映画|サイトシアーズ 殺人者のための英国観光ガイド|Sightseers
Sightseers (2012) trailer
邦題『サイトシアーズ 殺人者のための英国観光ガイド』
この映画は邦題『サイトシアーズ 殺人者のための英国観光ガイド』にて、2013年9月28日に劇場公開予定だそうです。詳しくは公式サイトをどぞ↓
上のあらすじを読んだだけだと、ベン・ウィートリー監督の前作『キル・リスト (2011)』に比べるとずいぶん路線が変わったと思われるかもしれないが、そんなことはないですよ。『キル・リスト (2011)』は基本シリアスだけど、チョロッと妙なお笑いがあったでしょう?その部分をギューと集めたかんじで、通底するテーマは同じであるように感じられる。
だからさ、「頭にプロペラがついてるバケモノが出てきたらおもしろいじゃん」なんてヨタ話をおおまじめに考えて、脚本書いて、資金を集めて、人を雇って、予定表とかつくって、『武器人間 (2013)』のような映画をつくってしまう、ホラー映画制作者というひとたちは、本当にすごいやつらだなあと私は尊敬するんですよ。
- Cast Commentary with Alice Lowe, Steve Oram, Richard Glover and Ben Wheatley
- Technical Commentary with Ben Wheatley and Laurie Rose
- Audio Description
- Bihind The Scenes
- Out-Takes
- Trailers

Release Date: 2013-03-25
Studio: studiocanal (Blu-ray)
Run Time: 88 minutes
Best Sellers Rank: 8,467

Release Date: 2013-03-25
Studio: studiocanal (DVD)
Run Time: 88 minutes
Best Sellers Rank: 2,283
Memorable Quotes
Chris: Hey, I understand you collect snow globes.
Carol: I don't like you.
Chris: Okay, well, see you, then.
Tina: Show me your world, Chris.
Chris: Well, I thoght we'd start with Crich Tram Museum.
Tina: Great.
Carol: Murderer.
Tina: It was an accident, Mum.
Carol: So were you.
Chris: Don't listen to her.
Ian: We're pretty intent on doing some serious walking. I'm writing a book. Walks Along the Ley Lines of Britain.
Janice: Actually, it's his third, so...
Ian: I'm out at the crack of dawn, having a reconnoitre.
Chris: Yeah. Are you?
Ian: So how many chickens have you got?
Mr.Grant: Now I've only got nine. But I had twelve. Barbara, Margot, and the cockerel... Ronnie Wood.
Tina: If you haven't started the book yet, then you might as well write it about smoething else.
Chris: Fuck!
Tina: What?
Chris: Fuck, fuck, fuck!
Tina: What is it?
Chris: Every time I think I've found my oeuvre, someone shits on it.
Tina: Well, I wouldn't shit on you, Chris. Not unless you asked me to.
Chris: Everyone else seems to find it so easy to express themselves. I mean, even you've got your knitting, haven't you?
Tina: But the thing is, Chris, I'm your muse now. And we've got Banjo. So everything will be perfect. You just need to be a bit more patient.
Chris: There's something in me, Tina.
Tina: I'll help you squeeze it out.
Chris: Choose anything you like, love.
Tina: Anything?
Chris: Anything you like, as long as it's under 10 quid.
shop woman: You want a good tread.
Tina: Okay.
shop woman: You heard about the man, didn't you?
Tina: No.
shop woman: He slipped on the crag and went off the cliff yesterday. Did you not hear about that?
Tina: No! Did he hurt himself?
shop woman: Head smashed like a pumpkin.
Tina: That's why I'd never have stone flooring. Although I do love that French farmhouse look.
Chris: Yeah, it's terrible, isn't it, when people don't have respect for the power of nature?
shop woman: Can't find his dog.
Chris: Well, it probably committed suicide. Dogs will do that.
Tina: Actually it's his third.
Tina: This is not my vagina! This is not my vagina!
Chris: I did that for you.
Richard: Good luck with the ley lines.
nattrator: And did those feet in ancient time. Walk upon England's mountains green. And was the holy Lamb of God. On England's pleasant pastures seen. And did the countenance divine. Shine forth upon our clouded hills. And was Jerusalem builded here. Among these dark satanic...
Chris: Report that to the National Trust, mate. You know, 300 years ago his ancestor would have strode down a path just like this, you know, and he'd have seen some common strumpet like you and he'd have gone, "I'm gonna have a bit of that." And I'd have had to have stood by and watched him. 'Cause I'd have been a serf and he'd have been the bloody lord of the manor. And they call them "the good old days."
Tina: I suppose. If you look at it that way, you were defending my honour.
Chris: Oh, don't thank me, thank the democratic process.
Tina: Never thought about murdering innocent people like that before.
Chris: Ah, he's not a person, Tina, he's a Daily Mail reader. Perspective. Grab it with both hands, it's free.
Tina: See if he's got any sandwiches.
Tina: I'm musing.
Chris: You know all that stuff that's been happening, you know...
Tina: It's all right, Chris. It's all right, because I understand you. And I know you...
Chris: Do you?
Tina: And I get it, 'cause it's just about personal empowerment, isn't it? It's just expressing yourself and thinking outside the box. And I've been in a box. I don't wanna go back to the box, Chris. I'd rather die. Do you know that?
Chris: You'd rather die?
Tina: Yeah. How romantic would that be? If we both just died together.
Chris: Well, I mean, going to salsa's romantic. We could maybe try that first.
Tina: What you're doing is you're giving to the world. Take carbon footprints. By reducing people's lifespans, technically, you're reducing their emissions.
Chris: What, so you're saying that... murder is green?
Martin: She don't mind you smoking a bit of the old herb every now and again?
Chris: No, she don't care about that. She doesn't like me drinking and she doesn't like me doing her up the bumhole.
Carol: You didn't let him see you do number twos, did you, Tina?
Tina: Never.
Carol: Mystery, Tina, is a woman's sanctuary.
Tina: Poppy's with the babysitter.
Chris: Don't call him that.
Tina: Make love to me, Chris.
Chris: No, I can't. I'm still processing.
Tina: Please.
Chris: That poor girl. She was getting married. Just the thought of that just makes me feel...
Tina: Sexy.
Chris: Ruined that restaurant for me.
Tina: I've been very bad, Chris. I think you should punish me. With your cock.
Chris: Tina. It's not sexy. It was wrong. You're not qualified.
Tina: Fine!
Chris: What are you doing?
Tina: Finishing what you started.
Chris: Oh, you're a powder keg.
画像をもっと見る (63枚)twitterのご案内
『ホラー映画 :: 洋画』の最近のエントリ
- Bite School (2015)
- 短編映画|Japanese Legends: SLIT
- アトロズ|Atroz (2015)
- Faim De Mort Trilogy (2015)
- 話題の短編ホラー『Night of the Slasher(切り裂き魔の夜)』無料オンラインリリース!
- La Petite Mort 2: The Nasty Tapes (2014)
- ドリー・デッドリー|Dolly Deadly (2016)
- 短編ホラー映画|ピッグスキン|Pigskin (2015)
- Good Tidings
- ザ・リフト|The Rift (2016)

原題: | Sightseers |
別題: | Turistas Sightseers - Killers on Tour! Touristes Vérturisták Hufsha nei'ma Killer in viaggio Turysci Assassinos de Férias Раз! Два! Три! Умри! |
邦題(カタカナ): | 『サイトシアーズ 〜殺人者のための英国観光ガイド〜』 |
制作年: | 2012年 |
制作国: | イギリス |
公開日: | 2012年5月23日 (フランス) (Cannes Film Festival) 2012年8月21日 (ドイツ) (Berlin Fantasy Filmfest) 2012年10月4日 (フランス) (Dinard Festival of British Cinema) 2012年11月9日 (イギリス) (Leeds International Film Festival) 2012年11月15日 (フランス) (Sarlat Film Festival) 2012年11月30日 (イギリス) 2012年12月26日 (オーストラリア) 2012年12月26日 (フランス) 2013年2月21日 (ロシア) 2013年2月21日 (アメリカ) (Portland International Film Festival) 2013年5月10日 (アメリカ) 2013年6月7日 (スペイン) 2013年6月13日 (イタリア) 2013年7月19日 (韓国) (Puchon International Fantastic Film Festival) 2013年8月27日 (ドイツ) (DVD) 2013年9月28日 (日本) |
imdb.com: | imdb.com :: Sightseers |
- Alice Lowe :: アリス・ロウ [imdb] ([written by] &)
- Steve Oram :: スティーヴ・オラム [imdb]
- Amy Jump :: エイミー・ジャンプ [imdb] (additional material)
- Alice Lowe :: アリス・ロウ [imdb] (Tina)
- Kenneth Hadley :: ケネス・ハドリー [imdb] (Richard)
- Steve Oram :: スティーヴ・オラム [imdb] (Chris)
- Eileen Davies :: アイリーン・デイヴィス [imdb] (Carol)
- Tony Way :: トニー・ウェイ [imdb] (Crich Tourist)
- Seamus O'Neill :: シーマス・オニール [imdb] (Mr. Grant)
- Monica Dolan :: モニカ・ドラン [imdb] (Janice)
- Jonathan Aris :: ジョナサン・エイリス [imdb] (Ian)
- Kali Peacock :: カリ・ピーコック [imdb] (Hiking Shop Assistant)
- Stephanie Jacob :: ステファニー・ジェイコブ [imdb] (Joan)
- Richard Lumsden :: リチャード・ラムスデン [imdb] (Rambler)
- Sara Stewart :: サラ・スチュワート [imdb] (Blond Boy's Mother)
- Richard Glover :: リチャード・グローヴァー [imdb] (Martin)
- Gemma Lise Thorton :: ジェマ・リーズ・ソートン [imdb] (Head Hen)
- Susan McArdle :: スーザン・マカードル [imdb] (Hen)
- Sara Dee :: サラ・ディー [imdb] (Radio Voices)
- Jamie Atkins :: ジェイミー・アトキンス [imdb] (Jamie Matthews - Footballer)
- Dan Charles :: ダン・チャールズ [imdb] (Footballer)
- John Hurt :: ジョン・ハート [imdb] (Narrator - Blake's "Jerusalem" [voice])
- Mark Kempner :: マーク・ケンプナー [imdb] (Stanger In Pencil Museum [ Jeff Padstow ])
- Lucy Russell :: ルーシー・ラッセル [imdb] (Lynne Marshall)
- Roger Michael [imdb] (Tram Conductor)
- Aymen Hamdouchi [imdb] (Chalid Sulinan)
- Tom Meeten [imdb] (Head Shaman)
- Christine Talbot [imdb] (Newsreader)
- Dominic Applewhite [imdb] (Blond Teenager)
- Rachel Austin [imdb] (Bride-to-Be)
- Alana Burnett [imdb] (Hen)
- Lisa-Marie Hoctor [imdb] (Hen)
- Kelly Munro-Fawcett [imdb] (Hen)
- Samantha Stone [imdb] (Hen)
- Louisa Farrant [imdb] (Waitress)
- Gareth Jones [imdb] (Runner)
- Smurf [imdb] (Banjo)
- Ged [imdb] (Poppy)
- Richard Stocks [imdb] (Seaguller)
- Gareth Tunley [imdb] (Todd Marshall)
- James Biddle :: ジェイムズ・ビドル [imdb] (co-producer)
- Jenny Borgars :: ジェニー・ボーガーズ [imdb] (executive producer)
- Katherine Butler :: キャサリン・バトラー [imdb] (executive producer)
- Claire Jones :: クレア・ジョーンズ [imdb] (producer)
- Matthew Justice :: マシュー・ジャスティス [imdb] (executive producer)
- Nira Park :: ニラ・パーク [imdb] (producer)
- Danny Perkins :: ダニー・パーキンス [imdb] (executive producer)
- Celia Richards :: セリア・リチャーズ [imdb] (associate producer)
- Andrew Starke :: アンドリュー・スターク [imdb] (producer)
- Edgar Wright :: エドガー・ライト [imdb] (executive producer)
- Tamzin Cary [imdb] (associate producer)
- Laurie Rose :: ローリー・ローズ [imdb] (director of photography)
- Andrew Fletcher :: アンドリュー・フレッチャー [imdb] (visual effects compositor)
- Hugh Johnson [imdb] (visual effects compositor)
- Chris Taylor [imdb] (visual effects compositor)
- Steve Breheney :: スティーヴ・ブリヘニー [imdb] (senior special effects technician)
- Linda Hayward :: リンダ・ヘイワード [imdb] (senior special effects technician)
- Ian Rowley :: イアン・ローリー [imdb] (special effects supervisor)
- Rob Rowley :: ロブ・ローリー [imdb] (senior special effects technician)
- Dan Martin :: ダン・マーティン [imdb] (figurative and makeup fects supervisor: 13 Finger FX)
- Liam Doyle [imdb] (figurative and makeup effects trainer)
- Dan Gomer [imdb] (figurative and makeup effects assistant)
- Laura Neocleous [imdb] (figurative and makeup effects assistant)
- Nadia Stacey [imdb] (hair designer / makeup designer)
- Laura Blount [imdb] (makeup artist)
- Adam Ali [imdb] (special thanks)
- Humphrey Elles-Hill [imdb] (special thanks)
- Oscar Wright [imdb] (special thanks)