2010/5/25 (Tue) at 7:16 pm



ハートレス / Heartless DVDDVD画像

ジェイミー(ジム・スタージェス)は写真家である。彼の兄も写真家だし、10年前に死んだパパも写真家だった。家族じゅうが写真家である。ジェイミーはアナログ一眼レフ + 暗室で現像という昔風スタイルだが、兄の方はデジカメ + Photoshopという調子で、兄弟はスタイルという点において大きな隔たりがあるのだが、ふたりはスタジオを共有していて仲がいいです。







Jamie: The Kingdom of horror is here!

Jamie: これじゃホラーの王国じゃないか!



Heartless trailer





フィリップ・リドリーの15年ぶりの監督作品(前作は『聖なる狂気 / The Passion of Darkly Noon (1995)』)ということで興味深く見ましたが、これはよかったですよ。中盤あたりで「これってよくある系のアレ?」と落胆しかけたんだけど、その後の展開はひと味違うぶぶんがあってかなり楽しめました。

監督さんが小説家というだけのことはあり、台詞がいいです。おっ、メモメモ。てかんじの名台詞がたくさんありました。下のMemorable Quotesのところに書き出してみたので、どうぞご覧ください。







細かい台詞の妙がこの映画のいいところだと思うんで、興味を持った方はぜひご覧になってください。ラスト近くの台詞の中で、あの方が "old son" というところ。あれを聞いたとき、私、背筋がひんやりしましたね。




Memorable Quotes

A.J.: Oh, hello there. Sounds like trouble again. Trouble, trouble, nothing but trouble. Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

Mum: Well, we've got enough for these to last us a lifetime.
Jamie: Sorry, Mum. I was miles away.
Mum: Well, I've got miles of cligfilm now. Miles and miles.

Jamie: I was a star, like he told me when I was born right, that he kissed my face with so much love in this heart, That's what left the mark, you know? That's why it's heart-shaped.
A.J.: Fuck me, it's shaped like a heart, man. I love it!
Jamie: You love it? You love it? But you wouldn't want it though, would you?
A.J.: You know what Rilke used to say?
Jamie: No, who's that?
A.J.: German poet. 1875 to 1926. So, yes. I'm educating myself, man. Anyway, this dude, Rilke, he says that beauty..
Jamie: yeah?
A.J.: is the beginning of terror.
Jamie: No, it's not. No, it's fucking not. If beauty's beginning of terror, then why are kids scared to even look at me? I can't stand all this "Beauty's only skin deep" crap. Because it's not. I can't imagine what it would be like to meet someone I like and actually think that, like, that they might be interested in me. I'm never gonna feel like that. I'll tell you what it feels like, right. It feels like I've got this parallel life, I got this life that I'm living where people look at me and call me names. And then I got this other life, where I'm just like you. I'm normal. And in that life, in that life I meet, like, a beautiful girl and then, And we do a lot, you know, we get married, have a nice house. You know, have a kid. A daughter, a beautiful baby girl. I'd love that. A chance to be a good dad. You know, just like my dad was with me.

Jamie: It's just the world, Mum... I don't know, it's just don't make sense to me. You know, it's like I open up the window and all this madness flies in. And it's like I've never really known how to live in it.
Mum: You do what we all do, Jamie. We love. And allow ourselves to be loved. You need a family of your own. Like your brother.

A.J.: There's no God.
Jamie: If there's no God, then, there's no force of good, and that means that there can't be evil. And there's definitely evil. I mean... There're demons. Listen A.J., you know what's doing all this, don't you? I mean, you really know.
A.J.: I've seen the future, Jamie. And it's a kingdom of horror.

Papa B: The world... don't make sense to you does it, old son?
Jamie: No.
Papa B: What if I can show you the world does make sense? Sit, Jamie. Sit. Question. When is man most alive? When is man most creative? I will explain. Belle... Close your eyes. Relax. Is man most creative in a time of peace and calm? I don't think so. Give mankind nothing but calm and order, and mankind's nothing but a zombie, a grazing cow. Man needs the unpredictable to feel truly alive, to progress, to create. Mother Nature knows this. That's why she gives us cyclones, tsunamis. sometimes, just sometimes, Mother Nature, she can't do it all. So what happens then? I help.
Jamie: Enough! Don't! Stop! Stop it!
Papa B: Say someone comes to me and they want money, or fame, a second chance. I say, "I will give you that. Just give me a splinter of chaos in return." It can be big or small. Dribbling bleach on a babyor flying planes into nuclear reactors. Mankind needs atrocity like this. Think about it, old son. What triggers have always shot mankind forward? Violence. That's the engine of progress. Τhat's what blasts man into the orbit of a new age and the more random and horrific the better. Jack the Ripper heraldedthe coming of the twentieth century, not Florence fucking Nightingale. It's atrocity that marks the birthof a new era. Gas chambers... Ηiroshima... 9/11... And I, in my humble way, contribute to the process. I'm like... the patron saint of random violence.
Jamie: The demons?
Papa B: All mine.
Jamie: And my mum? My mum?!
Belle: No! Jamie, don't!
Papa B: Feel better, Jamie? Belle?
Belle: Come on, Jamie. Come on. It's all right.
Papa B: I'm sorry about your mother but her death was necessary.
Jamie: Why?
Papa B: To make you ready, old son. To bring you to me. I've been watching you, Jamie. I thought you might be ready for making a deal.
Jamie: A deal?
Belle: What's your wish, Jamie?
Papa B: You can have anything. You can have what you've always wanted. I'll get rid of this. I'll make you... beautiful.
Jamie: Fuck you! Fuck you!
Belle: Jamie, stop!
Jamie: I don't want anything to do with him.
Belle: Your mum. It's what she wanted. Remember what she said. She wanted you to find someone to love. Ηave a family. Like your brother. It'll be Okay.
Jamie: So what would I have to do?
Papa B: Chaos, Jamie. You contribute. You help my world evolve.
Jamie: Yeah? Well how, exactly?
Papa B: Graffiti.
Jamie: What? Graffiti?
Belle: Really, Papa?
Papa B: Yeah, why not? Make it easy on the boy. That sound all right, does it, Jamie? Once every few months you just scrawl on a wall, "God is a stupid fuck!"
Jamie: What?! That's it?
Papa B: That's it. So we have a deal.
Jamie: Yeah.

Weapons Man: Now, my job is to make sure the element of chaos you contribute doesn't clash with any other elements of chaos in your area. It also helps keep your particular contribution unique and distinctive. One brutal murder. Just one.

Papa B: Let me explain... old son. What do you see out there, eh? A city, full of people, all yearning for love. All believing love is eternal. But love ain't eternal. Only suffering can be eternal. Arrrrr!
Jamie: No...
Papa B: You know who this is?
Jamie: AJ...
A.J.: Jamie...
Papa B: You see, Jamie? Unhappy ever after.
A.J.: No... No... No...
Jamie: The Kingdom of horror is here....

Jamie: I'm not afraid of you any more.
Papa B: No?
Jamie: No.
Papa B: Don't work unless you're scared, old son.

Dad: You need real dark to see stars. Because in the city there's too many street lamps and stuff, see, so... But when things are really dark, as dark as they can get, you see so much more, so many wonderful things. Sometimes, old son... things are gonna get darker for you than they do for the rest of us. But you've got to see those moments as something special. Because they're showing you things. A way of looking at the world that no one else will ever, ever understand. That's a blessing, Jamie. That's not a curse. Does that make sense?
Jamie: I love you, Dad.
Dad: I love you, Jamie. I'll always love you. It'll never go. Come on, old son, let's get you home. Your mum will be waiting for us.
Jamie: Oh, Dad... Dad, you're right. You're right! It is beautiful.


画像をもっと見る (11枚)




ホラー映画 :: 洋画』の最近のエントリ

原題: Heartless
別題: Bez srca
Heartless: Sin corazón
Heartless: W swiecie demonów
Marca da Vingança
Sem Coração
Skoteini kardia
邦題(カタカナ): 『ハートレス』
制作年: 2009年
制作国: イギリス
公開日: 2009年8月31日 (イギリス) (Film4 FrightFest)
2009年10月7日 (スペイン) (Sitges International Film Festival of Cataluna)
2009年11月7日 (イギリス) (Leeds International Film Festival)
2010年2月19日 (イギリス) (Glasgow Film Festival)
2010年3月13日 (ドイツ) (Fantasy Filmfest Nights)
2010年5月21日 (イギリス)
2010年7月14日 (カナダ) (Fantasia Film Festival)
2010年8月18日 (カナダ) (Toronto After Dark Film Festival)
2010年9月22日 (アメリカ) (Video On Demand)
2010年9月23日 (アメリカ) (Fantastic Fest)
2010年11月19日 (アメリカ)
2011年1月7日 (ドイツ) (DVD)
2011年1月27日 (フランス) (Gérardmer Film Festival)
2011年4月24日 (フランス) (Lyon Festival Hallucinations Collectives)
2011年7月5日 (フランス) (DVD)
2013年5月11日 (日本) (Tokyo)
imdb.com: imdb.com :: Heartless
視覚効果(Visual Effects)
特殊効果(Special Effects)

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