2011/8/11 (Thu) at 9:58 pm



宇宙人ポール / Paul DVDDVD画像

イギリス人のSFオタクのコンビ(サイモン・ペッグ + ニック・フロストはこの映画の脚本家でもある)が、アメリカ、サンディエゴにやってくる。その目的はコミックコン。


さらにその後は、大きなRVに乗り、ネバダ砂漠、エリア51、ロズウェル... といった名所巡りのドライブ旅行に行く。夢のフルコース豪華決定版です。ウッヒョー。







SFオタクのふたりが憧れる、大作家のアダム・シャドーチャイルドさん(Adam Shadowchild)てのが出てくるんだが、彼はこの映画の中だけの架空人物で、ジェフリー・タンバーが演じている。このオッサンもおもしろい。


スティーヴン・スピルバーグも本人役で出る(声だけ)。じつは、彼は『E.T. (1982)』のアイデアをポールさんから教わったんだそうな。


Paul: Yo, fucknuts! It's probing time!


Paul (2011) trailer
Paul (2011) Red Band Trailer



おもしろーい。私的には『SUPER8 (2011)』よりも断然上。

これでもかっちゅうほどオマージュ的な小ネタが出てきました。『ET』『未知との遭遇』『エイリアン』『スターウォーズ』『グーニーズ』『ジョーズ』『バトルスター・ギャラクティカ』『X-Files』『トータル・リコール』『スタートレック』『レイダース』..... もっとあるよ。

おもしろかった台詞を書き出してみました。下の『Memorable Quotes』てトコにありますんで、映画を見た方はシーンを思い出してニタニタしてください。細かく知りたいひとは、以下のページも見るといいですよ。たくさん載ってる↓

かなりよかったですが、評価が分かれるかも。完全予定調和の物語で、誰もが予想つく展開なんですね。意外性ゼロの水戸黄門スタイルゆえに『ショーン・オブ・ザ・デッド (2004)』『ホット・ファズ (2007)』といったヒット作に比べると、小粒感がある。コント集みたいだから。


そこらへんにおいて、サイモン・ペッグ + ニック・フロストのコンビはさすが。目を惹くのはオマージュネタなんだが、それらをドーンともってくるのがうまい。なにかが違う!と思わせるものがある(大予算のVFXだけじゃなく脚本が)。


Simon Pegg: We wanted it to be a sort of indie film, in a way, or feel like a big-budget blockbuster had crashed small-budget road movie set in America.







彼女はいろんな台詞をしゃべるんだが「spaceman balls」が最高だったなあ。文字通り「エイリアンのキンタマ」です。上に貼ったredband trailerの中に出てくるよ。てか、台詞だけです。そのものが出てくるわけではないです。キンタマネタはまた後半に出てくる。コミックストアのシーン。あそこでポールが汗をタラーリていう演出が細かいですなあ。

他のキャストのみなさんも全員オッケー。最後にジャジャーンと出てくるシガーニー・ウィーヴァーはBig Guyなんて名前で、大迫力だった。スティーヴン・スピルバーグは、最後の「I find less is more.」「Trust me.」のトコがよかった。ジェイソン・ベイトマンジェーン・リンチ。みんなよかった!

ビル・ヘイダー + ジョー・ロー・トゥルーグリオのオトボケ捜査官コンビもよかったなあ。このふたりはメイキングの中でも楽しいコントをたくさんやっているから、そっちも見るといいですよ。





私は「はいはいどうせ泣いてくれ話で終わるんだろ、早くヤレ」なんて調子で、この映画に出てくる冷笑家のアダム・シャドーチャイルドさんになったきぶんで見てたんだが、レイア姫の「Someone who loves you.」で、不覚にも、クラッとさせられてしまった。あれをあそこで使うなんて。

そして、次に、ジェーン・リンチとルースのコントがくるんだが、あのシーンのオチの「I can't.」がおそろしくツボでした。彼女が「I can't.」の次になにをいいたかったのか、しみじみと、そこはかとなく、想像できるじゃないですか。あれはすごいなあ。うまいなあ。







彼が助けにくるときの台詞は、『スパイキッズ2』のアレクサ・ヴェガのカルメンちゃんの「I'm siding with you!」がいいなあ。あのキメのポーズもやってほしいなあ。

あるいは『バトルスター・ギャラクティカ』の、ニューカプリカの、ペガサスが戻ってきてギャラクティカを助けてくれるときのアポロの台詞でもいいです。『バトルスター・ギャラクティカ』といえば、宗教ネタのところで、リオベン・コノイの「To know the face of God is to know madness.」を混ぜてくれてもよかったなあ。

あとさ、私は『ロズウェル』が好きでしたので、コンビがcrashdown cafeに立ち寄るなんていうのもあったらよかったなあ。シリ・アップルビー似のかわいいUFOコスのウェイトレスさんが出てきて、ふたりがデレデレするの。








Memorable Quotes



radio announcer: Last week, Flash Gordon defended the Witch Queen Azura from the attack of the Death dwarfs. Paul, having proclaimed himself King of Blue Magic Land offered John the Hawkman the command of the army...
"Flash Gordon"

Sword Vendor: That there's the Black Vampire. Watch out! She bites.
Clive: How much?
Sword Vendor: $1349.99
Graeme: Aren't you going to get it?
Clive: [Klingon] Fuck that.
"Blind Fury (1989)"
"Star Trek (TOS)"

Clive: I'm just having a bit of trouble with the ending.
Adam Shadowchild: Well, a wise man said, "You have to spin a good yarn before you can weave a great dream."
Clive: Who said that?
Adam Shadowchild: I did. I just said that.

a guy: Fucking orcs!

Pat Stevens: Where's everybody? ..... Boo!
"Twilight Zone (1959-1964)"

Graeme: This is like Deliverance!
"Deliverance (1972)"

Paul: I wouldn't do that if I were you. Put the phone down.
Clive: Hahahahaha.
Paul: Oh, fuck me.
Graeme: What have you done to him?
Paul: I didn't do anything to him. He fainted.
Graeme: Yeah, but you made him faint!
Paul: Yes. But it's not like I set my phaser to faint.
Graeme: You've got a phaser?
Paul: No, I don't... Look! Listen. Hey, I really need your help, okay? Can we get this guy back onto your wagon?
Graeme: Are you an alien?
Paul: To you, I am, yes.
Graeme: Are you gonna probe us?
Paul: Why does everyone always assume that? What am I doing? Am I harvesting farts? How much can I learn from an ass?
Graeme: What?
Paul: I'm sorry. What's your name?
Graeme: lt's Graeme Willy.
Paul: And what's his name?
Graeme: That's the writer, Clive Gollings.
Paul: Okay, cool! I'm Paul.
Graeme: Paul?
Paul: Yeah. lt's a nickname that stuck. My ship crashed on a dog. lt doesn't matter! Look! Can we get the writer, Clive Gollings, back on the RV and get the hell out of here, please?
Graeme: I can't...
Paul: I'm in a hell of a pickle, and if you don't help me, I could die on this road tonight.
Graeme: I don't know. We're on quite a tight schedule.
Paul: Look, man. Sometimes, you just gotta roll the dice. What do you say?
Graeme: Okay.
Paul: Okay! Perfect! Great!

Graeme: How come I can understand you? Are you using some neural language router?
Paul: Actually I'm speaking English you fucking idiot!

Agent Zoil: Do you think that that's wise? The last thing we need is a hoo-ha.

Haggard: Heads up. We just got reassigned.
O'Reilly: Nice. What about the sandwich?
Haggard: She said we can share it.
O'Reilly: Oh, I love this job.

Paul: No, it's pistachios.

Clive: Aliens aren't called Paul!
Paul: Was that Klingon? You psychotic nerd!

Paul: Over the last 60 years the human race has been drip-fed images of my face on lunchboxes and T-shirts and shit. It's in case our species do meet, you don't have a fucking spaz attack!
Clive: I did not have a spaz attack!
Graeme: Don't do it again!
Paul: That's my fucking jorph. Get your fucking fingers out of there! If I get a jorph infection, you're dead!
Clive: Oh, my God!

Haggard: What is this, nerd porn?
Graeme: Oh, no, that's Clive's.
Clive Gollings: It's my novel.
Haggard: Ha! Three tits!
O'Reilly: You guys should have given her four tits.
Graeme: That's just sick.
O'Reilly: I was just sayin'...
"Total Recall (1990)"

Haggard: Your dick is gone.
O'Reilly: Your balls are gone.

Clive: There is an alien in the kitchenette, making bagels and coffee!
Graeme: Did you want tea?
Clive: No, I don't want tea!
Graeme: Right, because tea is weird in America.

Clive: What if we wake up and find him inserting a probe into our anus?
Graeme: Apparently, they don't do that.
Paul: Anyone want one of these? Eh? Anyone? Anyone?

Paul: Hey! Reese's Pieces! Yes! Thank you!
"E.T. (1982)"

sheriff: Where are you boys from?
Clive and Graeme: England.
sheriff: I heard about England. No guns.
Clive: Not really. Just, you know, farmers.
sheriff: How are police supposed to shoot anybody?
"Hot Fuzz (2007)"

Paul: You gonna draw me like one of your French girls, Jack? I'm joking. I'm sorry.

Steven Spielberg: I want him to have some kind of a special power. Something messianic.
Paul: Okay, Steven, how about cellular revivification?
Steven Spielberg: Yeah, I don't know what that is.
Paul: Oh. Restoration of damaged tissue through telepathic manipulation of intrinsic field memory.
Steven Spielberg: What's that mean?
Paul: It means healing, Mr. Spielberg.
Steven Spielberg: Yeah, right. Healing. By touch, or something like that. Maybe his finger lights up at the end when he reaches out and touches?
Paul: Maybe. You know, sometimes I find less is more.
Steven Spielberg: Hey. Trust me.
"E.T. (1982)"
"Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)"

Clive: Agent Mulder was right!
Paul: Agent Mulder was my idea!
"X-Files (1993-2002)"

Paul: How do you explain me?

Ruth's dad: Show yourself, demon!

Graeme: He always knew what was going on in Battlestar before me 'cause his mum had cable.
Paul: Fine, pull over. l'll do you.
Clive: Absolutely not! No spoilers!
"Battlestar Galactica (2004-2009)"

Agent Zoil: Hey, Peter Parker. Want to put the snappy down and get to the phone?
"Spider-man (2002)"

Agent Zoil: First 48 are crucial.

Agent Zoil: So where is everybody? Hmmm?
"Twilight Zone (1959-1964)"

Clive: I have dreamt about meeting you ever since I saw Mac and Me. And I blew it! Now you two are friendly,and he's off talking to girls and it's like, where am I?
"Mac and Me (1988)"

Ruth: So, everything that I have been told my whole life is just a big fat lie! Do you know how that feels?
Graeme: Just because your truth isn't a true truth doesn't mean that there is no truth, Ruth.
Ruth: That's easy for you to say.
Graeme: It's really not.

Ruth: So there's no heaven. No hell, no right, no wrong, no sin?
Graeme: Well...
Ruth: I can drink?
Graeme: If you like.
Ruth: I can fornicate?
Graeme: Maybe.
Ruth: I can curse?
Graeme: Well, yeah.
Ruth: Penises!
Graeme: Ruth!
Ruth: Assing, hairy boobs, poop-farting buttholes!
Graeme: Ruth, I'm not sure this is helping. What are you doing? Stop it!
Ruth: Why? Why should I stop?
Graeme: This is not... Because you have your whole life to explore new things. Okay? It doesn't necessarily mean you should be exploring mine right now. You said you wanted to travel, to see new stuff? This is your chance. I really think you should come with us.
Ruth: Where would I sleep?
Graeme: I'll sleep on the sofa. And then you can have my bed. But I'd push the tissues off with a pen, if I were you, because I've had a cold.
Ruth: Oh.

You were the best thing I ever invaded. George Bush

Ruth: Fuckeroo. That was the best titty-farting sleep I have ever had.
Paul: I got a feeling that you're new to cursing, Ruth. Look, cursing's fun. You just gotta pick your moments, okay?
Clive: Maybe we should stop for some food. Is anybody hungry?
Paul: Fuck, yeah!
Ruth: You bet your big, fat cock I am!
Paul: Nice!

Ruth: Maybe I should call my dad.
guys: What? Why?
Ruth: I've been gone for a whole day and if he calls the police, they're gonna be looking for us. If I don't, there's a good chance we could all end up in Shit-Butt City.
Paul: You're really getting the hang of this.
Ruth: Thanks, dick milk!

Ruth: Oh, no, he's not dangerous. I mean, he's kind of rude, he curses a lot, and a couple times I've seen him scratch his spaceman balls.
O'Reilly: Hahahaha!

Ruth: Well, as much as I would like to meet your penises, I'm in a hurry, so excuse me.
Gus: Now, this won't take long, sugar.
Jake: Nope. Won't take long at all.
Ruth: Well, since you're both being so romantic, maybe I could give it just a quick hello.

Ruth: Leave us alone, you stupid vaginas!

Paul: Yo, fucknuts! It's probing time!

Paul: Oh, shit! The five-O! Let's bounce.
"Hawaii Five-0 (1968-1980)"

Okay. We need to get off the road.
Ruth: Shouldn't we keep moving?
Paul: No. That is exactly what they'll expect us to do. Trust me. Yeah, pull in here. Perfect.
Clive: What? Paul.
Paul: We're idiots, remember?

Paul: Rocky?
Clive: Sure.
Paul: Bullwinkle?
Graeme: Well, I'm a little bit tired.
Paul: Don't be a pussy!
"Rocky and His Friends (1959-1961)"
"The Bullwinkle Show (1961?1964)"

Graeme: Get off me you rapist.

Ruth: I am planning on doing a lot of kissing and fornicating so you'd really be helping me out.

Paul: You guys partake?
Graeme: No, thank you.
Ruth: I'll partake.
Paul: Are you sure? lt's pretty strong shit. I got it from the military, actually. This is the stuff that killed Dylan.
Graeme: Bob Dylan's not dead.
Paul: Isn't he?

Ruth: I'm hungry. We should cook up some sausages. Do we have any sausages? What do you mean by that? Why do you guys hate me? Can we cook up some sausages? Oh, I have wasps in my brain!

Graeme: Paul, I was wanting to ask. You know us now, right?
Paul: Yeah. Graeme, we're bona fide BFFs.

Paul: Let's lighten the mood, shall we? Clive, when did you last get laid?
Clive: Oh. Mmm. Collectormania, London, '08. Ewok chick.
Paul: Clive likes boning space bears!
Clive: Shut up.
Paul: No, but seriously, be honest with me. What was it like?
Clive: Well, she was furry nice.
Paul: That's disgusting! That's gross!

Clive: No, Boomer, it's forbidden.
"Battlestar Galactica (2004-2009)"

Paul: Yeah, the fucking Friedmans.

Paul: It's false economy anyway, it'll break the first time you use it.
Clive: Why would I ever use it?

Ruth: This place is a real cock-sucking mess.

O'Reilly: I thought all that Project Blue Book stuff was horseshit.
Haggard: No, it all makes sense. All this hush-hush crap? The drawing that I found?
O'Reilly: Mmm-hmm.
Haggard: What do you think that girl was talking about last night?
O'Reilly: Holy shit! Spaceman balls!
Haggard: Yeah. And who has spaceman balls?
O'Reilly: Buzz Aldrin?
Buzz Aldrin = アポロ11号の宇宙飛行士

Agent Zoil: Okay. Thanks for your time, Mrs...
Ruth: Darwin. Charlotte Darwin.

Paul: Get your goddamn hands off my motherfucking junk!

Haggard: Holy Mary, Mother of God!
"Goonies (1985)"

Paul: I gotta quit smoking!

Graeme: Who was that kid?
Paul: Keith Nash! Punch it!

Ruth: You bet your hairy love eggs we are.

Agent Zoil: Great. Better parking space would be good.

Clive: Get your own alien!

Clive: It's not fat, it's power!

O'Reilly: Oh, I got you, sucker. Coming. Ready or not.

Tara Walton: Oh, my weed!

Agent Zoil: Motherfucking titty-sucking two-balled bitch!

Haggard: I am authorized to use deadly force! Stand down!
Ruth's dad: That thing's got my daughter!
Haggard: Stand down! This is not your mission!
Ruth's dad: I'm on a mission from God!
Haggard: Tell him you failed!
Blues Brothers (1980)

Haggard: Smile, you son of a bitch!
"JAWS (1975)"

Agent Zoil: Boring conversation anyway.
"Star Wars (1977)"

Ruth: Well ain't that a bag of tits.

The Big Guy: Let's go, Mork.
The Big Guy: Don't call me Mork.
"Mork & Mindy (1978)"

The Big Guy: Shit, I'd shoot you now if I didn't get off on the idea of you being hog-tied and pissed on in Guantanamo Bay.
Graeme: They've shut Guantanamo Bay.
The Big Guy: Did they? Be honest with yourselves. What do you think you can possibly bring to the table at this point in the game?
Clive: Blind Fury.
"Blind Fury (1989)"

Tara: Get away from her, you bitch!
"Aliens (1986)"

Agent Zoil: Please call me Lorenzo.
Graeme: Lorenzo Zoil?
Clive: Lorenzo Zoil?
"Lorenzo's Oil (1992)"

Paul: Sometimes, you just gotta roll the dice.

Paul: Well, what do you know? The geek shall inherit the Earth. Huh?

Paul: I changed my mind. That is Jenga.

Agent Zoil: Safe trip, Short Round.

Paul: Oh, you're coming with me.
Tara: What?
Paul: I ruined your life, Tara.I think it's only right I give you a new one.
Tara: Oh. I don't have my toothbrush.
Paul: Baby, where we're going, you don't need teeth.
"Back to the Future (1985)"

Paul: You know, as I always say, "You have to spin a good yarn before you can weave a great dream."
Graeme: That's what Adam Shadowchild said.
Paul: That asshole! He stole that from me.

Paul: Clive, I can feel your boner.

someone who wears a mask: (SPEAKlNG ALlEN LANGUAGE)
Graeme: Sorry. Who are you?
Ruth: Someone who loves you.
Graeme: Hey! I thought you were coming as Wonder Woman today.
"Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (1983)"

Ruth: Pat Stevens? Like, Pat Stevens from Chapter 1?
Pat Stevens: The very same.
Ruth: You know, I always pictured you taller.
Pat Stevens: You should see me standing up.
Ruth: Oh, I'd like that.

Pat Stevens: I didn't realize you were so damn pretty.
Ruth: You should see me out of these crazy clothes.
Pat Stevens: I'd like that.
Ruth: Mmm... I can't.

O'Reilly: Graeme! Clive! Whoo! I know those guys!


画像をもっと見る (78枚)





原題: Paul
別題: Paul
Paul - O Alien Fugitivo
Paul - Ein Alien auf der Flucht
Kosmita Paul
Paul. Un extraterestru fugit de-acasa
Пол: Секретный материальчик
Прибулець Павло
Change the Channel!
邦題(カタカナ): 『宇宙人ポール』
制作年: 2011年
制作国: アメリカ/イギリス
公開日: 2011年2月14日 (イギリス)
2011年3月2日 (フランス)
2011年3月18日 (カナダ)
2011年3月18日 (アメリカ)
2011年3月24日 (ロシア)
2011年4月7日 (韓国)
2011年4月14日 (オーストラリア)
2011年4月14日 (ドイツ)
2011年6月1日 (イタリア)
2011年7月22日 (スペイン)
2011年9月18日 (日本) (Old Town Taito International Comedy Film Festival)
2011年12月17日 (日本) (Tokyo)
2011年12月23日 (日本)
imdb.com: imdb.com :: Paul
視覚効果(Visual Effects)
特殊効果(Special Effects)
  • 宇宙人ポール/ギークな僕らとエイリアンのロードムービー - 映画感想 * FRAGILE

    宇宙人ポールPaul/監督:グレッグ・モットーラ/2011年/アメリカ・イギリス オタクな2人が出会ったのは、アメリカ人みたいなエイリアンのポールだった! 洋盤ブルーレイで鑑賞。見たのは2011年の8月で、この感想を書いたのも8月です。 「アドベンチャーランドへようこそ」「スーパーバッド 童貞ウォーズ」の監督、グ ...

    2011/12/19, 11:28 AM

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