2015/8/27 (Thu) at 11:16 am

ディーター・ラーザー独占インタビュー!『ムカデ人間3』絶賛公開中!My Interview with Dieter Laser!

ムカデ人間3 (2015)』に出演しているディーター・ラーザーさんのインタビューです。ディーターさんが自身の演技哲学について語っています。読もう読もう。My interview with Dieter Laser. English/Japanese bilingual.





Dieter! Thank you so much for giving us your great answers and spending your time for us! THC3 is right now hitting on theatres here in Japan. I've heard it's been getting quite reputation since premiered in my country. I really enjoyed your words and I am so sure that my readers should enjoy to read it either. So let's begin with my first question!

ディーターさん、インタビューに答えてくれてありがとう。『ムカデ人間3 (2015)』は現在劇場公開中で、トランスフォーマーさんによれば「『ムカデ人間3』は大ヒット。初日22日と23日は東京大阪ともに満員御礼の大盛況でした」だそうであります。ではインタビューをどぞ。ぱちぱちぱち。

Hiro Fujii “In THC3, You were so extreme throughout the film. Yelling and being violent. It was extraordinarily. How did you keep yourself up like that? Did you enjoy acting Bill Boss?”

「『ムカデ人間3 (2015)』のあなたの演技はおそろしくハイテンションでした。トチ狂っていました。いったいどうやってあんな風に自分を昂らせていったのですか。ビルボスを演じるのは楽しかったですか」

Oh yeah! I loved it! It was all a great creative pleasure! And if you are “playing” - inside relaxed and at ease - then the passion can keep your energy level unlimited high up.


Hiro Fujii “Does Bill Boss have his family? Wife or kids?”


Oh no!!! That’s pure poison for an asshole like Bill Boss. He is no Human Being - he is an Alien in the disguise of a prison warden - he is a mean Desert-Snake of Evil - and he is at the same time such an idiot - no wife or kids could survive this creature.


Hiro Fujii “Did you anticipate having the offer to be casted in the sequel after finishing THC? What was your reaction when you first read the script of THC3?”

「あなたは『ムカデ人間 (2009)』以降、再び続編の出演依頼があると思っていましたか。『ムカデ人間3 (2015)』の脚本を最初読んだときにはどう思いましたか」

I had hoped to continue the work with Tom Six, but when the script arrived I was deeply disgusted! I took the “100% Political Incorrectness” a hundred percent too seriously. I did not see the possibility to play Bill Boss as a cartoonish figure in a comicstrip and I strictly refused to play the part. Thank God, Tom managed to open my eyes for the pitch black comedy and the fun began.

I know some haters are out there since premiered in US. Maybe they had same feeling as you first read the script. They might be easily able to change their mind somehow. Who knows. Just thought so when I read your answer. To me, it's a great comedy. And the franchise is a well-balanced trilogy.


ムカデ人間3 (2015)』が世界で公開されて以来、一定のhaterがいることは周知です。万人ウケする映画ではないからそれは当たり前なんですが、もしかしたらこれを好きじゃない人たちてのは、最初ディーターさんが脚本を読んだときと同じ気分になったのかもしれません。だから、最初は好きでなくても、なんかの機会に気が変わるということもあるかもしれません。というようなことを彼の回答を読んで思いました。

Hiro Fujii “I can see some similarity between Dr. Heiter and Bill Boss while they are quite different. Dr. Heiter "loved" it as his pet, it is crazy but he loved it anyway, but there's no such emotion anymore in Bill Boss's mind. He is a real sadist. He sees it just as "a punishment". Can you tell me how Dr. Heiter would react when he could see what Bill Boss did in THC3? He hates it? Or Loves it?”


Dr. Heiter would deeply despise this primitive, brutal and stupid coward Bill Boss! But as a scientist Dr. Heiter would love to take over for further experiments. He would kill Bill Boss.

Fantastic! Dr. Heiter vs Bill Boss should be a blast. Sounds real hardcore. I want to see it!



Hiro Fujii “You and Eric Robert were a blast. How did it go working with him?”


I was already a fan of Eric before we met. We became friends very fast. Good actors smell each other on the spot. They link eyes in their first scene and?immediately they are able to read if the partner is indeed a real partner. In other words, working with Eric was extremely smooth - we mostly needed only one take per shot.


Hiro Fujii “Bill Boss seems to be never afraid of anything/anyone. But somehow he fears something unconsciously deeply inside of him. Probably the fear of someone's revenge. The kidney raping scene made me think that way. I saw the big fear exists inside himself. Do you think every sadist/violent people has the black fear inside themselves?”


That’s a beautiful question, beautifully expressed! And I’m really glad you could see and smell “the black fear” inside Bill Boss. That was my most important goal to show, that all racists, rapists and sadists are cowards who make a lot of noise to cover their inner weakness and fear.

Thank you for calling my question beautiful!



Hiro Fujii “Do you always have your straight/clear vision how you appear on screen when you act your role? Or are you being surprised by the result when you see the finished/edited/scored film? You're one of the extraordinary talented actors and I'd like to ask how it works.”


Another very good question! I have a very precise and very detailed vision of how I will play the part. Before the shooting begins, I have already seen every scene a hundred times in my mind’s eye. But during filming I never ever look at rushes or the control-monitors. I don’t want to spoil my vision by controlling myself. So I see what I did the first time at the premiere, when the film is finished, edited and scored. Then the biggest success is for me, when I cannot believe that it’s me on the screen! Then I’ve reached my goal.

Thank you! I feel like I had known unconsciously how you describe how it works in your mind when you play before asking you. After reading your answer, I'm deeply satisfied because I realized my question gets the best answer.



Hiro Fujii “I believe a lot of enthusiastic fans for THC franchise are out there in the world. Can you tell us about the funniest/weirdest fan who made you laugh or being scared?”


I get tons of love from the sweet fans all over the world and I’m very thankful for it. Sometimes it’s a little bit scary when they want to make love with Dr. Heiter or even with Bill Boss, because these guys do not exist.


Hiro Fujii “Please give us your shout toward Japanese fans!”


Hey, my esteemed and beloved Japanese fans - I’m looking forward to be invited to your fascinating country and to meet a lot of you in person!!! So go ahead to create pressure with your precious public influence!





Thank you!







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