Banjo レビュー by ブレンダン!(English + Japanese)
イベント直前、ブレンダンが原稿を書いてくれました。彼の『Banjo』レビューは日英併記でお送りします。English and Japanese review of Banjo written by Brendan Wimsett!

12 hours left until our CHINKOLYMPICS!
When a movie opens with a sex scene that culminates in the guy getting his face covered with a condom full of his own semen, you just know that the ensuing 90 minutes are gonna be taking you to some pretty gnarly places. Liam Regan's “My Bloody Banjo” is certainly no exception.
The story revolves around a plucky chap by the name of Peltzer Arbuckle (James Hamer-Morton) who, despite his friendly demeanor, leads a life of ridicule no thanks to his bully co-workers, boss, and cold-hearted girlfriend, Deetz (played by the beautiful Dani Thompson).
映画の主人公はペルツァー・アーバックル (James Hamer-Morton)。彼は親切で優しい人だけど何故か周りの同僚、社長、そして美人の彼女、ディーツ(Dani Thompson)に毎日いぢめられている。
Unbeknown to the people around him that make his life a misery however, Peltzer harbors a dark secret concerning his past. You see, Peltzer is not alone. He has an imaginary friend called Ronnie (Damian Morter) who really is the last person you'd ever want to meet....
だが、ペルツァーは誰も知らない恐ろしい秘密を隠している。実は、彼は「一人」ではない。イマジナリーフレンドが居るのだ。ロニー(Damian Morter)という名の頭の狂った男だ。
“My Bloody Banjo” is a crazy movie that has a strong TROMA feel to it yet is quintessentially British in almost every way. The cast in this movie is fantastic too with some truly memorable characters on hand to make Peltzer's life as miserable as possible. The biggest bully in the movie without doubt is Peltzer's boss, Mr. Sawyer (Vito Trigo) who takes the role of being an “Asshole boss” to a whole new level. This guy is just awful and I'm amazed anybody shows up for work each morning having somebody like him in charge! Almost as bad as Mr. Sawyer is his next in command, Stiles Rembrandt (played by Clay von Carlowitz of “Return to Nuke 'Em High Parts 1&2” fame), who has no qualms at all with picking on Peltzer by rubbing his nose in the fact that he's now dating his ex-girlfriend and love, Melissa (Serena Chloe Gardner). Stiles isn't alone of course for he has two lackeys by the name of Terrance (Dan Palmer) and Mikey (David Curtis) whose sole role in the company appears to be that of being total assholes to everyone in place of Stiles for the times he can't be there to bully people himself. Unsurprisingly, Peltzer isn't the only one in the office that's a target for Mr.Sawyer and Stiles' bullying. Peltzer's comrade in misery is the office chubby guy, Clyde Toulon (played by the awesome Laurence R. Harvey) who despite his cowardly streak, still somehow finds the cajones to makes a stand for himself even though it ends disastrously for him. With all these lovely coworkers surrounding Peltzer in the workplace, you'd think that he would have some respite at home, right? Not likely.
「BANJO」はイギリス風のトロマ映画と言ってもいいクレイジーな作品です。キャスティングはよく、ペルツァーをいぢめるキャラも素晴らしい。彼を一番いぢめるのが社長のソイヤーさん(Vito Trigo)。この人はあまりにも最低な男で、どうしてみんな毎朝仕事に行くんだろう?と思うくらい。自分ならこんな会社は絶対やめる!ソイヤーさんのすぐ下で働く人、スタイルズ・レンブラント (“Return to Nuke 'Em High Parts 1 & 2にもでるClay von Carlowitz) も最低の男である。この人はペルツァーの元彼女のメリッサ(Serena Chloe Gardner)と付き合い、平気でペルツァーをいぢめる。コイツは腹立ちますよ!スタイルズとソイヤーさんで十分大変だけど、スタイルズの部下コンビ、テランス(Dan Palmer)とマイキー(David Curtis)もひどいやつらだ。嫌な職場でしょ!いぢめられているのはペルツァーだけじゃない。事務所のデブ、クライド・トゥーロン (僕の大好きなLaurence R. Harvey)も半端なくいぢめられてるけど、彼は何とか根性を見せようとするんだが、思う通りにならない。ペルツァーの周りにはこんなくそったれ人間ばっかりが居るんだが、せめて家でリラックスできるといいですね。イヤ、それも無理。
Though Mr. Sawyer is the biggest douche in the movie by far, Peltzer's girlfiend, Deetz, is such a bitch to him that you almost wanna jump in the movie and grab Peltzer by the scruff of the neck and give him a firm talking to yourself! I must have said to myself “Come on Peltz! Grow a pair mate!” at least 3 times during the opening half of the movie! Things for Peltzer are on a downward spiral but when an agonizing accident occurs between the sheets one night, he finds himself overcome with emotion as he truly hits rock bottom. The ordeal in turn proves to become the catalyst that causes him to search his inner darkness, a place where his imaginary friend Ronnie has been hiding since his childhood. With Ronnie unleashed, Peltzer's life becomes very eventful very quickly and for all the wrong reasons. For want of a better word, Ronnie is nothing short of a psychopath who, though hilariously funny times, has some very unhinged ideas on how to get his own back on Peltzer's bullies. People die folks, this guy ain't fucking around...
The horror-comedy genre is one that I personally don't dig that much since most of the time these kind of movies are either scary yet unfunny or hilarious but not creepy at all. “My Bloody Banjo” however, has managed the difficult feat of balancing these tricky facets perfectly. Ronnie not only delivers the movies funniest moments but also its goriest. Well, actually there is one scene in the movie that doesn't involve Ronnie that is almost too much to bear and that would be the infamous bed scene. My word, it's as gory as it is horrific. Just thinking about it makes me shudder!
“My Bloody Banjo” is Liam Regan's directorial debut and certainly one that he can be proud of. The movie has a strong Troma vibe too thanks to his experience working on the Return to Nuke 'Em High movies and of course, Uncle Lloydie himself makes an amusing cameo in the movie too which is always a bonus for Troma fans like yours truly. This movie has something for everyone. Funny? Yes! Horrifying? Yup! Gory? Oh you better believe it!!
「BANJO」はリアム・リーガン監督のデビュー作です。初めての映画なのに、非常によくできています。彼がトロマの「Return to Nuke 'Em High」シリーズの撮影現場で得た経験がこのデビュー作にも活かされていると思う。トロマファンはロイド・カウフマンのカメオにも喜ぶだろう。この映画は面白くて怖くてグロくて最高!
Though “My Bloody Banjo” is yet to receive a Japanese release, the good news for fans over here is that the movie is scheduled to have a one-night screening at the “Chinkolympics” in Tokyo on 11/26 so if you're around that neck of the woods, you certainly won't wanna miss this one-off chance to watch it!Do yourself a favor and pick up a ticket ? you won't regret it! Pinky promise!!
残念ながら「BANJO」は未だに日本国内でリリースされていないですが、嬉しいことに、今夜、阿佐ヶ谷LOFT Aで行う「チンコリンピック」で上映されるので東京らへんにいるなら、このチャンスを掴んで観に行った方がいいよ!指切りげんまんだ!
- Brendan Wimsett
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