2013/3/5 (Tue) at 7:58 pm

映画|クリーチャーズ 異次元からの侵略者|John Dies at the End


クリーチャーズ 異次元からの侵略者 / John Dies at the End DVDDVD画像








Monster: You disappoint me. All these years we've dueled. You will never defeat me, Marconi.









Jamaican guy (Bruce Mattews): the thunder came right as she hit the detonator at the end of your dream. Your mind started the dream 30 seconds before the thunder. Now how did the mind know that the thunder was coming? Hmm? Because... Time is an ocean... Not a garden hose. Space is a puff of smoke, a wisp of cloud. Your mind is a flying corn snake, hovering through all the possibilities.




その晩、家で寝てたら、親友ジョンから緊急コール。彼のアパートにいったら、幻覚に怯えて、転げ回っているので、いったいどうしたのだと事情を聞いたら、『ソイソース(soy sauce)』なるヤクをキメたらこうなったという。ジョンはそのヤクを例のジャマイカ男にもらったそうな。














John Dies at the End (2012) trailer

邦題『クリーチャーズ 異次元からの侵略者』

この映画は邦題『クリーチャーズ 異次元からの侵略者』にて6月にDVDリリース予定だそうです。Cinemathejuryさんに教えてもらいました。どうもありがとう。みんなもみよう!


ファンタズムのシリーズ(PART4まである)でおなじみの、てか、それしか知られてない、ドン・コスカレリ監督の10年ぶりの長編映画であります(Masters Of Horrorでエピソードを監督してますが、あれはテレビドラマですから)。前作は『Bubba Ho-Tep (2002)』 、その前は『Phantasm IV: Oblivion (1998)』という次第で、じつにマイペースですね。忘れた頃に戻ってくるコスカレリさん!








「あなたはオノを持っていたとする。どこにでも売ってる普通のヤツ。それを使って男の死体の首をチョン切っているとする。オノの柄がポキッと折れる。あなたはホームセンターにいって、苦情をいって、新しい柄に取り替えてもらう。しばらくはなにも起きないが、ある日、台所にオバケナメクジが出てくる。あなたはオノでナメクジをやっつける。したらオノの歯が欠ける。またホームセンターにいって、こんどは歯を替えてもらう。それからしばらくして、あなたが首をチョン切った男が生き返って、怒ってやってくる。首はプラスチックのヒモでつながっている。あなたはオノを再び手にする。そいつがあなたに質問をする。『それはおれの首を切ったオノだろ?』この質問の答えはイエス or ノー?」


ところで、この映画に出てくるヤクがなぜソイソースなのか(soy sauce = 醤油)私にはわかりません。なんでですかね。アジアの食材の名前がガイジンさんにはミステリアスに思えるのかな。




DVD / Blu-Rayは4月発売予定

US版DVD / Blu-Rayは2013年4月2日に発売予定です↓

こちらは原作本のペーパーブック。Kindle Storeにはなかった。私、映画を観て興味がわいたので、これから読んでみようと思っています↓

Memorable Quotes

Dave: Solving the following riddle will reveal the awful secret behind the universe, assuming you do not go utterly mad in the attempt. Say you have an ax... just a cheap one from Home Depot. On one bitter winter day you use said ax to behead a man. Don't worry... the man's already dead. Maybe you should worry, 'cause you're the one who shot him. He'd been a big twitchy guy with veined skin stretched over swollen biceps, tattoo of a swastika on his tongue. And you're chopping off his head because even with eight bullet holes in him, you're pretty sure he's about to spring back to his feet and eat the look of terror right off your face. You now have a broken ax. So you go to the hardware store... explaining away the dark reddish stains on the handle as barbeque sauce. The repaired ax sits undisturbed in your house until the next spring when one rainy morning... So you grab your trusty ax and chop the thing into several pieces. On the last blow, however... Of course a chipped head means yet another trip to the hardware store. As soon as you get home with your newly-headed ax though... You meet the reanimated body of the guy you beheaded last year, only he's got a new head stitched on with what looks like plastic weed-trimmer line and wears that unique expression of you're-the-man-who-killed-me-last-winter resentment that one so rarely encounters in everyday life. So you brandish your ax.
tatooed guy: That's the ax that slayed me.
Dave: Is he right?

Dave: Hello?
John: Hey, this is John. Your pimp says bring the crack shipment tonight or he'll be forced to stick you. Meet him where we buried the Korean whore... the one without the goatee.
Dave: That was John's code. It meant "bring your gear and come to my place as soon as you can. It's important." John, it's 3:00 in the morning, man.
John: Oh, and don't forget... tomorrow's the day we kill the president. John.
Dave: That last part was code for "stop and pick me up some beer on the way."

John: That door cannot be opend!

Monster: You disappoint me. All these years we've dueled. You will never defeat me, Marconi.
Dave: Wait, Dr. Albert Marconi? The guy who hosts the magical mystery show on the culture channel?
John: Dumbass. Marconi? Marconi's like 50 years old. They guy's got white hair. We're not your Nemesis. Okay, I'll tell you what... if we can get you in touch with Marconi so you two can work out your little differences, will you release us?
Monster: You lie!
Dave: No no no, we're in the same business. We got a direct line. Here.

John: That door cannot be opend!

Jamaican guy (Bruce Mattews): You had this one early this morning in the middle of the thunderstorm. And in the dream, you were back with your girlfriend Tina.
Dave: Whoa. How'd he know that?
Jamaican guy (Bruce Mattews): And you come home and she's there with this big honking pile of dynamite and one of them cartoon plunger detonators, ready to blow. And you say, "what you doing?" And she says, "this," and boom. Your eyes snap open and the explosion at the end of the dream become the clap of thunder outside of your window. So tell me, man... am I close?
Dave: Holy shit. Okay. You made a lucky guess.
Jamaican guy (Bruce Mattews): You see? You gotta ask yourself, man... you gotta be really brave to ask yourself the scary questions. How did your mind know, David, that the thunder was coming?
Dave: How'd you know my...
Jamaican guy (Bruce Mattews): the thunder came right as she hit the detonator at the end of your dream. Your mind started the dream 30 seconds before the thunder. Now how did the mind know that the thunder was coming? Hmm? Because... Time is an ocean... Not a garden hose. Space is a puff of smoke, a wisp of cloud. Your mind is a flying corn snake, hovering through all the possibilities.
Dave: Whatever.
Jamaican guy (Bruce Mattews): You want to know where your papa really was when you were in hospital with broke leg? Do you want me to tell you the name of your soulmate? Or how she'll die? Do you want to know when the first nuclear bomb will hit American soil? Or in which city? Hey, man! You owe me a beer, man!

Dave: Yeah?
John: Dave? It's me.
Dave: Is this a recording?
John: What? No. Look, I don't know if we've talked tonight but we don't have much time. I think I called you and told you to come here. If so, don't do it. If I haven't called, then obviously you shouldn't... just stay away regardless.
Dave: Who is this?
John: It's John. Can you hear me?
Dave: I can hear you and I can see you. You're sitting right here next to me.
John: Well, then just talk to me in person then. Oh wait, do I look like I'm injured in any way?
Dave: What?
John: Shh. I'm sorry, i gotta go. Say hello to me. Was that me? It was me, wasn't it? I'm sorry, Dave. No, I really am. I'm sorry for messing up your sleep cycle.
Dave: Come on, get in the car.
John: I'm sorry for everything that's gonna happen. All the people that are gonna... Explode.

Dave: Who the fuck are you?
Roger North: My name is Roger North.
Dave: Congratulations. Now who the fuck are you and what's this fucking thing you've got on my chest?!
Roger North: My interest is only in you. It is said out of genuine concern for your safety. A very important role you must play. Korrok is a powerful adversary. Things are in motion, Mr. Wong. Fascinating.
Dave: What?
Roger North: They harvest insects here, do they not? For their honey? Do the bees know that they make the honey for you or do their work tirelessly because they think it is their own choice? Have you ever noticed when you hear a word for the very first time in your life, you will hear that word again within 24 hours? Do you ever wonder why sometimes you'll see a single shoe lying alongside the road? I've been watching you for some time, but there are great gaps in my knowledge. Do you know I observed a man who masturbated until he bled? Did he want to do that? And you, when you're alone...
Dave: okay. Okay. This thing I got pointed at you... you know what it does?
Roger North: I believe I have an idea, yes.
Dave: And are you familiar with the old human saying "I want to shoot you so bad, my dick's hard"?
Roger North: I don't believe I do.
Dave: Maybe you'll hear it again in the next 24 hours if you don't try to fuck with me. Now shut up and don't move.

Dave: It heightens your senses, I think. I don't know. It's like... when you're on it, it's like overload. Like if you hooked your car radio up to one of those interplanetary SETI antennas, you just get shit from all over the place. You can see things you shouldn't be able to.

Dave: I'll throw myself at the cop and beg him to take me to the emergency room to pump my stomach, to bring in an exorcist, to call in the air force to nuke this whole town into radioactive dust and bury it under 60 feets of concrete! And then... calm. Almost zen. That's what came next, that soy sauce feeling. I wanted to run, to duck, to act, but the body is a slow, wet mechanism of muscle and bone that creeped even as my mind flew. And so just like that, I stepped outside of it. I had a full 1.78 seconds before the detective would step through the door. A supercomputer can do over a trillion mathematical equations in one second. To that machine, one second is an eternity. Okay, think. You're standing on the thin cool crust of a gigantic ball of molten rock hurtling through frozen space. You're in a situation that could threaten the nature of said existence on said molten ball, depending on which decision you make. But wait. There are a shitload of subatomic particles in the universe, each set into outward motion at the moment of the big bang. Thus whether or not you move your right arm now or nod your head or choose to eat fruity pebbles or corn flakes next Thursday morning was all decided at the moment the universe crashed into existence 17 billion years ago. Thus it is physically impossible for you to deviate... I never finished this thought, as I suddenly realized I was no longer in the trailer.

Detective: What in the name of Elvis is going on?

Detective: So you understand my mood, understand why I'm out here committing felonies today, there are some very dark things happening and I've got this lonely feeling like I'm the only one who knows, the only one who can do anything about it. Everybody's got a ghost story, UFO or a bigfoot story... no. You know what I think? I think stuff is both real and not real at the same time. I'm not a star trek fan. I don't know very much about other dimensions and all that. I'm an old school catholic. I believe in hell. I believe that it's more than just murderers and rapists down there. I believe in demons and worms... vile shit in the grease trap of the universe. And the more I think about it, the more I think that it's not just someplace down there. Oh no, that it's right here with us. We just can't perceive it. It's kinda like the country music radio station. It's out there in the air even if you don't tune into it. And I think that somehow through chemistry or magic or voodoo... that Jamaican son of a bitch, he tuned in to it, into hell itself. Through that, he opened a door. He became the door. And me? I intend to close it.

John: You don't choose the soy sauce. The soy sauce chooses you. If it can't use you, it kills you. From what I hear, it plays with you first.

John: Shit. It's a ghost knob.

John: Apparantly it's "Eyes Wide Shut" world.

guy: We have been awaiting your coming. We have worked very hard for many years, suffered many tragic setbacks in an attempt to find and communicate with your world. Your world, you see, is a twin to our own, dual offspring born of the same litter. Watch! Up until this point, our histories were identical. There was a man named Cyrus Rooney from Tennessee. In your world, he died at the age of 17, gored to death while trying to crossbreed a bull with a clydesdale. In our world, the man survived. Here, Cyrus Rooney was a genius. He continued to experiment in what he called beastiology.
John: Yes. People from our South are into that as well.
guy: You see, by 1881 his group had insectile flying machines. In 1902 he created the first primitive thinking machine out of the brain of a pig. You see, by your year 1922 we already had self-feeding, self-healing, self-modifying computers. In 1926 Mr. Rooney passed away. And then something miraculous happened to the greatest of his creations. The very day Mr. Rooney passed, it became sentient. It gave a name unto itself and expressed desires and emotions. And from that day forward, this astonishing creature carried on Rooney's work and conformed all living nature to urge on the advancement of mankind. For some, this process was easy. Others required re-education. Watch!

John: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Dave: That if Franz kafka was here, his head would explode?
John: Actually, yeah.

Korrok: Your wiener is even smaller in person.

Dave: Wait. If you could cross over here so easily, why didn't you just deliver the freaking bomb? Why us?
Marconi: We needed to send someone they would consider totally innocuous... completely unable to pose a serious threat. Besides, the dog needed an escort.
John: Yes. Good thinking.

Arnie: So Marconi saved the day. Huh. Korrok still exists?
Dave: From our world, it's hard to really know for sure. But it's no secret that there's still strange stuff going down in this town.
Arnie: What about the girl, Amy? What happened to her?
Dave: Amy wasn't too happy about her dog. The soy sauce that the dog ingested when he bit the Jamaican guy allowed Bark Lee to psychically connect with north and Marconi. So the dog knew what had to be done and was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. As to Amy... She's been my girlfriend ever since. I got her out of town though. She's upstate at college. Got a 3.7 GPA.
Arnie: Good for her. And John? What, uh... what happened to him? He survived too?
Dave: We shoot hoops a lot... whenever we're not too busy with, uh, work.
Arnie: What the hell, Mr. Wong. I say we just go public with it, with your story.
Dave: But just telling our story, that's not going to do shit. The testimony of two nutjobs... that's just going to get us lumped in with all the roswell losers.
Arnie: Ah, I see. Okay. So what do you wanna do?
Dave: We show them this... a physical piece of evidence. I'm thinking if you can get this in the hands of someone, like a... like a lab or something.
Arnie: Yeah. Yeah. Someone with an electron microscope. Right? 'Cause I'm thinking whoever takes the first close look at your soy sauce is gonna have a brown stain down the bottom of his lab coat a second later. Yes! Make that the story. Hell, let 'em see the effects themselves. Just feed that shit to a lab rat and watch the fun begin... watch that thing start levitating and speaking French!
Dave: And you're... you're willing to risk everything? Your life, your family? Because, I mean, best case scenario, your career as a journalist is gonna be over because this is all anyone's ever gonna remember you for. And don't forget that there may be people out there... real people... who don't want this out.
Arnie: Oh shit. Come on, Wong. I've been around. Wong, I've been around. My first year out of journalism school, I got knocked cold covering devil's night for the "Detroit tribune." That was 1984. I woke up with my camera busted on the pavement, blood running down my shirt, a big fat cop standing over me and he says, "stay down, nigger." So I think I knew then what I was doing this job for, and in the years since... what? What, Wong?
Dave: They, uh... they called you the n-word? Why on earth would they do that?
Arnie: What? Is that some kind of joke? Why are you laughing?
Dave: Oh my God.
Arnie: Hey! Hey! Hey, asshole, answer me! Ow. What?!
Dave: I should have known. Describe yourself to me, Arnie... physically. Tell me what you look like.
Arnie: Oh, no no no no no no no. You're fucking with me.
Dave: 'Cause to me you're not black, Arnie. To me you're a sloppy white guy in a rumpled corduroy jacket with a tape recorder.

Dave: You think there's something in there, Arnie? Come on, Arnie. Open it. The sooner you do, the sooner we can move on. I'm sorry, Arnie. I really am.
Arnie: You did this to me. You did this to me. You killed me, you son of a bitch!
Dave: Look at your body, Arnie. The one in the trunk, I mean. You've been dead for days. I think someone got wind that you had contacted me and they took you out. I'm really sorry about that.
Arnie: I'm not a fucking ghost. This is bullshit. This is bullshit.
Dave: This is my fault, Arnie. Not just you getting killed and all, but... but this... this half-life ya got. I did this. I projected you. It's the soy sauce. It's the one thing it lets me do. I'm thinking you got killed right after we talked on the phone. You know how when you talk to someone on the phone you sort of imagine what they look like based on their voice? Well, when you got killed, you immediately assumed the shape of what I...
Arnie: this can't be. I can't. I don't accept it. I got kids. I got a vacation coming up in june. I'm going to Atlantic city. I got tickets.
Dave: You're in the denial stage right now. This is all normal.
Arnie: Shut the fuck up, Wong! Now! I refuse to believe that I am only here because I popped outta your imagina...
Dave: I'm sorry, Arnie. I really am.

John: Ha! Ring it up! 274 to 137! Ah.
Dave: If you weren't counting every basket as 137 points, then you'd be up two to one.

Old Woman: You! Unstained! How?!

Vance McElroy: I am sergeant Vance McElroy of the human liberation army. Prophecy has foretold the coming of strangers from another world. It is an honor to meet you. I must confess I do not know from where you came, but I can tell by looking at you that you have not been infected with the great disease. I assume we share a common enemy. If you cannot defeat him, then all hope for mankind will be lost. Gentlemen, the winds of destiny have blown us together. A bright dawn is about to mark this lost and broken world. - Tyranny will forever be overcome with...
John: Yeah yeah yeah. That's very interesting, but to perform this task we'll need a number of items from our world. So you must let us return there and come back to begin our quest.
Vance McElroy: It is good then. We shall await your return. But as you depart, know that we of the HLA resistance will always and forever be in your debt, for both of you mark all that is good and promising. And the fact that all good...







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ホラー映画 :: 洋画』の最近のエントリ

原題: John Dies at the End
別題: John Morre no Final
John sureb lõpus
John muere al final
John a végén padlót fog
Džon umire na kraju
B финале Джон умрет
Dave's Story
邦題(カタカナ): 『クリーチャーズ 異次元からの侵略者』
制作年: 2012年
制作国: アメリカ
公開日: 2012年1月23日 (アメリカ) (Sundance Film Festival)
2012年5月2日 (アメリカ) (San Francisco International Film Festival)
2012年9月15日 (カナダ) (Toronto International Film Festival)
2012年10月5日 (スペイン) (Sitges Film Festival)
2012年11月16日 (フランス) (Paris International Fantastic Film Festival)
2013年1月25日 (アメリカ)
2013年2月15日 (イギリス) (Glasgow Film Festival)
2013年3月22日 (イギリス)
2013年4月23日 (ドイツ) (DVD)
2013年5月3日 (イギリス) (Dundead - Dundee Horror Film Festival)
2013年6月7日 (日本) (DVD)
2014年11月20日 (スペイン) (Madrid)
2014年11月21日 (スペイン) (Barcelona)
2014年12月5日 (スペイン) (internet)
2015年1月14日 (スペイン) (DVD)
imdb.com: imdb.com :: John Dies at the End
視覚効果(Visual Effects)
特殊効果(Special Effects)

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