映画|スケア・ゾーン|Scare Zone
ハロウィンの季節になると、ご当地の名物イベントのオバケ屋敷『Scare Zone』が始まる。これを楽しみに毎年列に並ぶファンもいるというから大したもんです。
オバケ屋敷の開店に向け、8名のバイト男女が集合した(クリス・バーンズ、ミシェル・シムズ、Justin Bowen、Leigh Anne West、Michaela Stamm、ペイトン・リー、Jesse Malinowski、Pat Mccahon)。
バイトの中には、バイトと呼べない娘(ミシェル・シムズ)がひとり混じっているが、「彼女はパトロンなんだぞ」という台詞があったので、スポンサーの娘かなにかなのだろう。彼女は驚かせチームの中では唯一の経験者であり、婚約者の色男(Pat Mccahon)を連れてきて、イチャイチャしまくり。おてんばお嬢様風です。
Oliver: Let the slaughter begin! Get in date-less wonders!
Scare Zone (2009) trailer
『Scare Zone (2009)』は各所で話題になっていたが、なるほどインディーズの気合い一発であった。イイネー。最初の30分でグッときましたよ。
#nowwatching SCARE ZONE. Just went first 30 min and I strongly feel it is really something.
— tinker (@horrorshox) August 16, 2013
Memorable Quotes
Spider: The Psycho-Splatter Raw-Topsy Slaughter Dungeon!!
Spider: "Scare Zone Three" is now open for business!
Bart: Have fun with Edwina Scissorhands.
Darryl: We talked and laughed and she told me abouther family.
Bart: Yeah, who? The Adams Family?
Bart: Look, man. She's a freak all right? Alright, a freak that can add. Why are you focusing on her when you know we can have Margo's mangos and Tracy's tangerines!
Summer: Peege, can you hand me another liter of fluid?
PJ: You know, I'd much rather be giving you my bodily fluids.
Claire: Any relationship that is purely physical is death. They're just going to be a statistic.
Darryl: Well I hear today that two out of three divorces end in marriage.
Claire: Not that death is bad. Death of a relationship, of the spirit, death of the body. I saw a dead body once.
Claire: Sometimes the haze is so thick, the only way I can remind myself I'm still in this world... is with the pleasure of pain. Makes me feel good when I'm in control of my pain. I like that. I've never let anyone watch me before... but I like you Darryl.
Vandal: Holy shit! Look at this toilet over here! It's so lifelike!
Bart: Don't screw it for me, man. It's the first time in five years my mom's sucked up to me.
Darryl: Looked like your mom was sucking up to the plumber.
Jake: Heh. An Appointment right?
Spider: Yes an appointment. I've got to meet my parole officer is that okay with you?
Darryl: Be Goth, carry guns and hum strange tunes... but you shouldn't be hurting yourself. You deserve better than that. Get a tattoo and let the professional hurt you!
Oliver: Let the slaughter begin! Get in date-less wonders!
Darryl: Back to slice and dice! Heh, heh, heh.
kid: Dad, this is so fake.
girls: Somebody just got stabbed!
guy: Excellent!
guy: Let's go!
guy: Heh, yeah, this blows chunks, dude.
geek: Don't get up! Don't move! Just lie there! That's right, just lie like in
death. Lie. Hah! That's you Claire. That's my Claire. I did it for you. I did this al for you! I've been waiting for you, someone like you, all my life. Someone who loves what I do. Someone who sees the beauty. Yes! Claire! you wanted this! This! And I've come for you. I know all about you. I know how you love death! I know how it thrills you like it thrills me! It took me three years of watching you and practicing. And you taught me how to cut. We'd watch you on those long quiet afternoons when you didn't think anyone was looking. You didn't see us, but we saw you. We'd lean up to the glass between branches and the boxes. And we'd watch you through the Christmas window.
geek: The pleasure of pain, right? The pleasure of pain, I did this for you, Claire!
geek: I need to do for you what you could not do for yourself.
geek: Now my darling, it's time for me to drain you dry...
Darryl: Claire!
geek: Then open my veins....
Darryl: Claire!
geek: Ahhhhh! You're not a part of this! And then, we will live together in the eternal orgy of hell!
Tyler: Get lost! Except you in the back, the hot one. Come here...
画像をもっと見る (143枚)twitterのご案内
『ホラー映画 :: 洋画』の最近のエントリ
- Bite School (2015)
- 短編映画|Japanese Legends: SLIT
- アトロズ|Atroz (2015)
- Faim De Mort Trilogy (2015)
- 話題の短編ホラー『Night of the Slasher(切り裂き魔の夜)』無料オンラインリリース!
- La Petite Mort 2: The Nasty Tapes (2014)
- ドリー・デッドリー|Dolly Deadly (2016)
- 短編ホラー映画|ピッグスキン|Pigskin (2015)
- Good Tidings
- ザ・リフト|The Rift (2016)

原題: | Scare Zone |
制作年: | 2009年 |
制作国: | アメリカ |
imdb.com: | imdb.com :: Scare Zone |
- Jon Binkowski :: ジョン・ビンコウスキ [imdb] (writer)
- Arian Waring Ash :: アリアン・アッシュ [imdb] (Claire)
- Chris Burns :: クリス・バーンズ [imdb] (Daryl)
- Neil Brown Jr. :: ニール・ブラウン・Jr [imdb] (Spider)
- Simon Needham :: サイモン・ニーダム [imdb] (Oliver)
- Tom Akos :: トム・アコス [imdb] (Plumber)
- Kevin Allen :: ケヴィン・アレン [imdb] (Geek 3)
- Karl Anthony :: カール・アンソニー [imdb] (Dad)
- Southey Blanton :: サウシー・ブラントン [imdb] (Vandal 1)
- Dustin Dyson :: ダスティン・ダイソン [imdb] (Vandal 2)
- Amber Freeman :: アンバー・フリーマン [imdb] (Amber)
- Taylor Hanson :: テイラー・ハンソン [imdb] (Geek 3)
- Jillian Kinsman :: ジリアン・キンズマン [imdb] (Bart's Mom)
- Peyton Lee :: ペイトン・リー [imdb] (Tyler)
- Cynthia Murell :: シンシア・マレル [imdb] (Summer II)
- Tim Powell :: ティム・パウエル [imdb] (Rod Steele)
- Jason Nathaniel Powers :: ジェイソン・ナサニエル・パワーズ [imdb] (Lively Screaming Spectator)
- Laura Alexandra Ramos :: ローラ・ラモス [imdb] (Flyer Girl)
- Michele Feren :: ミシェル・シムズ [imdb] (Summer)
- Justin Smith :: ジャスティン・スミス [imdb] (Onlooker)
- Adonis Stevens :: アドニス・スティーヴンス [imdb] (Gawker)
- Hank Stone :: ハンク・ストーン [imdb] (Heckler)
- Jordan Wall :: ジョーダン・ウォール [imdb] (Guy 1)
- Jordan Woods-Robinson :: ジョーダン・ウッズ=ロビンソン [imdb] (Geek 1)
- Kaleigh Baugh [imdb] (Flyer girl)
- Patty Bender [imdb] (Sandy)
- Bill Bernhardt [imdb] (Kissing Couple)
- Georgia Bernhardt [imdb] (Kissing Couple)
- Gina Blair [imdb] (Airbrush Monster Girl 1)
- Justin Bowen [imdb] (Bart)
- Kelly Brock [imdb] (Spattered Teen Girl 2)
- Preston Canavan [imdb] (Dead Boy)
- Chloe Cleghorn [imdb] (Spattered Teen Girl 4)
- Stephen DeWoody [imdb] (Christmas Shopkeeper)
- Judy Kaie [imdb] (Angry Handbag Lady)
- Devin Kruger [imdb] (Spattered Teen Girl 1)
- Daryan Lashley [imdb] (Crowd Tosser Girl)
- Jim Lashley [imdb] (Crowd Tosser Man)
- Jessica Londono [imdb] (Airbrush Monster Girl 3)
- Jesse Malinowski [imdb] (Jake)
- Pat Mccahon [imdb] (PJ)
- Adam Milicevic [imdb] (Bully)
- Jim H. Miranda [imdb] (Jesus)
- Manuela Necker [imdb] (Airbrush Monster Girl 2)
- James Nguyen [imdb] (Vandal 3)
- David Thomas O'Donnell [imdb] (Geek 2)
- Lauren O'Quinn [imdb] (Onlooker's Girl)
- Emily Onimus [imdb] (Young Claire)
- Jessica Potter [imdb] (Gift Shop Teen Girl)
- Kevin Riley [imdb] (Guy 2)
- Juan Santos [imdb] (Pablo)
- Michaela Stamm [imdb] (Margo)
- Brittany Stape [imdb] (Spattered Teen Girl 3)
- Nils Taranger [imdb] (Gift Shop Teen Boy)
- Matt Turner [imdb] (Extra)
- Leigh Anne West [imdb] (Tracy)
- Howard Winn [imdb] (Groundskeeper)
- Benjamin Mainville [imdb] (Extra)
- Tim Powell :: ティム・パウエル [imdb] (associate producer)
- Patty Bender [imdb] (associate producer)
- Shona Binkowski [imdb] (executive producer)
- Matt Durfee [imdb] (producer)
- Steven Goodwin [imdb] (executive producer)
- Ben Kupfer [imdb] (executive producer)
- Ben Kupfer [imdb] (producer)
- Sunil Shah [imdb] (executive producer)
- Stephen DeWoody [imdb] (chief art director)
- Adam Milicevic [imdb]
- Vincent Baskerville [imdb] (visual effects supervisor)
- Terry Briegel [imdb] (visual effects producer)
- Vince Baskerville [imdb] (special effects)
- Terry Briegel [imdb] (special effects)
- Nicole Gilbert [imdb] (assistant makeup artist)
- Ashley Hooker [imdb] (makeup department head)
- Mike Aiello :: マイク・アイエロ [imdb] (special thanks)
- Bill E. Cunningham [imdb] (special thanks)