2013/11/10 (Sun) at 9:06 am

ABCs Of Death 2のコンペに挑戦するトロントのインディーズホラー監督Darryl Shawインタビュー!EXCLUSIVE!

ABCs Of Deathのコンペに挑戦し続けるトロントのインディーズ監督、Darryl Shawさんにインタビューしました。彼はTIFFのMidnight Madnessのスタッフライターでもあります。興味深い話が聞けます。この記事はEnglish + Japanese2カ国語でお送りします。Exclusive interview with Darryl Shaw, Toronto based indie filmmaker! Enjoy!

ABCs Of Death 2 M for Merman (1) 画像

What I know about Darryl Shaw:

Toronto based indie filmmaker. He recently submitted his latest short, M is for Merman, at the competition of ABCs Of Death 2 - The 26th Director. This short is totally fun, it has strong and unique concept, which impressed me a lot. It's carefully crafted so that every one of every language can understand it, as it doesn't have any real dialogue. If you haven't seen it, should you check it. And click LIKE if you like it.

Darryl Shawさんについて私が知っていること↓

トロントのインディーズ映画製作者。先頃、ABCs Of Death 2のコンペに自身の最新作『M is for Merman』を応募した。これは大変おもしろいから、みんなも見るといいですよ。台詞がないから英語苦手な人もオッケーです。気に入ったらLikeをクリックしましょう↓

ABCs Of Death - The 26th Director - M is for MermanABCs Of Death - M is for Merman

Going through his site, godinthegrass.com, I learned that he had created one feature film and other 6 shorts including fake trailers, kind of things, in the past. Anastheia is a Cronenberg styled disturbing drama, Garlic Bread Man Vs. Superbo Lasagna Man is a funny superhero comedy, I love mom's character. And T is for Testosterone Replacement Therapy is a shocking and twisted short which uses gorgeous SFX, starring Jeff Sinasac and Lindsay Lyon, it was submitted at last year's ABCs Of Death competition, it wasn't able to win unfortunately but still worth to watch. Very funny. Android Re-Enactment is a low budget feature film which is still looking for a distributor.

He seems getting structured his own style as a filmmaker in last these years. All shorts are different but I can smell his tastes in every single moments of these works. At the website, he says, "At God in The Grass Productions, our focus is the development and creation of bizarre genre films. We aim to explore the subtleties and the extremes. We seek to share stories that are equally entertaining and unsettling." Sounds good!

And also, he is an active blog writer at Midnight Madness at TIFF. He has interviewed a lot of horror directors, inlcuding Japanese ones such as, Yoshihiro Nishimura, Noburo Iguchi and Ryuhei Kitamura. No doubt he is experienced with interviewing. I'm a little nervous to do interview someone who knows about interviewing.

And he has a very supportive wife who understands and respects what her husband does. She is a Japanese.

That's all I know about Darryl Shaw. So, let's begin to ask him our questions.

その後、彼のサイトで6つの過去作品を見ました。短編映画やフェイクトレイラーやら色々ある。『Anastheia』はクローネンバーグ風の陰鬱シリアスドラマ。『Garlic Bread Man Vs. Superbo Lasagna Man』はへんなスーパーヒーローが出てくるお笑いフェイクコマーシャル。『T is for Testosterone Replacement Therapy』は昨年のABCs Of Deathの応募作品。SFXが凝ってて、Lee Hardcastleさんに負けちゃったけど見る価値はある。Jeff Sinasac、Lindsay Lyon出演。『Android Re-Enactment』は唯一の長編映画で、ディストリビューターを探し中。


God in the Grass Productionはビザールな低予算ホラー映画をつくるプロダクション。先鋭エクストリームな作風を志向する。我々はおもしろくて観客の心をかき乱す物語をつくっていきたいのである」


そして、ダリルさんはTIFFのMidnight Madnessのスタッフライターでもある。これまで多くのホラー監督にインタビューをした経験があり、その中には日本人の監督も含まれる。西村喜廣井口昇北村龍平、等々。彼は映画監督であると同時に熟練インタビュアーでもあるので、私は少々緊張をします。インタビューを知ってる人にインタビューをするわけだから。



Darryl, Please tell us about yourself freely. Please remember that this is not a local newspaper but the horror blog. Our readers love crazy, insane, horrible, disturbing, extreme kind of stuff. So please shout. We'd like to hear your shout. Can you tell us your background?


Horror impacted my life at an early age, but in an innocent way. My brother and his friends forced me to watch Poltergiest when I was four years old, and I'm pretty sure that's what planted the seed. The scene with the clown under the bed! My babysitter told my mom that when I introduced myself to someone I said "I'm Darryl, and I'm into violence." Ghost Busters was the first film I saw in the theater, and I loved it. My kid drawings are all of dinosaurs eating people with blood sprays.

I used to draw my own comics, then I started writing horror at age 15, and then realized that the two could be combined as storyboards, so film was the natural conclusion. I went to film school, and volunteered a lot in indie films, worked security jobs on bigger movies, just never want to stop learning. I made a feature right out of film school, and no lie -- my tapes were stolen! I'm sure if I still had the tapes, I'd be embarrassed by them, but it set me back a bit. I volunteered for Rue Morgue Magazine's events to meet my horror idols (Like Cronenberg and Argento, I managed their autograph pens) -- and became obsessed with Colin Geddes Midnight Madness program at TIFF -- eventually I got to intern for him, and work for his blog. He's a genius who basically IS the inside scoop of where to find all the cool, bad ass movies, and I sought them out, learned a lot! I did a lot of screenwriting for several producers, and sadly nothing materialized. Eventually I got frustrated and just wanted to start shooting anything I could, so I made a short called Plant Life - and from there, started to build up a crew of friends and talented people to do incrementally bigger projects, which has led to my current body of work.


15歳からホラーコミックスを描き、脚本を書き始めた。映画製作を目指したのは自然の成り行きだった。映画学校に通い、たくさんのインディーズ映画に関わり、大予算映画の警備の仕事もやった。映画学校を卒業した後、長編映画をつくったんだが、フィルムが盗まれるというアクシデントがあり、これには相当落ち込んだ。もしあれがいま手元に残っていたら、かなり恥ずかしいだろうなあ。その後、Rue Morgue Magazineのイベントでボランティアをやり、クローネンバーグやアルジェントのサイン会のお手伝いをして、ペンを渡す係をやった。

TIFFのMidnight MadnessのColin Geddesとの出会いは大きかった。彼に師事し、ブログを手伝うようになった。彼は天才的な嗅覚と独自の情報源を持ち、いつも驚くネタを仕入れてくる。たくさん学ばせてもらった。何人かのプロデューサーと知り合い、いくつか脚本を書いたが、残念ながら、いまのところ陽の目をを浴びてない。なんとかせねばと思い、自分で短編映画をつくった。それが『Plant Life』です。これをきっかけに人脈ができ、いまの活動に至るってわけです。

ABCs Of Death 2 M for Merman (2) 画像

How did you come up with the idea of M is for Merman?

M is for Merman』のアイデアを思いついた経緯は?

For Merman, the actual script was even more crazy! We had to cut several scenes to make it work with the time limit, and our budget. The idea came from a really boring place -- I was like -- what word isn't going to be used this year? Last time I did T for Testoserone -- and after I was surprised to see that there were a few other testes related shorts that came out, plus a good friend of mine had one in development too. So I was like, what's the movie no one is gonna wanna make this time? I thought a creature one would be fun... and my instinct was to do Mermaid, but I thought I should go one step more abstract. Sure enough, there were two mermaid shorts produced this year! So for the gore... well, the inspiration there was just to think how a fish-man would want to treat a man. I wanted it to be tribal, and ritualistic, but also reflecting how we kill fish. I always thought it was brutal that we could gut a still living fish, and then realize it was alive and just club it afterwards.



What do you want to do/become in the future?


I want to make giant FX films with deep stories! I've got a stack of scripts - and if I don't get a budget for my next project, I am going to want to do something inspired by Tetsuo: The Iron Man! Actually, even if I do get one...


Regarding ABCs Of Death competition, please give your advice to the people those who are thinking to submit their shorts next year.

今年のABCs Of Deathのコンペの締め切りは過ぎましたけれど、来年は応募してやろうと考えているひとたちに向けてアドバイス等ありますか?

ABCs Of Death 2 M for Merman (3) 画像

Yes, do it! I want to see them! Any excuse to make a horror movie is a good excuse - and the contest I think is a good exercise for sharpening your skills, especially the time limitations, it forces you to tell your story in a compact and engaging way. I'm hoping to apply what I learned to make a new feature that has a high pace. So really, there's no good or bad way, just express yourself. One advice though, you don't have to wait for the contest. The contest is good for exposure, for sure, but every film you make you'll learn something, meet someone, get in somewhere new.


Regarding Midnight Madness, I had been checking people's tweets, MM blog's articles, of course including yours, during TIFF. I had been so excited by them. What I'm looking forward to seeing most are Eli Roth's The Green Inferno and Ti West's The Sacrament. So, how was this year's TIFF? What was your most memorable thing happened at TIFF?

Midnight Madnessについて。今年のTIFFの開催中は、私はみんなのtweetsを読んだり、MMのブログ記事を読んだり、大興奮でした。個人的にはイーライ・ロスの『The Green Inferno』、タイ・ウェストの『The Sacrament』に大注目をしています。今年のTIFFはどうだったですか?記憶に残っている出来事はありますか?

I loved The Green Inferno, it was awesome. I didn't catch The Sacrament but I hear it's fantastic. The most memorable thing was... hanging with Ant Timpson at a cocktail party and promising him I'd submit something to his contest! Thank God our movie was finished! You know, my actor broke his hand during the filming. A very nasty break. It was awful. We had to delay almost a month to finish - submitted with 2 days to go.

My favorite films this year were The Double, and Sion Sono's Why Don't You Play in Hell... which was amazing for horror fans, and absolutely inspiring for horror filmmakers - it's about giving everything you have to the movies; just wrecking yourself to make it happen... which is honest! At least for me - this is a gambler's game. The thrill of each toss of the dice is a rush. Stealing locations, shooting guerilla, no insurance... whoa!

The Green Inferno』は最高。『The Sacrament』は観てないけれど、すばらしかったと聞いています。記憶に残っているのはパーティでABCs Of Deathのプロデューサー、Ant Timpsonと話したことです。そのときコンペに応募すると約束したんだが、Merman製作段階でアクシデントがあり、俳優が手を骨折してしまった!それで1ヶ月も遅れてしまったが、締め切り2日前にギリギリ間に合った。

TIFFで印象に残っている映画は『The Double』と園子温監督の『地獄でなぜ悪い』です。『地獄でなぜ悪い』はすごい。映画ファンは喜ぶだろうし、ホラー映画製作者にとっては大いに触発される。映画に求められるすべてがあった。身を砕いて映画製作を実現させるあの姿。なんてまっすぐなんだ。少なくともぼくはそう思った。あれはギャンブルだ。サイコロの出目に運命を任せるあのスリル。ゲリラロケ。ウホー。

Defnitely. Sono won his game. And the gambler's game reminds me of your fake trailer called A Toss of the Dice which was good. BTW Please tell us about Toronto's indie horror community. For me, Toronto is the place of Astron-6! I'm a huge fan of them. Do you know them? Are there any other interesting people around there? I let you know that Manborg got theatrical release here in Japan next month.

まったくですね。園監督はばくちに勝った!サイコロといえば、ダリルさんのサイトにはA Toss of the Diceていうフェイクトレイラーがあって、これもおもしろかった。ところで、トロントのインディーズホラーコミュニティについて教えてください。トロントといえば、私はAstron-6を思い出すんですよ。大ファンですから。彼らを知ってますか?他にもおもしろい人たちはいますか?『マンボーグ (2011)』は来月日本で劇場公開をされるんですよ。

I love Manborg. I've met two Astron-6 members, but I can't say that I'm a close friend or anything. I'm just getting to know them, they're totally cool. Kostanski taught me how to use gelatin FX, which I'm super grateful for! They are really nice, but yeah, I don't know them very well. For their fans, I'd just like you to know that they have really good security and I tripped the system twice, so be careful when you are hanging out outside their place. Just kidding - but Toronto's horror film scene is really great. And I can't mention Astron-6 without also mentioning Justin McConnell who's a horror filmmaker, and programs the Little Terror's Festival (monthly!), or After Dark Film Fest (which I sadly missed this year) or Chris Nash, another super talented horror filmmaker who's on the rise here. Jay Clarke is a new director and good friend, who also has a cool horror blog called The Horror Section. Richard Powell is another Toronto name to look out for. His shorts are seriously amazing. This place is thriving. There's no shortage of talent, and new faces emerge every year.

マンボーグ (2011)』好きです。ぼくはAstron-6のふたりと会ったことがあるけど、友達というほどの交流があるわけでないです。いつか仲よくなりたいです。以前、コスタンキさんに会えたことがあって、彼は親切にもゼラチンを使ったFXのことを教えてくれて、スゲーうれしかった。Astron-6のファンのみんなへ。彼らの敷地はセキュリティがすごいんですよ。ぼくは2度アラームを鳴らしたことがある。彼らのスタジオにうっかり足を踏み入れるとえれーことになるから気をつけてください。

なんていうのは冗談ですが、ここからまぢの話ですが、トロントのホラーコミュニティはとても活発です。いろんな人がいます。Justin McConnellは毎月Little Terror's Festivalをやっている。After Dark Film Festもある(今年は残念ながらいけなかった)。また最近の急成長はChris Nash。あとはJay Clarke。彼はぼくの友達で、The Horror Sectionていうブログをやっている。Richard Powellもいい。彼の短編映画はすばらしい。トロントていう土地では、新しい人材が毎年のように出てくるんです。

Please give your message to Japanese horror fans.


JAPAN. Battle Royale is my FAVORITE movie. My wife gets mad at me because she likes the book better, and yes, I'll read it eventually. But I think it's the funnest movie I've ever seen. EVER. And by now, maybe it's a cliche for me to like it. But things are cliche for a reason, that means that they are good! But if you go to my facebook, I got a picture with one of the original exploding neck bracelets! I still get excited when I think about that.

Japan raised the bar for horror movies. Ichi The Killer made me. Audition made me, and yeah Tokyo Fist, and Iron Man Tetsuo -- blows my mind.

Right now, there's a lot of Sushi Typhoon type horror making it to festivals over here (with the exception of Why Don't You Play in Hell) -- but if my message means anything, and if horror filmmakers are reading this in Japan: I do like Sushi Typhoon... but I fell in LOVE with hardcore Japanese horror. The ghost stuff is great too, but I mean like really upsetting films... like Audition. I would love to see more like that. Good story with strong, serious horror. And I don't think I'd be alone in saying that.

Perhaps they are still being made but not getting exposure here... If not, send me, or Tinker let me know what I'm missing!

Oh, and I want to make films in Japan too! It would be really great for me. My wife is Japanese, so we could spend time with her family, and I would love to work in your industry on some intense projects - she says it's tough to get in, which I'm sure... and my terrible Japanese will be a challenge, but it would be a dream come true to work with some Japanese crews, so this is me letting you know!

Also... Please vote and share if you like my short! It really helps a lot! Thanks!

日本といえば『バトル・ロワイヤル』が大好きです。ぼくの妻は「原作の方がいい!」とかいうんで、だからいつかそちらも読みたいと思っているけど、とにかくあんなおもしろい映画はないですね。 『バトル・ロワイヤル』を一番に挙げるなんて平凡すぎるかな。でもいいじゃないですか。おもしろいんだから。首輪爆弾はほんとうに楽しい。ぼくのFacebookのページにはあの首輪の写真があるよ(実際に撮影に使用されたもの)。






M is for Merman』をよろしくお願いします。気に入ったら投票してください。励みになります。

I'm a huge fan of Takashi Miike and Shinya Tsukamoto either! I have something to recommend you. I'll see what I can do. ;) BTW this is not my question but my twitter follower's one. "In M is for Merman, we can see a pentagram in building wall in background. The scene of 00:45. Did you do it on purpose? Does it mean anything?"


I thought it was a Jewish Town hall, but now looking back on it, yeah that is weird! It's luck! Or destiny? A face up pentagram -- with my limited knowledge, is supposed to mean law and order -- upside down is all like Satan and stuff. Maybe they turn it upside down at night.

いわれて見直したら、たしかに映ってる!あれはJewish Town hallだと思う。これは奇妙な偶然です。なにか運命があるんだろうか。ぼくはその方面に詳しくないが、ペンタグラムは『正義を貫く』みたいな意味があるらしい。悪魔連中はハチャメチャを好む。たぶん夜になったらハチャメチャなことが起きるんじゃないかな。

Another question from twitter. "I love the creature design of Merman. It was so scary. How did you come up with it? Was it influenced by something?"


Merman concept art (exclusive!)
ABCs Of Death 2 M for Merman (4) 画像

I mainly have to credit the acting of Steven Landry for the part! He brought it to life! I also credit Lex Gord, who stepped up on the day, for having us use realistic color combinations. We thought about predatory patterns etc. Elena Seepe executed the tribal weapons exactly as I imagined.

For the creature, we actually had something totally different going in, and it didn't work out, and we had to improvise on the day. I'm not sure how much detail reads, and honestly, if we had more money, I would want to put fins or tentacles on him.

True story, I had this discussion with my co-producers: They were like "Merman should have fish tails right? Mermaids have fish tails!" And I said : "But guyssss, on "One Piece" the fish-men come in all kinds of types! We can do it too!".

Actually, I'll include my original concept art - never seen anywhere outside of my crew! You'll see what we could have done with a bigger budget :)

怪物を演じたSteven Landryに感謝。リアルな色彩をつくったLex Gordにも感謝。Elena Seepeは怪物の武器をつくってくれたんだが、あれはぼくの思い通りのイメージだった。





Thank you Tinker for the interview! Your website looks awesome, and I'm so grateful for a chance to communicate with Japanese horror fans. I went to a indie cinema in Shibuya to see Tamami the Baby's Curse -- and it was really cool. There was so much more cool stuff you guys had for the fans - shirts of Machine Girl, and detailed press packages -- things you don't normally see at indie cinemas here. I hope one of my films can play there one day. Take care, and keep in touch!


You are very welcome. Thank you so much for letting me do this. It was fun! My readers would love it for sure!


I was about to finish this interview, then, another email came from him!


I forgot to mention how much I LOVE Junji Ito! I have all the comics that have been translated to English. I love Tomie, Uzumaki, Gyo -- and I found many of his short comics translated online. I think The Long Dream is amazing, and really -- one that I found to be extremely creepy and exploded my imagination was The Window Next Door. The weird vibe that comic gave me inspired me to write several shorts this past summer!


His love for Japanese horror seems unlimited. It was unexpectedly fun to know that he is so keen on Japanese horror films/comics. Thank you!







ABC・オブ・デス(ABCs OF DEATH)関連のエントリ



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