2014/2/19 (Wed) at 5:15 pm

映画|+1 [プラスワン]


+1 [プラスワン] DVDDVD画像











そのパーティは彼らの友達の金持ち息子(Rohan Kymal)が念入りに仕組んだパーティで、さすがに金持ちらしく、おいしいごちそうとお酒に加え、楽しい趣向が盛りだくさんで、女体盛りまである。友達連中がたくさん集まった。この息子はAngadという名前からして、アラブの石油王の息子なのだろうか。



ジルはデヴィッドとの間に起きたことなどそしらぬ風でニコニコ笑顔をふりまき、どっかの色男(Peter Luis Zimmerman)の誘いに乗り、まんざらでもない調子で、楽しくやっているではないか。キーッ!












Plus One (+1) (2013) trailer



Groundhog Day』他いくつかの例外を除き、コレ系の映画には、アタリが少ないといつも感じる。ハッピーエンドに終わったとしても、イヤーなきぶんが残るのだ。どうせ映画だしな。実際は無理だもんな。と思っちゃう。また、過去を変える映画をおもしろいと告白するのは、自分が過去の過ちを悔いていると告白しているように思われ、暗澹とする。だから、意地を張ってでも、おもしろいなんていわないことにしている。みんなはそんなこと思わないかもしれないが。


こんな私だが、本作『+1 [プラスワン] (2013)』はなかなかよかった。「隕石が落ちたらドッペルゲンガーが出現する!」という設定は荒唐無稽だが、それは映画的な表現手法である。この概念を咀嚼し、脳内で翻訳をしてみれば、人間の心の中では常にこんな葛藤が起きているのではないか、私たちは過去の自分を反芻しつつ、おみくじを引いて生きているのではないか、と思わせる『らしさ』があった。

フェンシング試合 → 衝撃キス → パーティ → ドッペルゲンガー出現!という流れが巧みだった。フェンシングってユニフォームを着てるとまるきり同じに見えるじゃん。なにかこう虚構と現実がブレンドしていくような雰囲気が自然に描かれていたと思う。


Teddy: Grandpa, you're not a veteran. You just watch Apocalypse Now ten times a day!









惜しいのは、あのキャラをもっと掘り下げてほしかったなという点である。やりようによっては、あれは、『ドニー・ダーコ (2001)』のシェリタさんのような心に残るサブキャラになり得たと思う。




映画|プラス・ワン|Plus One (+1) (12) 画像




私は『+1 [プラスワン] (2013)』をiTunesUSで見ましたが、US版DVDもただいま発売中↓

Memorable Quotes

Teddy: Grandpa, you're not a veteran. You just watch Apocalypse Now ten times a day!

guy: What's up, Allison? You got all sexy since last year. Are you working out?
Allison: I pace a lot.
guy: I can see you got a hot body, even though you cover it up.
Allison: It's called clothing.
guy: Why don't we remove some of it?
Allison: If only you had opposable thumbs.

Allison: Do you think people ever get what they deserve?
David: Well, if they do, Allison, if they do, you're gonna be a very happy person somedoy, okay?
Allison: Every once in a while, you say something awesome.
David: Mm, every once in a while, yeah. Thank you. Tell Jill that, please. Can you remind her?
Allison: Oh my god.

David: Jill, I'm really sorry.
Jill: For what, exactly? You don't even know what you're apologizing for.
David: It's not for the kiss?
Jill: That's only part of it, David.
David: Well, what's the other part?
Jill: You made me feel replaceable.
David: Oh, no. I could never replace you.
Jill: You know, it's not what you did. It's who. It's where. It's when. It's like you stepped into a part of my life where you didn't belong.
David: I thought I belonged everywhere.
Jill: I guess you don't. Oh, well.

David: I just want to forget this ever happened, okay?
Jill: That is a really stupid thing to say.
David: Jill, we've been together a long time.
Jill: Two years really isn't that long.
David: What?
Jill: No, it's not.
David: No, it's, like, what is it, 730 days, two years. It's a long time.
Jill: You're an idiot.

David: I wish you'd never gone away.
Jill: So you want me stuck here?
David: No, I don't want you stuck. I just want you here with me.
Jill: Right.
David: You know what I mean.
Jill: No, David, I don't know what you mean. I don't. Tell me what you mean, David.
David: I just mean, like, if we worked it out, we wouldn't be fighting right now. We'd be out there having fun with everyone else, but instead we're, like, fighting each other, you know?
Jill: So this is, this is now, this is all my fault? I get it.
David: No, you don't get it. You don't get it. It's not your fault, and I'm not saying it's your fault.
Jill: Just answer me one question. What do you do?
David: What?
Jill: Well, you don't want to do anything new. All you care about is that this summer is like last summer, but what about next year? You don't want anything to change, including me.
David: Jill, come on.
Jill: What?
David: I came here to apologize.
Jill: Well, you suck at it. You suck at it. You know what? You were right about one thing, though. If I were out there having fun with everyone else, I wouldn't be wasting my time on somebody who's gonna play the same games for the rest of his life.
David: Like Steve?
Jill: Who?
David: Oh, who? Steve? Steven? Come on. I have eyes, Jill.
Jill: What are you talking about?
David: I'm talki...
Jill: Okay. So that's where you're gonna go with this? That's where you're gonna choose to go? Really smart, David. How dare you? How dare you?
David: Slow down, please.
Jill: Slow down?
David: Yes, Jill.
Jill: Yeah, I should be the one who slows down.
David: Can you just...
Jill: Yeah. You know what, David? You already got your chance. You got it, and every second that passes is a second that you don't get to get back.
David: I just wish none of this had happened, okay?
Jill: I bet you do, David. I bet you do. But you know what? Wishing is for little kids. You are what you do, and you do nothing.
David: Please, come on...
Jill: Don't touch me.
David: I'll do anything, anything to keep you.
Jill: To keep me?
David: Yeah.
Jill: I don't know what I ever saw in you.

Melanie: Looks like we blew a fuse.
Teddy: Oh you're funny too.
Melanie: I'm glad you finally noticed.

Angad: Attention, visitors! I know we're going gung ho! But the night is still young though! And all the guys who are horndogs!

David: Jill, I'm really sorry.
Jill: For what, exactly?
David: For making you feel replaceable. Jill, we've been together for 730 days.
Jill: You counted?
David: I mean... we've been together for two years, which is 730 days.
Jill: You know what? This isn't just about what you did. It's about who...
David: It's about who, where and when. Yeah, it's like I stepped into a part of your life where I don't belong.
Jill: Right.
David: Right.
Jill: You did.
David: I just wish none of this had ever happened.
Jill: Well, wishing is for little..
David: ...is for little children. I know, and that's the thing. I can't help it. This whole thing's got me feeling like a stupid little kid.
Jill: Stop. Where did you hear that? Where did you hear that, that wishing is for little children?
David: Can you just give me another chance?
Jill: How many chances do you get?
David: I know we only get one chance. We only get one chance, and every second that passes is gone forever. I have to ask.
Jill: Okay, I just have a really weird feeling right now.
David: No, Jill. When I was watching you from the bleachers...
Jill: What were you possibly thinking?
David: I was thinking that I could barely recognize you. It's like you're this different person, and I couldn't be sure if that person would like this person.
Jill: That doesn't mean, David, that you go off...
David: I felt like you were moving on, like you were moving up in the world and I was just there. I was just... there. I think the kiss was a really stupid, stupid way of making everything just stop so I could catch up. I understand if you want to move on. It'll kill me, but... I see there's nothing else I can do. All I can do is ask for one last chance.
Jill: I don't know, David.
David: I don't want to stand still anymore.

Teddy: They're us, but they're not us, and something keeps happening to us when we lose power or...
Melanie: What are you talking about?
Teddy: It's like, they move. Okay, when they came back, it was on the floor, right? It was, like, 15 minutes later or 15 minutes closer.
Melanie: Closer to what?
Teddy: Closer to us in time. It's like they're catching up to us.
Melanie: But, Teddy, that is me in there.
Teddy: I just cock-blocked myself, okay? And if he's anything like me, he's gonna be pissed.

Teddy: Do you even care which one?

Jill: You are so pitiful.

Dude, you're always in the wrong place at the wrong time. Look. Steve, he's a profiteer, all right, and he's on the hunt. So what he's gonna do is fuck your girl unless you go the other way and get her back! Dude! Man, you're crazy!

black girl: Maybe we have less to worry about than we think.
Steve: What do you mean?
black girl: If the universe is really infinite, it means mathematically there must be replicas of our solar system out there.
Steve: You've got to be kidding me.
black girl: Look. Just beause they exist doesn't mean they're out to get us.
guy: She's right.
guy: Yeah? How do you figure?
guy: From the book of Talmud. To meet oneself is to meet God.
guy: Yeah, well, in my book, to meet God means to be dead.

Allison: I've never felt this way before.
Allison: I never thought I'd hear myself say that.
Allison: Do you think we'll be alone forever?

Jill: David? What's going on? What happened? David, where did you go? What happened?
David: I never meant to hurt you. I was just afraid. I was afraid I might lose you.
Jill: David, you might. That's just part of it.
David: I'll never try to hold you back again.
Jill: Good, because you can't.
David: I might have to change everything... everything but you.

Allison: I feel like we're getting closer to each other.
Allison: Me too.

Time lag's gone. There's only one of us now... but which one?


画像をもっと見る (50枚)





原題: +1
別題: Party Invaders
Shadow Walkers
Enas akoma
Plus One
邦題(カタカナ): 『+1 [プラスワン]』
制作年: 2013年
制作国: アメリカ
公開日: 2013年3月10日 (アメリカ) (South by Southwest Film Festival)
2013年8月2日 (カナダ) (Fantasia International Film Festival)
2013年9月20日 (アメリカ) (New York City, New York)
2013年11月28日 (イタリア) (Torino Film Festival)
2014年6月23日 (イギリス) (DVD)
2014年7月17日 (イタリア) (DVD)
2014年8月13日 (ドイツ) (DVD)
2015年3月11日 (オーストラリア) (DVD)
imdb.com: imdb.com :: +1
視覚効果(Visual Effects)
特殊効果(Special Effects)

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