよね。カナダにはおもしろいインディーズ監督がたくさんいます。Astron-6、トリスタン・リスクジェン・ソスカシルヴィア・ソスカ、他にも色々。カナダという場所にはなにか特別な秘密があるんですか。トロント映画祭ばかりでなく、たくさんのインディーズホラー映画祭がカナダにはたくさんあると、トロントのインディーズ監督のDarryl Shawからも聞いたことがあります」

“Yes I do live in Canada now! Well to be honest it's hard to say fi there is anything special about Canada for indie filmmaker's because I haven't tried this career anywhere else.. But the opportunities here are incredible, getting locations, for example, is not that difficult here in Vancouver B.C. Canada does have a lot of amazing Festivals where I have made most of my connections like FANTASIA FILM FESTIVAL in Montreal! Canada has been amazing to me and my team so far, I do recommend to made people to stay here and continue growing their careers in film before moving away anywhere else.”

「そう。私はいまカナダに住んでいます。他に住んだことがないから、インディーズ監督にとってなにが特別なのかうまくいえませんが、カナダは映画づくりに適していると思います。私が住んでいるのはバンクーバーですが、ロケ地探しも容易です。カナダにはたくさんのおもしろい映画祭がありますよ。お気に入りはモントリオールのFANTASIA FILM FESTIVALです。映画づくりのために引っ越しを考えている人がいたら、私は迷わずカナダをお勧めします」

“Anything you wish to add? Please feel free to shout!”


“Thank you so much for having me on again on your site! Always a pleasure! I will be releasing a NEW VIDEO on NOV.2nd for "Day of the Dead"! It's a Music video called "PALOMA". It's absolutely haunting yet beautiful.”

「あなたのサイトにまたまた載せてくれてありがとう!うれしい!11月に新しいビデオをリリースします。Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos)の2ndで、PALOMAという音楽ビデオです。これがまたすばらしいんですよ!」

Thank you so much, Gigi! You are awesme! :D

Daiju's Illustration for El Gigante!

My buddy Daiju (twitter@kurabayakurabay) drew this after seeing El Gigante! Hope Gigi likes it! :)

倉林さんが『El Gigante (2015)』を見て描きました。おー!

Illustration by Daiju Kurabayashi
El Gigante 倉林大樹 イラスト

colored by me :)
El Gigante 倉林大樹 イラスト カラー



開催場所: 渋谷アップリンク
日時: 2015/10/24(土)〜10/31(土)










ルチャゴア(Luchagore Productions)関連



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