映画|Devils in Disguise
レズビアンカップルが暴力男をブッ殺すスリラー映画。夢うつつの白黒芸術的映像。Magen Mattox、Montanna Gillis、Guillaume Campanacci。監督Guillaume Campanacci。2014年。
若いカップル(Magen Mattox、Guillaume Campanacci)が一緒に住んでいたところに、同じ年頃のカワイコちゃん(Montanna Gillis)がルームシェアで転がり込んできたらば、女同士はレズビアンカップルとなり、ぶわーと盛り上がり、やがて彼女たちは共謀し、男をブッ殺す。なぜならこの男は暴力男だからである。
Devils in Disguise (2014) trailer
Guillaume Campanacci監督はフランス人で、黄金期のフランス映画のエッセンスを盛り込みたかったそうな。いかにもそういう雰囲気ですね。
『Devils in Disguise (2014)』はつい最近、LAの劇場でひっそりとプレミアされた。まだ一般公開はされていないが、私は監督さんにスクリーナーを見せてもらった。あまり目立って話題になっていないが、この先、じわじわーとくるかもしれない。
English Review
DEVILS IN DESGUISE is a "just watch it, just relax and go with the flow!" kind of a film. There are a lot of metaphoric scenes among beautifully shot monochrome cinematography. I am not sure if I could understand what exactly happened in this film but it doesn't matter to me. What matters to me is to feel each characters' emotion, imagine what's happening inside their mind, which made me feel uneasy and creeped out. The most favorite part of this film is the cinematography and the editing. It was just beautiful. And also, I loved the score. If you are gonna see it, I highly recommend you to stop thinking, forget everything, just make yourself relax (or empty?) and jump into the world. You'll experience something. Very little shiny something.
画像をもっと見る (8枚)twitterのご案内
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Devils in Disguise | |
2014年 | |
アメリカ | |
2014年 (アメリカ) | |
imdb.com :: Devils in Disguise |
- Guillaume Campanacci [imdb] (attached)
- Guillaume Campanacci [imdb] (writer)
- Guillaume Campanacci [imdb]
- Edward Feldman :: エドワード・フェルドマン [imdb] (Frat Guy)
- Laëtitia Eïdo [imdb] (Jane)
- Montanna Gillis [imdb] (Sandy)
- Magen Mattox [imdb] (Leila)
- Guillaume Campanacci [imdb] (Alain Perondi)
- Laura Walker [imdb] (Immigration Officer)
- Tad Brown [imdb] (Tad)
- Vedrana Egon [imdb] (Karina)
- Kelsie Macray [imdb] (Party Girl)
- Pilar Arias [imdb] (Andrea)
- Mike McCarthy [imdb] (Party Guy)
- Priscilla Macias [imdb] (Party Girl)
- Christopher Shin [imdb] (Jogger)
- Pierre Antoine Tissot [imdb] (associate producer)
- Guillaume Campanacci [imdb] (producer)
- Yphan Chhang [imdb] (executive producer)
- Alain Fabian [imdb] (executive producer)
- Jonathan Haylock [imdb] (executive producer)
- Magen Mattox [imdb] (executive producer)
- Shane Carruth :: シェーン・カルース [imdb] (special thanks)
- Omar Abaza [imdb] (thanks)
- Michael Baptiste [imdb] (thanks)
- Gilles Baudin [imdb] (thanks)
- John Bennett [imdb] (thanks)
- Joseph Castro [imdb] (thanks)
- Romain Chauvet [imdb] (thanks)
- Oran Cohen [imdb] (thanks)
- Rafael Deonate [imdb] (thanks)
- Jake Dilley [imdb] (thanks)