2014/2/15 (Sat) at 7:36 am

映画|ヒットマン:ザ・バトルフィールド|Hotel Inferno

アダム・チャップリン』『テーター・シティ 爆・殺・都・市』に続く、Necrostormの人体破壊ゴアゴアインディーズ第3弾!凝った手法の人体破壊ゴアゴア満載!怪物さんの口から花火がチカチカ!どっかーん!ギョェエエエエエ!監督ジェリオ・デ・サンティ。2013年。

ヒットマン:ザ・バトルフィールド / Hotel Inferno DVDDVD画像















You would never survive HER! It will be an inferno!


Hotel Inferno (2013) trailer









驚くことに、Necrostromさんから直接買うと送料がタダなんですよ。ウェブサイトには「We ship our products WORLDWIDE.」「FREE SHIPPING」と書かれてあるが、ほんとにその通りです↓

Necrostorm - Hotel Inferno







Collector Editionのオマケ。

  • Complete Soundtrack
  • Commentary
  • FXS Tutorial
  • Fun At Work
  • The Rite HD
  • Wallpapers
  • Screensavers
  • Trailer

映画|ホテル・インフェルノ|Hotel Inferno (1) 画像

大きなポスターはサインつきです映画|ホテル・インフェルノ|Hotel Inferno (2) 画像

映画|ホテル・インフェルノ|Hotel Inferno (3) 画像

『テーター・シティ 爆・殺・都・市』は2月に劇場公開予定

Necrostromの前作『テーター・シティ 爆・殺・都・市』は、2014年2月19日より劇場公開されるそうです。ヒューマントラストシネマ渋谷。こちらもおもしろいですよ。東京の人たちはいいなあ。「Astron-6に続いてメガヒットまちがいなし!」と思ったら、もうすぐ公開されるというのに、日本版のトレイラーのアクセスがじつに少ないではないか。なんで?

テーター・シティ 爆・殺・都・市』日本版トレイラー




Memorable Quotes

Mistrandia: You would never survive HER! It will be an inferno!

Mistrandia: It would ruin the... "feng shui." Hahaha..

Zimosa: Did you see that? I bet you are watching me with some hidden camera. I just hope the resulution was high enough to see his brains come out!
Mistrandia: Hahaha. I thank you. She will calm down for a few minutes from that, thank you from the heart!

Mistrandia: Do you see? Do you see what you have done? That sound, that's the sound she makes when she is pissed off. When a creature like that pissed off, it means only one thing. Troubles! a fucking mountain of troubles! And all this just because you didn't listen to me.
Zimosa: Who are you?
Mistrandia: I told you who I am. My name is Jorge Mistrandia.
Zimosa: Who the fuck are you really? What are you doing here? What the fuck is that?
Mistrandia: I'm a collector. For generations my family has collected things from a world that starts where human conscience ceased to exist, a world that people like you would describe with stupid words like... darkness, pain, demons, another dimention and stupid shit like that. There were ages where the line that divided the two worlds, ours and theirs, was thin. Humans could feel the presense of the other side more clearly. Ages that people like you would define: dark. But in some way those ages were more illuminated. Pain and fear keep those "doors" closed. The more pain we have here... the more they continue to keep quite in their world. It's like a balance, if there's no pain here, they're forced to enter. It's a pretty simple concept. Just imagine a lake where the water starts vanish, fish will try to jump out. Jumping out is not a solution. It's just an inevitable reaction. Pain will never stops existing in this world. But it can decrease sometimes, and when this happens, some of them can pass. Some creatures must remain in their world to survive. Others can live in both worlds, entering and existing from those doors. She is one of them, one of many. She is pretty common in her world, but rare here. My family captured her many years ago, in Italy. As they did with many other different creatures, in many other counties, in many different years. But keep her here, in this world, without problems, we must satisfy some requests with a double dose. If you adopt a cat, you must give it good food and a warm house if you want its happiness, right? In fact, she was sleeping, or something similar, sleeping since the 400 AD. Just consider that during the middle ages my family spread the pestilence many times in Europe to satisfy her request of suffering and pain. Really a colossal banquet for her, don't you think so? That's why I like to call her "Plague Spreader." Hahahaha. I found it funny. When I succeeded my parents, I did something similar but in a cleaner and less evident way, we can say in a "modern" way, with those glasses we can record the pain innocent suffering frozen on digital data, and transmit it to her. That's not pure pain, it's like feeding a cat with canned food. But it works because it's direct and nothing is wasted. So we don't need to spread the pest again. Yes, to feed her has its contraindications. The glasses consume you... as you saw many of my men are not in good health. Ironically the result is similar to the plague manifestations. But that's necessary, and they accepted the risk for the cause. Everything was balanced and safe here, she was continuing sleeping... in all her beauty.
Zimosa: You're killing innocent people to keep the balance? That's what you're doing? You think that's an excuse to do this monstrosity?
Mistrandia: You didn't understand a word idiot. I'm not trying to save this world. The pain in this world is something that can't be destroyed. That balance is indestructible. And no one can't change it in better or worst. I want my creatures, I want my collection. They have belonged to my family for centuries. They are our trophies. But there're rules I must follow if I want to keep them calm here. And I don't want to be killed by them. I must create a little extra balance of pain, to feed them. That's all.
Zimosa: So you aren't the bad guy that is saving this world doing something bad but inevitable. You're just feeding your pets. You're just one of the many rich bastards with a sick passion. Other world or not, monsters or not, you are nothing special. Just another asshole.
Mistrandia: You don't understand. They have so many things to teach us. If I could show you all the knowledge I obrtained from them, your little brain would melt like butter.
Zimosa: Fuck you!
Mistrandia: Fuck you? That's the same dumb ass answer you gave me before all this started. I was about to reveal to you a new world. And your answer is "Fuck you." Did you realize that with your idocy you broke her sleep cycle. She is awake only because you didn't proceed with those kills. My men tried to produce the necessary pain to make her sleep again. But you put in all those efforts to impede us. And now she is hungy... and angry. If we don't find a solution, I'll be forced to destroy that structure, the fake hotel, her included. She's the one of the best pieces of my precious collection. And I don't want to lose her, she belonged to my family since 400 AD. And I can't erase 1600 years of efforts because of your idiocy. We will you suffer, suffer so much that it overfeeds her. She will sleep again. And everything will return.





ホラー映画 :: 洋画』の最近のエントリ

原題: Hotel Inferno
邦題(カタカナ): 『ヒットマン:ザ・バトルフィールド』
制作年: 2013年
公開日: 2013年12月16日 (アメリカ)
imdb.com: imdb.com :: Hotel Inferno
視覚効果(Visual Effects)
特殊効果(Special Effects)

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