2016/1/17 (Sun) at 9:39 am


ブラジルの陰鬱カニバル主題の18分の短編ホラー映画。くらーい。こわーい。狂ってる。監督Luciano de Azevedo。2015年。

短編ホラー映画 / カブリト / Cabrito DVDDVD画像







"Cabrito" Full Movie from Old Man Filmes on Vimeo.



The you shall eat offspring of your own body, the flesh of your sons and of your daughters whom the LORD your God has given you, during the siege and the distress by which your enemy will oress you. Deteronomy 28:53

あなたは敵に囲まれ、激しく攻めなやまされて、ついにあなたの神、主が賜わったあなたの身から生れた者、むすこ、娘の肉を食べるに至るであろう。 (申命記28章53節)




「ブラジルの一部の田舎では、兄弟や従兄弟と結婚するといった近親相姦がホイホイ行われており、そこに狂信的な宗教が加わり、ビザールな犯罪事例が数多く見られるのです。こういうの → independent.co.uk - Brazil cannibal trial: Three accused of killing women and making pastries out of their flesh)」


監督さんによれば、『CABRITO』の続編が今年中にリリースされる。タイトルは『ROSALITA』。こちらはファウンドフッテージ形式(予定)。さらに来年はプロローグをつくるんだそうで、これにてトリロジー完結する。私的には、続編のファウンドフッテージって、タイ・ウェストの『サクラメント 死の楽園 (2013)』よりもおもしろいんじゃないの。と期待します。


English Review

When I saw CABRITO, at the first time, I was a bit confused by some parts of English subs (probably it's because of me not the film.) However, even though some parts were unclear, I was strongly fascinated by the film. It is quite a dark story which brings a real creep, a real craziness.

Later on, I had a chance to ask my questions to the director, Luciano de Azevedo. He kindly gave me the answers which made my understanding more deeply. After chatting with him, everything became clear to me. The film describes the darkest and miserable situation (maybe unknown to outside?) which surrounds the rural towns of Brazil - bizarre crimes involving religious fanaticism, practicing incest, people are marrying to sisters/brothers/cousin, etcs. It all makes sense.

I also learned from Luciano the sequel is coming this year. The title is ROSALITA. He'll shoot the 3rd part next year. His plan is to complete the trilogy. He called the 3rd part "the prologue". So is it supposed to the prequel? Just my guess. I can not wait for his next film coming. He said it is gonna be a found footage style. In my expectations, it probably could become cooler than Ti West's SACRAMENT. My instinct tells me so. Let's wait and see what he's gonna do!

I am gonna quote the chatting conversation made between Luciano and me at the bottom of this page (The director allowed me to do that). It should be quite interesting to read. So please go for it *after* seeing CABRITO.




CABRITO fanart Japanese

Luciano de Azevedo監督のお言葉↓

Thank Kurabayashi Daiju of Studio kurabayashi ! first impression of the "Cabrito" in Japan has already yielded a fucking poster !!



Chatting With the Director



I had chatted with Luciano the director of CABRITO after seeing the film. I am gonna quote his words here cuz it is really interesting to read. Please check following after seeing the film. You'll understand the background more deeply. Luciano, thanks a lot for giving me the explanation. Following part contains spoiler. You don't want to read it before seeing the film!


Hiro: Hello Luciano! Sorry for being late. I watched your CABRITO today (sorry again! for being such late!). I love it. I would review it in my blog. It might be stupid to ask but I need to ask you this. Is the prostitute girl sister of the guy? Or just a lover? I have been seeing her as just a lover while watching it. But I noticed mom's line toward the end, "Because if it depends on your useless brother. By the way I don't know how he could make this child in you." Mom said "your useless brother". Right? So it means this movie is about shocking incest story. Not only cannibalism. Am I right?

私「ルチアノさん!遅くなってすません!CABRITO見ましたよ。よかったです。ブログに載せたいです。その前にちょっとお尋ねしたいんですが、あのアンちゃんとあの売女は兄と妹ということだったのですか?私は最初あの女は恋人だと思ってたんだけど、ママが最後にyour useless brotherといいますね。そこの台詞の意味がよくわからないのですが、つまりこれはカニバル映画であると同時に、衝撃的な近親相姦だったてことなんですかね。これで合ってる?」

Luciano: Hello Hiro! I was honored that liked the movie! thank you so much! Yes they are brothers! is a story of incest, the film was all based on biblical passages about cannibalism. In the middle of the year will record the last part. "Cabrito" it is the second part of the trilogy, and I hope to write the prologue in 2017 !!


Hiro: Great! thank you for your answer! My understaing is this. the guy has been accused by his mother because he can not bring food home (cannot make money enough to live). Presumably he doesn't do any job for make living. He's been obsessed by the bad dream releated to CABRITO. He's sick mentally. His mother is also a big problem. She doesn't help him at at all. Because she is crazy. She's fanatic kind of woman who is obsessed by the bible. And worse thing is... his sister is a prostitute. And worse thing is... the guy is having sex with his sister. Toward the end, she got pregnant. On the end, the guy kills his mother and sister. End. How deperate!? That's what I see in your movie. I am wondering if my understanding is correct or not.. Some English lines from the subs were diffuclt to me to understand. So I had to imagine what's going on in the film. Hope I am not bothering you by asking you. Honestly saying, even though some parts were unclear to me, I still love it. It is quite a dark story.

私「私の理解はこうです → アンちゃんは仕事をせずにうだうだしているダメ野郎で、おまけにへんな悪夢を見て頭がおかしい。んで、輪をかけておかしいのが気狂いママで、こちらは狂った聖書解釈を本気で信じている。おまけに、彼の妹は売女で、アンちゃんは売女妹とナニしていて、さらにヒデーことに、彼女は妊娠する。最後の最後で、アンちゃんは家族を皆殺しにする。というのが私の見たまんまなんですけど、これで合ってるんですかね。英語字幕がところどころわからなかったのです。それゆえにいくつかの点を想像して補完をしなければなりませんでした。だからいまいち自信がないのですが、それでもなお、あなたの映画はおもしろいです。沈鬱です」

Luciano: You can ask all you want! In rural towns of Brazil, there are many bizarre crimes involving religious fanaticism, and is a common practice incest, People married to her cousins and sisters. In the film the mother is a religious fanatic who takes the Bible literally, he does not know who is relating to her sister, only in the last part! "Cabrito" is a passage of life from the seller that he is at the apex of madness, to have lived a miserable and troubled life!


Hiro: Wow! Thanks for the explanation! It makes sense! And I strongly feel this movie is great! Can I quote what you said in this chat in my review? I am certain people love to hear it. I will put "SPOILER ALERT" *before* your quotes so that anybody who never seen it can avoid to read it.


Luciano: hahahah. Of course you can! and sorry for my bad English! the total budget of the film was only $ 750. I'll send the blog that I made with photos of production and the making of:


Hiro: Great! I'll check into it. I'll let you know when I post my review! Thanks again!


Luciano: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/brazil-cannibals-trail-three-accused-of-killing-women-and-making-pastries-out-of-their-flesh-9860867.html


Hiro: Oh! It happened actually!


Luciano: Thanks for the opportunity!! and I am anxiously awaiting the review!


Hiro: Oh don't be anxious! I believe my review is gonna be a very positive one!


Luciano: I am very happy that the film has been seen in various parts of the world, it was something I did not expect.


Hiro: Your film is worth to be seen everywhere by everyone! I believe so!


Luciano: Thank you very much!! I am very happy to hear that!


Hiro: Of course!





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